10 years ago (2012)
•The Minnesota Veterans Home in Luverne hosted its third annual classic car show Thursday, Aug. 16.
The event, organized by Luverne’s Keith Schmuck, attracted 22 vehicles and dozens of visitors.
According to Shirley Connor in MVH activities, the event included root beer floats served from a keg of 1919 root beer.
“Our residents and families love the car show,” she said.
Remember When
- August 23, 2022
- August 16, 202210 years ago (2012) •Big changes are in store for school cafeterias around the nation as new federal guidelines for school nutrition are implemented. The meals have more fruits and vegetables, less meat and sodium, fewer calories and no trans fat. In Luverne, food service directors Ann Rigney and Mary Smook are rewriting their menus and brainstorming how to get students to embrace them. Among the…
- August 09, 202210 years ago (2012) •Luverne native Anthony Nelson has published a name for himself on Mars, literally. Nelson, a 1993 Luverne High School graduate, is a member of the team of scientists and engineers who worked on the space rover, “Curiosity,” that landed on Mars Monday. Nelson’s name appears on an instrument panel on the rover that is now crawling over the planet’s surface. His parents, Lyle…
- August 02, 202210 years ago (2012) •The Rev. Dorie Hall assumed the pastoral duties at Luverne’s United Methodist Church on July 1. Hall is a native of southwest Minnesota. She comes to Luverne from Lakefield where she has lived with her husband, Luther, for nearly 30 years. Hall spent her early childhood in Adrian and her teen years in Windom, but she says she considers that her life began at age 30 when she…
- July 26, 202210 years ago (2012) •The Luverne Area Chamber hosted a reception Monday evening, July 23, for its 2011 Outstanding Chamber Member, Terrie Gulden. Gulden began his career in Luverne at Tri-State Insurance. He eventually became the president of BIS. Gulden served as the director of Rock County Heartland Express from 1990 to 2011. He also helped develop the honor flight trips out of southwest…
- July 19, 202210 years ago (2012) •Words like “salvage” and “disaster” have begun to appear in 2012 crop reports. The drought covering 56 percent of the United States has crept into Rock County as the area’s weather designation moved from “abnormally dry” to “moderate drought” last week. … Some farmers have begun to consider the option of harvesting the corn plants now for silage instead of risking a total…
- July 12, 202210 years ago (2012) •Twenty-six people from the Rock County area spent a week in Haiti at the end of June as part of a mission team organized through the American Reformed Church, Luverne. The trip was coordinated through Mission of Hope, which provides food and medical care to Haitians. It operates an orphanage, a medical facility and a church. In addition to providing other services to Haitian…
- July 05, 202210 years ago (2012) •An era will end at the 2012 Hot Dog Nite when Renfro Variety Store – the only remaining business present at the first Hot Dog Nite 50 years ago – serves its last hot dog. The store will close Aug. 31. At age 96, Renfro owner Margaret Vegge is ready to retire and has begun clearing the shelves and has marked everything down by 50 percent in honor of the 50th anniversary of the…
- June 28, 202210 years ago (2012) •Blue Mound Liquor Store manager Rich DeSchepper is retiring this summer, but he said he has mixed feelings about leaving the job. “I’m thoroughly enjoying it,” he said about his work. He said one of his favorite quotes is by Confucius, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” DeSchepper said this was the case for nearly every day he worked…
- June 21, 202210 years ago (2012) •Five members of the Luverne High School tennis program received postseason awards to cap a successful season. Luverne, which won the Southwest Conference title with a 4-0 record during the regular season, landed five of the 10 positions on the 2012 All-Southwest Conference Tennis Team. Three LHS juniors and two sophomores cracked the annual honorary roster. Cardinal juniors…
- June 14, 202210 years ago (2012) •Luverne First Presbyterian Church congregation members celebrated a mortgage burning Sunday to mark the last payment on their building improvement loan. In 2000 the church completed a major renovation and expansion project that completely turned the sanctuary to face the opposite direction. The project, which cost roughly $1.5 million, was covered by three loans through…
- June 07, 202210 years ago (2012) •Rock County World War II veterans are in the limelight again after a KSTP news team from the Twin Cities spent a day in Luverne last week. Longtime television reporter Jason Davis filmed a segment for his popular show, “On the Road with Jason Davis.” This latest piece, which will air in the coming months, highlights the community’s endearing relationship with its veterans and…
- May 31, 202210 years ago (2012) •A sense of jubilation accompanied the small group gathered to celebrate the reopening of the 24-hour self-serve gas pump in Hardwick last week. It’s been three years since locals have been able to get gas in town, and they are thrilled by the amount of time they will save not driving 10 miles to a Luverne gas station every time they need gas for a car or truck or boat or lawn…
- May 17, 202210 years ago (2012) •The Rock County Historical Society will move its headquarters from the Masonic Lodge to the fairgrounds with help from a state grant and local fundraising. The Historical Society and Rock County Agriculture Society are working together on tentative plans to expand the current Floral Hall building to the south. The addition will have a matching architectural shape, octagonal,…
- May 10, 202210 years ago (2012) •Ian Sandager, Hills, completed his final seminar with the Minnesota Agriculture and Rural Leadership program this spring after traveling to Morocco with 29 classmates from across the state. Sandager, who farms west of Hills, is involved with Class VI of MARL. MARL’s mission is “to develop the skills of state agriculture and rural leaders to enhance their effectiveness and…
- May 03, 202210 years ago (2012) •The Luverne School District had more revenue than expenses this year, resulting in a year-end balance of just over $100,000. The mild winter was one reason the district’s general fund is $57,400 in the black. The transportation fund has nearly $80,000 because the district has delayed purchasing a new bus, and the food service fund is $21,000 ahead because more students are…
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