To the Editor:
After many months of listening to activists, politicians and the media, I ask myself: Are they saying what they believe? And can I believe what they are saying?
Activists want to save the planet. How? We can’t save ourselves. Atheists want Christ removed from Christmas. Isn’t that freedom from religion rather than freedom of religion?
Politicians want to end crony capitalism. How? They need their money to finance their campaigns and their taxes to pay for their programs.
They are amazed that countries would hack our computers. Is that worse than us giving military and financial aid to despots and dictators? If that fails, we’ll invade their country. If you love your children and grandchildren, why are you putting trillions of dollars of debt on their backs?
It appears to me that mankind, after thousands of years, has only become sophisticated on how not to win friends and influence people.
Bill Preuss
Voice of Our Readers
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