- January 22, 2025The Star Herald editorial staff has compiled an assortment of “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” this week for small business investments, bad social media attitudes, family-friendly events and more. Thumbs up — to economic growth in Luverne and Rock County. In 2024 a record number of building permits were issued for new single-family houses in Luverne. Their construction value of $3 million is in…
- January 10, 2024It’s been a while since the Star Herald issued thumbs up and thumbs down for the good and bad in our community, and our news team put our heads together for a fresh list to consider. Thumbs up — to Luverne’s citywide Christmas tree pickup. It’s a much-appreciated perk for living in the city and another reason to “Luv Luverne.” Thumbs down — to another planned postage rate increase for…
- January 24, 2023Thumbs up — to snowplow drivers and snow removal crews fighting a non-stop battle this winter. Thumbs up — to law enforcement, first responders, utility workers and others who work in winter conditions to keep people safe. Thumbs down — to those who drive on closed roads in the winter. They put themselves and others at risk by doing so and can delay the opening of the roads if they become…
- September 27, 2022Everything’s coming up Thumbs Up this week in the Star Herald’s Thumbs-Up, Thumbs-Down editorial. Thumbs up — to Fairway Meat Market and their grand opening. This business is clearly a class act, from its bow-tie-sporting manager to its attractive meat cases fully stocked with mouth-watering meats and groceries. Thumbs up — to PrairiE Loft apartments for their steady construction progress and now…
- August 16, 2022Maybe it’s the barometric pressure, or maybe we didn’t receive enough happy “thumbs” from readers, but this week we’re all down in the thumbs. Thumbs down — to bicycle riders on Main Street sidewalks. The painted red circles with a line through a bike are fading at downtown intersections, but common sense would suggest it’s unsafe for bicyclists to whiz by storefront doors where pedestrians could…
- July 26, 2022The Star Herald asked around for tidbits to include in this month’s round of Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down, and the worst complaint for Thumbs Down was that weeds are making some properties look dumpy. We encourage residents and businesses to mow or spray their weeds to help keep our communities clean and inviting. Other than that, we have nothing but Thumbs Up to share: Thumbs up — to the festive…
- June 07, 2022Thumbs up — to our local graduates: given their profile information in the recent Star Herald graduation edition, these kids are going places. Also, this week’s Arts and Academics edition showcases all kinds of student talent worth community accolades. Thumbs down — to Main Street business owners and their employees who park in front of other businesses. A brief stop is one thing, but we’ve heard…
- March 22, 2022Thumps up — to Casey’s new bright red awning and sign. It’s a bright, shiny improvement to our South Highway 75 “gateway” into Luverne. Thumps down — to rising gas prices. They’re taking a huge bite out of family budgets at a time wages finally nudged upward but are being gobbled up furiously by across-the-board inflation. And along those lines … Thumbs down — to small-minded people eager to…
- February 15, 2022It’s time again to review the Rock County Star Herald “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” for local bright spots and disappointments over the past several weeks. Thumbs up — to local efforts to protect drinking water sources. Gravel is an important economic resource but mining in sensitive areas can lead to water pollution. Manure is also an important economic resource, but again we need to protect…
- January 04, 2022Maybe it’s the promise of a new year, or maybe we really do live in a great community, but this round of Star Herald “thumbs” are all pointed up. Thumbs up — to the city workers who combed the field east of Blue Mound Avenue to pick up all the recycling that blew out early Monday morning. Thumbs up — to the city of Beaver Creek for approving new “Welcome to Beaver Creek” signs at the city’s…
- November 09, 2021It’s time again for the Star Herald news team and contributing commentators to share another round of Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down for a number of issues, good and bad, in the community. Thumbs up — to the completion of the Chris Ashby Trail and the meaningful dedication ceremony in October. Our hearts go out to Barb and Gene Ashby who have been living without their son since 2006 when he died in a…
- September 14, 2021Thumbs up — to the Historical Society for its work on the parking lot/plaza area on East Main Street by the History Center. That block just keeps looking better and better. Thumbs down — to the visitors’ side bleachers at the Luverne High School football field. They’re a slippery hazard — especially the steps — when they’re wet, and the rickety setup isn’t very welcoming to out-of-town guests…
- August 10, 2021We have a lot of opinions this week, based on an informal survey of our Star Herald news team and support staff. Most of the feedback is positive because, let’s face it, Rock County is a great place to live and work in, and we don’t have a lot to complain about. But, upon further reflection, there is always room for improvement. Thumbs up —overwhelmingly to the Rock County Ag Society and their…
- June 22, 2021Thumbs up — to the fantastic lineup at the Rock County Fair coming up at the end of July. There is something for everyone, and it’s clear our local fair board put thought and creativity into the lineup of offerings. Thumbs down — to Mother Nature for scorching heat and stingy rainfall this month. In a typical feast and famine cycle, we’re now longing for some of those rainy days that flooded our…
- May 31, 2016Thumbs up to those of you who are keeping up with the fast-growing grass between the frequent May showers. Another thumbs up to those home and business owners who have taken the time to decorate with brightly colored flowers. Thumbs down to those who cannot seem to find their lawnmowers … or their green thumbs. Thumbs up to the forward-thinking congregation of the Zion Lutheran Church, the…
- August 10, 2015The Star Herald this week doles out thumbs up and thumbs down on topics ranging from street beautification to recycling contamination. Thumbs up — to the Rock County Agricultural Society for putting on another great fair. It had a great variety of things to do, see, hear and eat, and the improvements at the fairgrounds made everything look great and function smoothly. Of course perfect summer…
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