- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyAugust 25, 2020The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911. Rock County Village continued from 8-20-20 edition of the Star Herald. Hardwick The Lodges Four lodges have active organizations in Hardwick, the Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Neighbors of America, Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. The oldest of these is Hardwick Camp No. 3851, M. W. A. It was instituted May 11, 1896, by M. H.…
- By Jason Berghorst, reporterAugust 18, 2020The official publication date of this newspaper is Aug. 20. Each year on Aug. 20, I think about Aug. 20, 1997. That was the day, 23 years ago, that I moved into my freshman year dorm at Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall. It was a big day for me, to say the least. I was the first member of my family to attend a four-year college. I didn’t have a car, there were no cell phones,…
- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistAugust 18, 2020When I need a “pick me up,” I just go for a wildlife ride and look for God’s creatures. They seem to have made it through thousands of years of ups and downs, and last week they got a really, really big surge upwards. Congress passed the Great American Outdoors Act. I will provide a little background story first. In 1964 Congress passed the Land and Water Conservation Fund. This fund needed to be…
- By Mavis Fodness, reporterAugust 11, 2020While removing the leaf from the kitchen table one day, my thoughts landed on how a simple piece of furniture reflects the changes in our empty nest household. In our 30-plus years of marriage, Bryan and I always had a kitchen table and a dining table in each of the half dozen or so homes we’ve lived in during our time together. The duo tables are the result of an auctioneer husband who couldn’t…
- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistAugust 04, 2020My new Labrador puppy recently joined our family that already includes three Labradors at my house. They all live inside and are all topnotch pheasant hunting dogs. They are Tracer, age 8, Sarge, age 6, and Raider, age 4. My new puppy is called Ghost. My son served in the United States Marine Corp and we have had a bunch of dogs over the years with names coming from a military background. We…
- By Brenda Winter, columnistAugust 04, 2020It’s a goal of mine to have at least one funny line in every column I write, but there’s nothing very funny about the times in which we live. Being funny has become a challenge. I’ve already written about the funny neighborhood woodchuck that has since waddled out of the neighborhood. I could write about the Covid impulse-buy chickens living in my back yard, but then some “karen” might turn me in…
- By Lori Sorenson, editorJuly 28, 2020I returned to the Star Herald office Monday after a refreshing vacation in the crisp dry air of the South Dakota Black Hills. The 80-degree, 70-percent humidity weather that welcomed us home was hard enough, but Monday was Day 1 of Minnesota’s indoor mask mandate. I hate to complain, but it was a bit of a struggle, especially considering the outdoor breathing I’d grown fond of on the ATV trails.…
- July 28, 2020Question: If I sell my vehicle to a private party, what do you recommend I do to protect myself in the event the new owner gets into a crash or is arrested prior to them transferring the title into their name? Answer: If the vehicle you sold is involved in a hit and run or pursuit and the driver flees the scene, law enforcement will contact the registered owner in an attempt to locate the driver…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyJuly 28, 2020The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911. Rock County Village continued from 7-23-20 edition of the Star Herald. Hardwick There was practically no change at the station during the next few years. Otter Otterson continued buying grain for E. A. Brown, and later John Otterson bought for the Iowa, Minnesota & Dakota Grain company, which succeeded Cudahy & Butler. In…
- By Jessica Blocker, Director of Christian Education, St. John Lutheran Church, LuverneJuly 28, 2020These past few months the new “buzzword” or phrase has been “in these uncertain times.” It has been used with such frequency that it has begun to move into the realm of mockery and jokes. Not in a facetious way, just in the sense that in every time you see or read it, though the description be apt, it begins to illicit a small chuckle or eye roll. And yet, what other phrase better fits…
- By Jason Berghorst, reporterJuly 21, 2020Hi! I’m Jason, a teacher trying to fill in for the summer.” That’s how I responded to Kevin Kyle, the sports editor of the Pipestone County Star, at Redbird Field Sunday. He saw me standing safely behind the net with a notebook under my arm and camera raised, attempting to get quality photos during the Pipestone at Luverne amateur baseball game. Kevin was on the other side of the net where hard…
- By Mavis Fodness, reporterJuly 14, 2020A half mile past my farm home in Battle Plain Township, a magnificent cottonwood tree used to grow tall and proud against the prairie skyline. For more than a decade before its demise, the tree marked the turnaround point for horseback rides, walks, and most recently, my attempts at jogging. Today there’s nothing left of the tree, no stump or hole, just my memory that there used to be that…
- By Rick Peterson, general managerJuly 14, 2020As I sat in front of my computer struggling to come up with a column idea that doesn’t focus on the coronavirus or politics, I found myself wondering what I wrote about, say, 10 years ago at this time of the year. So I looked back at my column from July 8, 2010, and believe it or not, the following is the first sentence from that column 10 years ago. “Sometimes when I sit down to write this…
- By Brenda Winter, columnistJuly 07, 2020“Yep. It’s a woodchuck.” I made the declaration with confidence after spending half an hour studying a compelling article titled, “Woodchucks and their droppings.” The little fella startled me for the first time last week when he emerged from under a wide-leafed plant in my garden. I greeted his fat little nose and big brown eyes with a lump of dirt followed by a bucket of water. He took no…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyJuly 07, 2020The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911. Rock County Village of Hills continued from 7-02-20 edition of the Star Herald. Since Hills has become an incorporated town, its growth has been steady. Over $30,000 were expended on building improvements in 1904. The state census of 1905 gave the town a population of 320. In 1908 the building improvements footed up over $15,000 and…
- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistJuly 07, 2020I was on a daylong, 75-mile wildlife ride on my Polaris Ranger with a few friends Saturday to observe habitat conditions on public lands located in Nobles County. One of the riders said her friend didn’t know what a side-by-side was. A side-by-side is the slang term for a 4-wheeled all-terrain vehicle. I don’t know anyone who calls a two-passenger, steering wheel equipped side-by-side an ATV.…
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