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  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    November 17, 2020
    The firearms deer season is underway across Minnesota. Reports have been coming in with success rates far above last year. With literally almost no standing crop left in the state, there are far fewer places for deer to hide. I guided a 62-year-old gal to her very first deer harvest. She comes from a family of die-hard deer hunters but just wasn’t up to the task of sitting in a tree stand in what…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    November 10, 2020
    A group text among my sisters typically makes the rounds during holidays: “When and where will we gather?” and "Who’s bringing what for food?” But this year we’re asking, “Should we gather?” And if so, “How can we safely gather?” There are five of us sisters, and with our growing families we’re about two dozen people. We love each other dearly, and with both of our parents recently passing,…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway Patrol
    November 10, 2020
    Question: If a person has a permit to carry in Minnesota, can they transport a loaded rifle or shotgun in a vehicle? Answer: The permit to carry law applies only to handguns, so the answer is no with some exceptions. MS 97B.045 – A person may not transport a firearm in a motor vehicle unless the firearm is: (1) unloaded and in a gun case expressly made to contain a firearm, and the case fully…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    November 10, 2020
    The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911.   Rock County Village (continued from 11-05-20 edition of the Star Herald.)            During the summer of 1884 an event occurred which resulted in the death of one proposed town and the birth of another. The victim in this case was Drake. That point had proven to be an undesirable location for any expansion on the part of the railroad company…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    November 10, 2020
    The firearms deer season started in most of Minnesota on Nov. 7.  In the southwest part of the state it runs for 11 days.  Other regions have different dates and season lengths. I am a pretty serious deer hunter but have not harvested a deer in over 30 years. This by no means indicates that I have skipped the opportunity to buy a license and take part in the hunt for any of those three decades. I…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    November 03, 2020
    Circumstances are murky as to how Orville Iveland’s military dog tag ended up in the farm grove of Russell and Doris Wenzel in Springwater Township. What’s clear is that the dog tag is now safely in the Iveland family’s procession. An Oct. 22 Star Herald story with the Wenzels about an unusual rock unearthed during a farm tile project led Russell to showing me a dull-colored metal dog tag he…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    November 03, 2020
    About a month ago, Scott Rall wrote in his column the reasons you should carry a cell phone with you while hunting. Carrying a cell phone while in the field is something I have been doing from the time I traded my bag phone in for a flip phone. I hunt alone a lot, so carrying the cell phone is as important as my gun, shells, dogs and, of course, wearing blaze orange. I hunt for a variety of…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    November 03, 2020
    In previous columns I have advised keeping a cell phone in your pocket and telling others where you were going to hunt in case of an emergency. And I’ve also written about falling on a stick and ending up in the emergency room. Well, I have a different story that happened just a few weeks back that makes this all the more important. I hope my bad luck can drive home to you how important it is to…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    October 27, 2020
    I have lots of opinions about the outcome of the 2020 presidential election next Tuesday, but I’m not going to share them here – or pretty much anywhere. Mostly because I want us to remain friends. My husband and I get along great with our neighbors to the west who proudly display a TRUMP! sign, and we get along just as well with our neighbors to the south who proudly display a BIDEN! sign. I…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    October 20, 2020
    On Friday I’ll turn 52. It’s not a landmark birthday, but it feels like more of a landmark than birthdays 40 and 50 combined. My dad died in August within a year of my mom’s death last fall. It has been “quite a year,” as a friend noted in the grocery store last week. Yes, it has. In more ways than one. I contemplated my reply when she asked how I was doing. “You’ve sure had a lot,” she said…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    October 20, 2020
    We are kind of entering the holiday season with Halloween just around the corner and Thanksgiving and Christmas already on some of our minds. But sandwiched between Halloween and Thanksgiving is Veterans Day. For me the Mt. Rushmore of holidays would be #1 Christmas, #2 Memorial Day, #3 Veterans Day and #4 would be Thanksgiving. So seeing how Veterans Day is about three weeks away, that is my…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    October 20, 2020
    The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911.   Rock County Village (continued from 10-15-20 edition of the Star Herald.)   Churches (continued)          The first permanent house of worship was the school house erected in the Grout neighborhood during the spring of 1875. Services were later held in a newer school building closer to Beaver Creek village. The present church edifice was…
  • October 13, 2020
    Well, I took the bait.  It happens about once every two weeks or so.  I replied to a semi-political comment on Facebook.  I should know better.  In my defense, the original post was about the no-barrier COVID testing available this week in Luverne. It wasn’t technically political.  I would have passed it by, but the author of the post mentioned online learning.  As a teacher experiencing hybrid…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    October 13, 2020
    So the opening weekend of the Minnesota pheasant season is here and gone and it took until 8 a.m. Monday morning for my phone to ring with questions regarding hunting etiquette on public lands. For sure there are different common-sense rules when it comes to interacting with other hunters who all want to hunt on the same parcel of public land at the same time. The recommendations that follow are…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    October 06, 2020
    This week is National 4-H Week. In the early weeks of the new 4-H year, my social media feed was sprinkled with memories of my kids’ 4-H state livestock shows. 4-H is where we learned about sheep, hogs, rabbits, leadership, horses and cattle. It’s a program where I still participate as an adult adviser and have developed lifelong friendships as a result. For the past six years, as part of my job…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    October 06, 2020
    The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911.   Rock County Village continued from 10-1-20 edition of the Star Herald.   Beaver Creek          The first fire occurred April 9, 1889, when the roller mill, an elevator and several sheds, in addition to several thousand bushels of grain, were entirely destroyed by the “lurid leveler.” The destruction of the town was threatened, but by hand work…
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