Tuesday marks the filing deadline for many local, state and federal offices.
Anyone interested in being elected to political office has until 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 31, to file.
As of 2 p.m., Tuesday, May 24, the following people have filed.
Current Luverne Mayor Patrick Baustian is seeking re-election to the position and filed May 17, the first day of filing.
Three people have filed so far for the two open Luverne City Council positions.
In Ward 1, Lennis “Red” Arndt and Larry Lanphere both also filed on opening day for the seat being vacated by Esther Frakes, who announced she would not seek re-election.
In Ward 2, Lori Hallstrom filed for the council position on May 20. Incumbent Eugene Marshall is also not seeking re-election.
For the three Rock County commissioner positions, seven people have indicated interest in serving on the board.
In District 1, Gary Overgaard filed for the office on May 18 with Kyle Hemme entering the race on May 23. Don Bryan filed on Tuesday. Incumbent Ken Hoime has not made a decision in re-filing for the position.
Two people will face incumbent District 3 Commissioner Ron Boyenga, who filed on opening day along with challengers Greg Burger and Darrel Van Aartsen.
Incumbent Commissioner Jody Reisch is the only candidate to file for the District 5 seat to date.
One candidate has filed for one of the three open seats on the local soil and water conservation district board.
On Tuesday, Dave Esselink re-filed for his District 4 (Beaver Creek and Martin townships) position.
No one has filed for the open seats for District 1 (Luverne and Mound townships) or District 3 (Clinton, Kanaranzi, Magnolia townships).
Incumbents in those positions are Gene Cragoe and Norman Overgaard, respectively.
At the state level, incumbent Bill Weber has filed for re-election to the State Senate District 22 seat on the Republican ticket with Brian Abrahamson of Luverne challenging Weber on the Democratic-Farmer-Labor side. Both candidates threw their hats into the ring on the first day of filing.
Laura Woods of Luverne has filed for election to the Minnesota House of Representatives District 22A on the DFL ticket. Incumbent Joe Schomacker (R-Luverne) has yet to file.
At the federal level, incumbent Tim Walz has filed for re-election and so far doesn’t have a challenger for his U.S. House District 1 seat.
How to file for office
Candidate filing requirements vary depending on the office, whether the candidate is a member of a major political party or a minor political party or an independent, and whether the office is partisan or nonpartisan.
Candidates for State Senate, House of Representatives and judicial offices have a choice to either file with the secretary of state or in their county of residence.
Candidates for U.S. Congress must file with the secretary of state. Candidates for county offices must file with their county auditor.
Filing dates may vary for candidates for municipal and school district offices.
Additional candidate filing information, forms and instructions are available on the office website, www.sos.state.mn.us.
Candidates for local offices should contact their county auditor, municipal clerk, or school clerk for additional information.
After the filing period closes, the secretary of state will post a listing of candidates who have filed for office on its website, which will include local candidates if those jurisdictions provide filing information to this office.
The Rock County Auditor’s Office can be reached at 507-283-5060.
Candidates filing for 2016 election to local offices
Mavis Fodness