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star herald

  • February 12, 2025
    Have you noticed anything different about the Star Herald lately? We haven’t lost weight or got new eyeglasses, but our new look is about that subtle and we hope our readers notice. We’re enjoying more vibrant colors, crisper graphics and better contrast on the pages. That’s because we switched to a new printer, White Wolf Web and Digital Printers in Sheldon, Iowa, and the new presses required…
  • February 05, 2025
    Next week is Valentine’s Day, and Friday, Feb. 7, is the deadline to sign up for a giant frosted heart cookie for the lovers and loved ones in our lives. A thoughtful local nonprofit is hosting a creative fundraiser, “Cookies for a Cause,” to support their mission and to encourage thoughtful gifts timed with Valentine’s Day. Luv1LuvAll is a non-profit organization that addresses issues in the…
  • January 22, 2025
    The Star Herald editorial staff has compiled an assortment of “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” this week for small business investments, bad social media attitudes, family-friendly events and more. Thumbs up — to economic growth in Luverne and Rock County. In 2024 a record number of building permits were issued for new single-family houses in Luverne. Their construction value of $3 million is in…
  • By Betty Mann, Rock County Historian
    November 20, 2024
    The special opportunity given Herald subscribers in saving $1.00 a year on their subscription is meeting with a very gratifying response, for many are taking advantage of this opportunity to make a positive saving. The saving is available only to subscribers in Rock and the four adjoining counties. Under the plan being followed, the regular subscription price of $2.00 is charged and a trade…
  • By Lori Sorenson
    October 02, 2024
    The Rock County Star Herald hosted a livestreamed and recorded candidate forum Wednesday, Sept. 25, from the new Star Media studio. The forum featured candidates vying for election to mayor and city council — in both the north and south wards. Isaac DeBoer is challenging incumbent Pat Baustian for election as mayor, and Josh Gangestad is challenging incumbent Dan Nath for election to the North…
  • September 04, 2024
    When Luverne voters cast ballots in the general election this fall, they will have choices in local leadership. Luverne Mayor Pat Baustian is being challenged by Isaac DeBoer for the privilege and responsibility of guiding city government. Two open seats on the Luverne City Council will be contested on the general election ballot. Josh Gangestad is challenging longtime council member Dan Nath…
  • August 28, 2024
    As students prepare for the start of the fall school year, the American Red Cross offers essential safety tips to help ensure a smooth, safe start to the school year. Whether walking, biking or taking the bus, consider these practical tips for safety.  Teach your younger students key safety skills: Ensure they know their phone number, address, and how to reach you or another trusted adult at…
  • July 10, 2024
    The trio are working on a documentary involving the families of two local World War II veterans and their experiences during the D-Day Invasion on Omaha Beach. “We are maybe the most remote Star Herald readers,” said Cocherie, the videographer on the project. Rivalin plays a character in the documentary while Rocher is the sound technician. The documentary will debut at the Palace Theatre,…
  • July 03, 2024
    It’s been a rough start to the summer of 2024, as many in Rock County have suffered the effects of devastating flooding. Some of us are reeling from crop losses, water-damaged homes and other flood-related disaster, and the realities of extreme weather are coming into focus. While it’s easy to get discouraged, the July 4 holiday is a good time to recenter life perspectives. Despite our recent…
  • June 26, 2024
    Words can send a powerful message, and this is especially true during an election season. But sometimes words — thoughts and ideas — are shared in a way that can be hurtful or damaging. Sometimes the truth is detrimental to somebody, and that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t share truths. But deliberately harming someone out of spite is counterproductive, and it seems social media and its anonymous…
  • February 07, 2024
    The Rock County Star Herald was recognized by its peers for excellence in journalism during the Minnesota Newspaper Association’s annual convention Feb.1-2 in Brooklyn Park. Star Herald production manager Heather Johnson was recognized for Best Design Portfolio, and Star Herald editor Lori Sorenson earned awards for Best News Photo and Best Columnist and was recognized with the Herman Roe…
  • February 07, 2024
    The unofficial motto of U.S. Postal Service is, "Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Unfortunately, this motto is no longer observed at the U.S. Postal Service, as quality of mail delivery has steadily declined while postal rates are steadily increasing. The Star Herald last week published a Letter to…
  • January 31, 2024
    We in Luverne have been proud of our local artist, Andrew Prekker, who submitted the winning proposal for Minnesota’s new state flag. Of more than 2,000 proposals, his was used as the base for the final flag design. It was a process that started more than four months ago with the goal of having the new flag and emblem in the State Capitol buildings by May 11, which is Statehood Day. Why did we…
  • January 24, 2024
    January is Poverty Awareness Month, and it’s a good time to take stock of personal beliefs and biases. We in Rock County have a proud heritage of hard-working ancestors who withstood the hardships of wars and wilderness to build the communities and livelihoods we know today. And we’ve heard time and time again that anyone can succeed if they work hard enough. The subconscious message then is…
  • By Lori Sorenson
    November 15, 2023
    The Rock County Star Herald is again facilitating a holiday campaign to send Christmas greetings to deployed military men and women serving the United States around the world. After the first campaign in 2019, thousands of letters have been mailed through the Star Herald’s mission to reach service people with holiday cheer. In previous years, letters were collected at the Star Herald’s lighted…
  • September 06, 2023
    Over the past several months the Rock County Star Herald staff and website hosts have been working on a new and improved Star Herald website presence. The site promises easier navigation, bigger photographs, more content and a better mobile-friendly version for cell phones and other devices. “We’re really excited to introduce the site’s new features to our online readers and advertisers,”…
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