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Star Herald delivers 'thumbs' (down and up) for road work, junk

Star Herald Editorial

We have a lot of opinions this week, based on an informal survey of our Star Herald news team and support staff.
Most of the feedback is positive because, let’s face it, Rock County is a great place to live and work in, and we don’t have a lot to complain about. But, upon further reflection, there is always room for improvement.
Thumbs up —overwhelmingly to the Rock County Ag Society and their volunteers and sponsors for the outstanding Rock County Fair this year.
It was impressive on so many levels — from the great-looking fairgrounds, the fabulous entertainment and winning grandstand lineup. If we had to miss a fair during a pandemic, it was worth the wait to come back so strong this year.
Thumbs up — for the quick work on asphalting County Road 5 west of town and on Dodge Street by the school campus. It seemed the school construction and parking lot work took a long time, but we have six miles of fresh asphalt in less than a week.
Thumbs down — to the residents who think we have year-round junk pickup and continue to put their crap on the boulevard. Please, folks, we’re a proud community, and your junk reflects poorly on all of us.
Thumbs up — to all the adults who make the summer youth programs possible. We’re talking about summer rec sports programs, Vacation Bible School, Rock the Edge missions, library park outings, and the list goes on.
It takes conscientious parents to enroll their children in the opportunities available to them, but in the sense that it “takes a village” to raise our children, this village is as good they come.
Thumbs down —  to drivers who use the Highway 75 left turn lane for the length of a block and endanger drivers coming from the opposite direction who also need to use the left-turn lane.
The three-lane setup has made south Highway 75 safer, but it only works when we use it properly.
Thumbs up — to the Chamber and sponsoring businesses for the summer celebrations in Luverne. From Memorial Day, to Buffalo Days to Hot Dog Night and more, these are proud occasions to host visitors in town.
We know they don’t “just happen,” and we’re grateful for Chamber leadership and supporters for the quality outcomes.
Have an idea for “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” we should consider? Send it to or call 507-283-2333.

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