- By Rick Peterson, general managerApril 22, 2019I hope everyone had a nice Easter this past weekend. The weather was spectacular for a change so we were able to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities. The Petersons actually hosted two Easter family gatherings, one on Saturday and the other on Sunday. Why two gatherings, you ask? Family work schedules dictated the weekend get-together. As mentioned earlier, the weather allowed us the opportunity…
- By Joe Martin and Troy DaniellApril 22, 2019At USDA, we celebrate Earth Day 2019 by offering a big thank you to farmers and ranchers here in Minnesota for all they do. Every day we see their efforts to conserve natural resources while producing food, fiber and fuel for people in their communities and around the world. They are doing what needs to be done to make sure we all enjoy the benefits of clean and plentiful water and healthy soils…
- April 16, 2019Tornado season is approaching; learn how to survive As weather gets warmer, it is a good time to review and prepare for the upcoming storm season. Tornadoes can be a threat in most of the Midwest, and there is no guaranteed safety if you are in one’s path. But preparedness increases chances of survival, and Farm Bureau offers several tips. Tornado safety preparation Have a plan in place to know…
- April 09, 2019Distracted driving enforcement campaign aims to reduce tragedy Extra enforcement on Minnesota roads April 8–30 According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, distracted driving-related crashes have claimed an average of 45 lives per year over the past five years. Each of these tragedies has caused a lifetime of grief and pain for the families left behind, and the drivers responsible for…
- 2020 Census impacts $150 billion in annual federal funds and state's level of federal representationApril 02, 2019Marking one year until Census Day 2020, Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan joined the co-chairs of the Minnesota Complete Count Committee to kick off Minnesota’s “We Count” Census campaign on Monday, April 1. The campaign brings together a statewide coalition of counties, cities, nonprofits, foundations, and advocacy groups to support an accurate and fully inclusive 2020 Census count in…
- By Julie Tesch, president and CEO of the Center for Rural Policy and DevelopmentMarch 26, 2019Have you read a newspaper lately? Was it your local newspaper? Was it in print or online? I’m fortunate to have a daily, regional newspaper delivered to my door every day. I also have two neighboring community newspapers delivered weekly. Why do I spend this money? It is my connection to my community and local news. I can go online at any time and find out what is going on in pop culture and…
- By Joe Martin and Troy DaniellMarch 19, 2019Farmers and ranchers are the backbone of America. They grow food to feed us, fiber to clothe us, and fuel to run our homes and cars. Their hard work and dedication provide economic stability across the nation — stability that supports rural economies and creates much-needed jobs in local communities. No matter who we are, where we live, or what we do, we all have a reason every day to celebrate…
- By Jim Zachary, deputy national editor, Community Newspaper Holdings Inc.March 12, 2019Sunshine Week is a national initiative spearheaded by the American Society of News Editors to educate the public about the importance of open government and the dangers of excessive and unnecessary secrecy For government to be of, by and for the people, it must be out in front of the people. The theme for Sunshine Week 2019 is simply, “It’s your right to know.” The reason it’s your right to know…
- By Sen. Amy KlobucharMarch 05, 2019When I first came to Congress, my No. 1 ask was to be on the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee. The reason was simple: I wanted to work on behalf of the communities and people of rural Minnesota It's no secret that Minnesota farmers have had a rough couple of years and are facing a lot of uncertainty. There are increasing questions about access to some of our biggest…
- By U.S. Sen. Tina SmithJanuary 15, 2019It’s no secret that farmers in Minnesota and across the country have been rocked by low crop and dairy prices, and a crippling trade war that has blocked billions of dollars in sales of U.S. farm products abroad. So, the last thing our farm economy needs as we move into the new year is to have the federal government shut down. For me, job one in the new Congress is to end this wasteful and…
- By Jane Wildung-Lanphere, Luverne Area Chamber DirectorJuly 31, 2018I strongly felt that I needed to respond in defense of the wonderful men and women who have volunteered and are serving on the Destination Branding Committee for Luverne Initiatives for Tomorrow. If you are a social media person (I admit that I am not), you probably have heard of the negative comments, hatred and hype that has been focused on the work that these volunteers are doing trying to…
- July 17, 2018Voting is both a right and a privilege, but it’s also an important responsibility of every eligible citizen. The primaries are only a few weeks away, and the 2018 election season is shaping up to be a pivotal moment of changing leadership in many levels of government, so it’s never been more important to research ballot options and the candidates you’ll support. For our local elections, we hope…
- By Becky Rahm, LuverneOctober 09, 2017Over the course of my teaching career, educational content and methods have evolved a lot, but unfortunately the Luverne Middle School/High School building has not kept up with the many changes. It is clear that the current middle school classrooms in particular are no longer adequate for the 21st-century teacher and student. Students must learn skills like collaboration, problem solving and…
- By Jim Pumarlo, Minnesota News MediaOctober 03, 2017Nothing is more satisfying to an editor than reviewing a day’s edition — whether in print or digital format — and quietly proclaiming, “We connected with our readers.” A newspaper’s relationship with its readers is at the heart of National Newspaper Week. Newspapers, at their best, are stewards of our communities. News columns are a blend of stories that people like to read and stories they…
- By Craig Oftedahl, Luverne Public Schools SuperintendentSeptember 19, 2017I’ve worked in schools for 30 years and every fall I am impressed and inspired by the energy of students when they come back to school. It’s an exciting time of year for the kids, for parents and for teachers. The theme for this school year is “Purpose, Passion, Pride … Making a Difference.” Educating students and building relationships to prepare young people for the world is our purpose and we…
- September 05, 2017Thousands of preschool through 12th-grade students entered schools throughout the area this week. It’s a fresh start. A clean slate. A new way to start over with a positive focus on the tasks at hand. Most importantly, the new school year is a chance for young people to learn to communicate and understand that, while issues seem overwhelming, there are ways to overcome them. This summer the…
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