October 11, 2016
The Carbonneau boys, sons of Mike and Molly Carbonneau, Luverne, made a special appearance as the “Fab Four” Saturday for the annual Sanford Luverne Hospice Tour of Tables brunch in the Blue Mound Banquet Center. The boys (pictured from left), Zander, Parker, Oliver and Xavier, performed a lip sync rendition of “Twist and Shout,” for the event, which features theme-decorated tables and a silent…
By Lori Sorenson
October 11, 2016
Luverne’s Greg Burger was honored Monday night as the 2015 outstanding chamber member.
During a reception at Sterling’s Café, Chamber Board President Ryan Wynia presented him with a Sioux quartzite decorative slab with his name and honor engraved in it.
Wynia spoke of Burger’s 40-year banking career, 32 of which were with Minnwest Bank. Burger retired as bank president this spring.
October 11, 2016
The auction Saturday afternoon at the History Center in Luverne took in roughly $3,000 for the Rock County Historical Society. Items sold included duplicates that the History Center no longer needed, donated items from the past that weren’t suitable for display and extra items donated for the auction in an effort to bring in more proceeds to help fund Historical Society operations. The History…
October 11, 2016
Rock County producers are reminded that the acreage reporting deadline for all forage and fall-seeded crops is fast approaching. The acreage reporting deadline of Nov. 15, 2016, applies to the following 2017 crops:
•Forage for grazing, including pasture.
•Forage production – fall seeding (insured/no insurance).
•Forage production – prior year seeding (insured/no insurance).
•Fall-seeded small…
October 11, 2016
Rock Nobles Community Corrections Director Jon Ramlo received the Jack Young Corrections Award for 2016 at the recent Minnesota Association of Community Correction Act Counties annual conference in Nisswa, Minnesota.
The Jack Young Award is given to individuals who have furthered the mission of community corrections having made outstanding contributions to the development and improvement of…
October 11, 2016
The Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging Inc. will once again be assisting Medicare beneficiaries with their 2017 Medicare plan research and enrollment.
Trained volunteers will be available by appointment in Luverne at Poplar Creek Assisted Living. To schedule an appointment, call the Senior LinkAge Line at 1-800-333-2433.
Medicare beneficiaries need to bring with them current insurance…
October 11, 2016
Luverne High School conducted its Homecoming coronation Tuesday, Oct. 4, in the Luverne Elementary School. Pictured (front, left) are exchange student escorts Hailey Franken and Taylor Kern, freshman representative Reka Meinerts, sophomore representative Greta Ahrendt, junior representative Anika Gust, pages Easton Johnson and Ingrid Mostad, queen candidates Mariah Aukes, Bergin Flom, Ashton…
October 04, 2016
Hardwick Mayor race
1.) List experiences that will be helpful in fulfilling the position’s duties if you win the Nov. 8 general election.
2.) What do you think are the primary challenges facing your community and how will you lead your city through these challenges.
Janyce A. Baustian is seeking election to the mayor position in Hardwick, a job she was appointed to a year ago at the resignation…
By Mavis Fodness
October 03, 2016
Students at Luverne Middle-High School joined millions of other teenagers for the worldwide annual “See You at the Pole” Wednesday, Sept. 28.
More than 50 local students circled the flagpole in front of the school and joined hands. Many students shared personal prayers of solace in response to incidents of personal violence and hate-laden events in the U.S. and around the world.
“We are hurting…
October 03, 2016
More than two dozen people — preschool children and their parents — toured the Drost farm near Kanaranzi to hunt for pumpkins Monday night. The Luverne Community Education outing included a hayride on the farm and browsing through a pumpkin patch for pumpkins and gourds to take home. Tim and Michelle Drost of “Big Tim’s Premium Pumpkins” hosted the event.
The David and Sarah Wrigg family of…
By Lori Sorenson
October 03, 2016
Culligan’s ribbon-cutting and open house was a celebration of its new location in the former Palace Video building, but the Sept. 29 event also honored Culligan’s rich 70-year history in Luverne.
Former Luverne resident Rolf Berg has been in the local Culligan business since 1970 and has seen the industry adapt to technology and change its focus through the decades to meet customers’ needs.
By Lori Sorenson
October 03, 2016
After decades of operation in the Masonic Temple, the Rock County Historical Society has officially moved out of the North Freeman building and into its new space in the History Center on East Main Street, Luverne.
The society purchased the building from the Masons in 1996 for $1, with the agreement that the civic organization could continue holding its meetings there.
On Friday, Historical…
By Lori Sorenson
October 03, 2016
While many women in the 1930s were raising families and running households, Magnolia’s Ruth Ashby was doing farm work and playing ball.
“I was the tomboy in my family,” said Ruth, who grew up with four sisters and one brother. “I helped my dad and my brother on the farm while my sisters worked inside.”
Ruth was born on Sept. 12, 1916, to Henry and Mary Vogt on a farm east of Magnolia.
By Mavis Fodness
October 03, 2016
In less than one year Rock County children and adults have packaged 284,568 meals for school children in Haiti.
Friday morning adult volunteers with Rock Area Kids Against Hunger were a little over halfway to the 2016 goal of 150,000.
On Day 1 of the two-day event, volunteers finished 86,000 meals.
Organizers were hoping the goal of packing 15,000 more meals than last year would be reached at the…
By Lori Sorenson
October 03, 2016
Saturday will be a big day for local music lovers and for fans of the Carnegie Cultural Center on North Freeman Avenue.
Luverne Street Music organizers signed a lease with the city in February for the building, which has been under construction for remodeling since then.
Saturday will be a day to show off the historic building as well as introduce the public to new community band and choir…
By Mavis Fodness
October 03, 2016
The average per acre rental cost of Rock County’s non-irrigated cropland dropped $10 in the past two years, according to information released by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.
The report released Sept. 9 shows Rock County’s average cash rent price declined from $247 in 2014 to $237 this year.
According to USDA spokesman Dan Lofthus, his office sends out random surveys to…