star herald
- February 11, 2020Nearly 22 percent of Rock County driver’s license or ID cardholders are REAL ID ready, according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Driver and Vehicle Services division. As of Jan. 30, 1,652 Rock County residents or 21.80 percent of the total license and ID cardholders have completed the necessary steps for the enhanced driver’s license or ID card. Pope County is ranked last out of the…
- January 28, 2020The Star Herald editorial staff from time to time publishes a list of what we call “Thumb Up and Thumbs Down” to call attention to matters in the community that could use improving and deserve some praise. We set out to compose one for this week but we found that we were pleasantly short on Thumbs Down entries for the article. Either we’re eternal optimists here at the paper, or we really do live…
- January 14, 2020On Monday, Minnesota Senate Republicans announced their agenda for the upcoming legislative session. Known as “Vision 2020,” it will guide public policy work during the 2020 legislative session, which is expected to include capital investment bill, a supplemental budget, tax relief, health care, public safety, roads and bridges, public infrastructure and more. Sen. Bill Weber, Luverne, shares his…
- January 07, 2020The Minnesota Department of Public Safety recently released its 2019 traffic data, and it appears there are many ways we can improve our driving habits and resolve to be safer in 2020. Preliminary reports show there were 364 traffic deaths on Minnesota roads in 2019, compared with 381 in 2018. Recent fatalities in 2019 include: •A 17-year-old passenger killed when the vehicle he was riding in…
- December 17, 2019As families across Rock County prepare for the holidays, they will join 16 million families and friends who are also caring for someone living with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia. Though holiday celebrations are often happy occasions, they can be challenging and stressful for those impacted by Alzheimer’s. This doesn’t mean our loved ones with Alzheimer’s shouldn’t be included in…
- December 10, 2019Winterfest weekend was another proud moment for Luverne residents to showcase holiday spirit and a respect for the meaning of Christmas. In particular, the “Love the Light” Christmas at the city park was a grand finale to the already great Winterfest weekend. If you haven’t had a chance to take in the lighted displays, they’ll be up through Jan. 5 and are definitely worth a slow drive through the…
- November 12, 2019We’re closing in the end of another decade, and the Star Herald is looking back on the highlights of the years between 2010 and 2020. The first 10 years of the new millennium in Rock County were marked by the Ken Burns world premiere of his documentary series, “The War,” at the Palace Theatre. The decade also saw a regeneration of what we now know as the Courthouse Square with the stately…
- October 29, 2019The Star Herald will send its photographers into the streets — or just Main Street, actually, — on Halloween to capture the color, creativity and character of Luverne’s 18th annual Trunk N Treat adventure. By the time our readers turn to this page of their print edition, Main Street will be packed with parents and children, most of them in costume, making their way up one side and down the other…
- September 03, 2019This is the time of year we hear from school and traffic safety folks about school bus safety and student pedestrian safety. And yes, motorists, please watch for the big yellow school bus flashing lights and stop arms, and slow down at intersections to watch for little students on foot. Lives depend on it. This year in Luverne, however, we have a bigger traffic safety issue on the school campus…
- August 20, 2019The Star Herald recently stepped back for a look around our communities and found a lot to be proud, but other areas were more worthy of “thumbs down” notations. Thumbs up — to the smooth ride on North Highway 75 through Luverne with the mill-off and overlay completed last week. After so many of years of bone-rattling bumps, the fresh asphalt is truly a luxury. Thumbs down — however, to the…
- June 25, 2019We constantly marvel at the abundance of big news to share with our Star Herald readers. There are a lot of really important things happening, and we often wish for a daily publication to adequately update the ever-progressing projects and to keep up with new announcements in a timely manner. Just this week we had the privilege of covering the groundbreaking ceremony for Luverne School District’s…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 26, 2019The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on March 27, 1958. Star-Herald Begins 86th Year Today With this issue, the Rock County Star-Herald begins its 86th year of weekly publication. This is issue No. 1 of Volume 86, which means that the Star-Herald has been bringing news and shopping bargain advertisements to its readers for 85 years. The newspaper…
- September 05, 2016Voting is both a right and a privilege, but it’s also an important responsibility of every eligible citizen. This election season is shaping up to be a pivotal moment of changing leadership in many levels of government, from township halls to the White House, so it’s never been more important to research ballot options and the candidates you’ll support. For our local elections, we hope you’ll…
- July 05, 2016People are still talking about it. Luverne’s Fourth of July celebration was a big hit. An out-of-the-park hit. Home run. Slam dunk. Call it what you want — the event was undeniably spectacular. Especially for a first-time effort by a group of enthusiastic volunteers, willing city workers and smart chamber organizers. Please, please take a moment to scroll through the Star Herald’s website and…
- May 23, 2016We have life pretty good here in Rock County, with relative peace and prosperity that we tend to take for granted. We don’t worry where our next meal will come from and we don’t fear enemy attacks on our community. When we turn on the light switch and water faucet, we don’t give it another thought when the lights go on and water fills the sink. When we get in the car, we assume it will start and…
- May 09, 2016Teachers play a critical role in educating and shaping our children’s lives. Many of these children will become the future leaders in our communities and will be the teachers for future generations. Our teachers’ impact is immeasurable and worthy of celebration every day. Last week marked the National Education Association’s National Teacher Appreciation Week. Since 1984, the NEA has designated…
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