Letters to the Editor
- January 22, 2025Harnack shares poem about refugees titled 'Just Like Me' Letter to the Editor: “Just Like Me” They are forced to become a “refugee”. But, the more I think, the more I see. They want to be safe, they want to be free. And in many ways, they are just like me. They bleed red blood, just like me. They breathe the air, just like me. They feel pain, just like me. Have a distant stare,…
- January 15, 2025Recognize the most fiscally responsible leadership This weekend I was reading the Star Herald and took notice on page two on the story of county tax levy, that Rock County has the lowest tax rate in the state of Minnesota. Kudos to the county leadership for being fiscally responsible over the year. This story got me thinking how does Luverne stack up compared to its peers as it relates to the…
- November 13, 2024Frakes: Mock Presidential Election To the Editor: Last week I read an article in the Minnesota Star Tribune opinion pages. It said that a Minneapolis middle school had a mock presidential election and Harris won 577 to 47 for Trump. Now I’m sure that their education so far has taught them that they are on the hook for mom’s and dad’s and grandpa’s and grandma’s tax bills. Who said we’re…
- October 30, 2024Remme offers election prayer To the Editor: Now that the election is nearing, I thought about all of the negativity that has eroded our space in which we live. This is a space given to us by the Sovereign God, who actually is the one in charge, not the President of the United States, the rulers of other countries, or our state or local governments. I feel that we have neglected to honor God in…
- October 16, 2024Aukes praises county highway department To the Editor: I would like to comment that it was very well appreciated when I called the Rock County Highway Department to let them know about some brush and branches that were blocking the vision to cross to the elevator by the old Highway 16, and they came out and cleared a path the very same day. So nice to get such a quick response. Mavis Aukes…
- October 16, 2024To the Editor: I had the privilege of watching the recent candidate forum. Being an out-of-town resident, I’m unable to vote for city leaders; however, as a city property owner, their decisions affect me. Current administration mentioned being fiscally responsible with our tax dollars. I purchase electricity from Sioux Valley Electric at $0.10550/kwh, Whetstone Valley Electric $0.11330/kwh,…
- October 16, 2024To the Editor: I had the privilege of watching the recent candidate forum. Being an out-of-town resident, I’m unable to vote for city leaders; however, as a city property owner, their decisions affect me. Current administration mentioned being fiscally responsible with our tax dollars. I purchase electricity from Sioux Valley Electric at $0.10550/kwh, Whetstone Valley Electric $0.11330/kwh,…
- October 09, 2024Thone: 'We the people have been forced to believe ...' To the Editor: Writing rules that make home day cares almost impossible to compete and then making big brother the competition in a nine-million dollar building is Big Brother. How do the little people compete with a multi-million dollar Big Brother organization that is forcefully subsidized by those day cares? Making pot “legal” so that…
- October 02, 2024Hudson: Still no answers To the Editor: First thing I want to say is thank you to both Cox and Lehman for their response to my letter, even though they did not agree with me they stood up and made their voices heard as more people need to do this and exercise their first amendment right, this is how Government is controlled. I also looked at the League of MN cities and what I saw is Luverne is…
- September 25, 2024Hoff writes: 'Life is hard sometimes ...' To the Editor: In the 1980s interest rates were crushing the agricultural community. Farmers could not keep their heads above water. The assumption that you would be farming until your hair turned white was crushed. The devil schemed and crept into their minds. Suicide was the best option. The life insurance policy would fix everything. Last week the…
- September 17, 2024Honoring Gus Letter to the Editor: I practiced psychology for more than 40 years and encountered many people who were viewed as having limitations. What impressed me most was not their limitations, but their strength and the love they extended to family and friends. On the third night of the Democratic National Convention, our governor and candidate for vice-president spoke. In the front row…
- September 11, 2024Thanks for supporting veterans Letter to the Editor: As president of the American Legion Auxiliary in Luverne, our busy season starts with Memorial Day when seeking donations with poppy posters and then poppy sales the last Friday in May. Our many thanks to all the businesses and our community who so generously supported our fundraiser. One hundred percent of the monies we receive gets used…
- September 04, 2024Green: We the people must decide our nation's path ahead with our votes Letter to the Editor: In a letter published a few weeks ago, I expressed the opinion that when voters are considering which political party to vote for on Nov. 5, they should consider which party and candidate are most aligned with the U.S. Constitution. Voters have now seen both the Republican National Convention (RNC) and…
- August 14, 2024Klosterbuer: 'You might just save a life' To the Editor: As a long time Red Cross blood donor, I was alarmed to see that there is a critical shortage of blood in our country. For most people donating blood is a simple process, usually taking an hour or less. If you have never donated blood before or have put it off, I urge you to make an appointment. Red Cross will be in Luverne on Tuesday,…
- August 07, 2024Bickerstaff: PMP supports child care center To the Editor: Premium Minnesota Pork continuously supports the efforts to create a child care center in Luverne, Minnesota, that serves the needs of our community. Child care is an essential part of economic development and a critical part of the social infrastructure of a healthy community. The Luverne area provides a wonderful environment for…
- July 31, 2024Jarvie reflects on her move from South Dakota To the Editor: This letter is in response to Karen Tolkkinen’s article about whether or not Rock County feels Minnesotan, especially now that we’ve been added to the Sioux Falls metro area. I will say without hesitation that Rock County is absolutely Minnesotan. Tolkkinen spoke with Mayor Pat Baustian, who mentioned people who have moved to…
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