Bill Preuss
- January 25, 2021Democracy has prevailed To the Editor: At his inauguration last Wednesday, President Biden spoke thesewords: “Democracy has prevailed.” Only two weeks after the assaultupon the Capitol. The only previous assault on Washington, D.C., was in 1812 when theBritish attacked and burned the White House. Also in 1812 Francis Scott Key penned the words to “TheStar Spangled Banner,” our national anthem,…
- October 06, 2020To the Editor: Mr. Radisewitz in his letter said that the county in which he lives is not the same, and he asks the citizens to be more respectful. I see us being that in where we shop, work, play and worship. We are not judged by our political views, religion, ethnicity or economic status. We are, however, in politics. The blame for this lies in the mouths of our politicians and media. If you…
- December 22, 2019To the Editor: (How good are you at Christmas trivia? Bill Preuss, Luverne, submitted these questions.) Christmas Trivia 1. Mary and Joseph left what city to go to Bethlehem? Jerusalem Nazareth Tel Aviv Kanaranzi 2. What were the names of the three wise men? Shadrach, Meschach, Abednego Gaspar, Balthasar, Melchior Abdul, Obadiah, Jeremiah Larry, Curly, Moe 3. How many miles did Mary and…
- November 25, 2019Thanksgiving Trivia 1. The pilgrims fled a country to England. What was that country? Germany The Netherlands Italy Canada 2. What was the name of the ship they sailed on? The Explorer The Expedition The Peterson The Mayflower 3. Hoy many sailed on that ship? 52 102 158 4,567 4. What was the role of Miles Standish? The leader of the military A preacher A lawyer A cousin to Bill Frakes 5…
- August 29, 2016To the Editor: After many months of listening to activists, politicians and the media, I ask myself: Are they saying what they believe? And can I believe what they are saying? Activists want to save the planet. How? We can’t save ourselves. Atheists want Christ removed from Christmas. Isn’t that freedom from religion rather than freedom of religion? Politicians want to end crony capitalism. How?…
- June 20, 2016To the Editor: Trouble is here. I’ve been thinking again. Here are some of my meaningless thoughts. I was having lunch with a friend (yes, I have friends), when he excused himself to go to “the little boys’ room.” I thought, why does the sign on the door read “Men”? The University of North Dakota was called “The Fighting Sioux.” To be politically correct, they are now called “The Fighting Hawks…
- February 09, 2016To the Editor: This is a reply to Rick Peterson’s question as to why the red line in hockey is red. The line has two purposes: first, to divide the rink in half; second, as a line to help with a game delay called “icing.” It started as a solid line, but with the invention of black and white TV, the line was broken so it could be distinguished from the other blue lines. In today’s professional…
- December 01, 2015To the Editor: I read Rick Peterson’s column concerning the Affordable Care Act, and a few quotes came to my mind. It led me to think. (Here’s trouble.) Dick Gregory, the black activist and comedian, said, “Everything we do we should look at in terms of the millions of people who can’t afford it.” You are one of the millions who had affordable health insurance but now find it hard to afford or…
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