Letters to the Editor
- June 01, 2021Norberg: After challenging year, hope is on the horizon To the Editor: After a challenging year, hope is on the horizon. Independent pharmacies across the state are playing a crucial role in helping vaccinate Minnesotans and provided critical care throughout the pandemic. For many independent pharmacies, such as the two I own, joining a Pharmacy Services Administrative Organization (PSAOs),…
- May 18, 2021Meinerts: Force seatbelt, mask wearing 'is infringing on my freedom' To the Editor: In response to Alan Harnack’s May 6 letter to the editor, I guess we have to go back to basic grade school vocabulary class. Freedom: noun – “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” Socialism: noun – “a political and economic theory of social organization…
- May 04, 2021To the Editor: I work at a retail store that requires mask- wearing for anyone within the store. Because of that, we have been called everything from a communist, a loser, stupid, dumb, and other names that I cannot print. Wearing a mask does not take away your freedom. You wear a mask to protect your family, loved ones, and those around you from you, just like they wear a mask to protect you…
- April 27, 2021Sasker: 'Glad to call Luverne home' To the Editor: I wrote a letter to the editor years ago and never sent it. This is that letter in part: It happened again like so many times before. I am in a store in Luverne and I hear a clerk refer a customer to another store because they didn’t have the item asked for. I thought, “Wow! This is commendable, no competition for business; just people…
- April 20, 2021Sasker poem: 'Trouble lies ahead' To the Editor: Economics come and go You have the high You have the low This will always be so. But when the morals of the land are ignored or erased by man And we disregard our maker’s command Trouble lies ahead Whether you support the blue or red. Marilyn Sasker Luverne Meinerts: 'Don't give up the fight' To the Editor: The first…
- April 13, 2021Meinerts: 'This is why I love America' To the Editor: Thanks for the response, Rae, I was beginning to think that the sea of red was much wider and deeper than I had imagined. My response has been overwhelmingly positive. This is why I love America and freedom. Everyone is supposed to have a voice, but with big tech censorship and biased media it’s really difficult to find the ever…
- April 06, 2021Frakes: One party rule here To the Editor: I can’t understand why everyone is running down China. Aren’t their politics the same as we have here? Don’t we also have one party rule? What the top dog says is law? Doesn’t our government want to control all our energy sources, churches, businesses and the citizens up to and including when and where we can work and where we can’t, and even how to…
- March 30, 2021Frakes: 'We're in teh money, and it's all free, and more is coming To the Editor: Halleluia! We’re in the money! We’re in the money! And it’s all free! And more coming! What do we get with this free money? The warm fuzzies! All of us, especially the upper crust ruling class in D.C., get the warm fuzzies from helping out our fellow Americans who are trapped in incalculable suffering…
- March 23, 2021Meinerts: Stimulus not so stimulating To the Editor: Trillion — a figure we hear a lot from our Washington bureaucrats. Does anyone even understand how big that number is? A million seconds is 11.57 days, a billion seconds is 31 years and a trillion seconds is 31,688 years. The 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus package that those nitwits in Washington passed would give every man, woman and a child in…
- March 16, 2021Gust: Health care professionals need protest the vulnerable To the Editor: This morning (March 12) I was taking my dog Charley out and saw thebrightening in the east of the sunrise, announcing a new day. The night’s darkness was passing away. I was thinking that yesterday was the one-year anniversary of theWorld Health Organization proclaiming the Covid-19 virus to be aworldwide pandemic.What a…
- March 09, 2021To the Editor: When I drive down Highway 75, I see the city of Luverne’s sign saying that we’re all in this together. I don’t think that we are. I feel it is more like us, the freedom-loving, small business-owning, free-thinking American Patriots against a Nazi regime up in the cities. A regime which it seems our city leaders want to be a part of. If it wasn’t for the half page ad in the paper or…
- March 02, 2021To the Editor: We the People have had enough. We value our loved ones. If you choose to not see your loved ones in person, so be it. But don’t tell us we can’t. Go visit your grandparents, quit living in fear. You don’t know what tomorrow holds, embrace those you love now. We value the right to protect our freedom and safety. If you don’t like guns, then don’t buy one. We’ve never tried to force…
- February 23, 2021To the Editor: Things I find perplexing, perhaps even contradictory: Why would we shut down a pipeline and transport oil by truck and rail? Why would a gender who fought years for equality applaud confused men being on their sports team? How is it that people who claim to be Christians vote for a party that wants to kill babies? Has the flu been cured? You hear nothing of it. Perhaps we killed…
- February 16, 2021Kracht: 'We need to call out our government' officials To the Editor: After reading our local newspaper’s half page ad with out mayor praising our governor’s budget proposal, I decided to look into what it all entailed. I read through the proposed budget plan several times, only to find some things that would be horrible for our local economy. Some of the things in this proposal are…
- February 09, 2021To the Editor: Our founding fathers came from monarchies in Europe where they foundthat absolute power corrupts absolutely. So they wrote theConstitution so that there would be checks and balances so no onecould rule absolutely. But since Minnesota has a law that we cannot prosecute the police,there is no check and balance. This situation where it is possible forthe police to cover for each other…
- February 02, 2021To the Editor: We all make mistakes in life. I have made many. A mistake is like a “teacher.” If we make the same mistake over and over and over again, we aren’t paying attention to our teacher. Do we think Washington has learned from its mistakes or are we going to continue down this same “God-forsaken” path? Let’s hope they can work together peacefully, compromising, and continue forward…
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