There aren’t many positive aspects about the coronavirus and its impact on our community, from a reeling economy tofrontline workers in harm’s way, and we fear we may lose loved ones to the deadly virus.
That’s why staying home and suspending life’s big events are so important — reduce exposure to stay safe. Our graduating seniors understand the necessary sacrifices that come with staying home, but it doesn’t mean it’s beeneasy. They’re slowly watching the clock tick down on the final days of their high school careers, and they’re not making those final memories with their high school classmates.
There’s no spring sports season for many senior athletes to finally shine after years of building skills, strength andendurance.
There are no spring band and choir concerts for senior musicians to lead the collective sound. There’s nospring play, no awards night, no prom and likely no graduation ceremony.
If we didn’t know better, it’s as if the Class of 2020 is quietly fading away.
But we do know better, and we have outstanding community supporters making sure these students have a memorablehigh school send-off.
Everywhere we turn we see encouraging signs and inspiration. For example, Quality Printing teamed up with localsponsors to provide “Class of 2020” yard signs for senior families to have free of charge.
Businesses and organizations in some of our communities are pooling resources to make street banners honoring each ofthe seniors, and all over social media we’re seeing Class of 2020 groups for parents, students and supporters ofgraduating seniors.
Don’t worry, kids. You’re not fading away.The Class of 2020 students will forever be celebrated as the generation born during 9/11 and having graduated during the coronavirus pandemic.
You, dear students, are symbols of human resiliency amid overwhelming challenges, and the restof the world looks forward to your success.
The Star Herald is collecting senior information from Adrian, Ellsworth, Luverne and Hills-Beaver Creek, and we’ll behonored to feature your profiles in our 2020 Graduation Special Edition.
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Pandemic graduates to be celebrated just as they were when they arrived amid 9/11
Star Herald Editorial