A year after the Rock County Fair was canceled in the pandemic, this year’s event will be one to remember and enjoy.
Included in this week’s Star Herald is a special Fair Preview section which spotlights a few highlights of the July 28-31 event.
However, there are more events than we had space in our newspaper to write about.
For a day-by-day listing of events, make sure you check out page 11 in the preview section. Better yet, just choose a day and spend it at the fair.
It will be safe to attend, according to fair organizers.
Because the coronavirus is still among us, a regular schedule is set up to daily clean and sanitize all of the buildings. Handwashing stations are available at each building entrance. If you’re so inclined, disposable facial masks are also available free to the public.
Did we mention that the fair is now a FOUR-day event?
For years, local 4-H’ers participated in two livestock shows Wednesday nights. It’s nice to see some events planned to encourage the public to drop in at the fairgrounds to see the rabbits and poultry in action.
In the words of ag society president Adam Kinsinger, come to the fair to “pet a goat, walk through livestock barns, watch pigs race for Oreos, listen to music on the patio, get something from the eat stand, have a dish of ice cream, ride some carnival rides …”
That list of experiences goes on.
If you can’t find something of interest at the fair, you’re not looking hard enough.
Our Fair Preview features interviews with the Farm Family of the Year and Rock County Century Farm families. They will be recognized by the ag society members Friday night in a special ceremony.
There is nothing quite like a small county fair, and we think ours is getting better every year.
As some summer fairs decline, the Rock County Fair continues growing, adapting and improving.
For that enthusiasm and hard work, we thank all our fair board members. You can thank them too — they wear embroidered charcoal colored polo shirts with “Rock County Ag Society” during the event.
With grandstand shows, free entertainment, food vendors, animal shows, floral hall exhibits, there’s more than enough to see and do.
At the Star Herald, we look forward to showcasing the events and winners from next week’s fair in coming editions of the print edition and online.
In the meantime, plan your visit to next week’s Rock County Fair.
Next week's county fair brings more to see, do — don't miss it
Star Herald Editorial