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Van Der Brink thank you

Thank you to our neighbors - Cliff, Isaiah and Cerissa, our family and first responders for their immediate response when Rich had his accident on July 3! Thank you for the excellent care at the Sanford facilities, and Mary Jane Brown Good Samaritan Society to assure his recovery so he is able to live at home again. Thank you to friends and family for your prayers, concern, food, rides and all the special favors shown to us during his recovery. Thank God for His miraculous healing! We are blessed to live in this caring community!

Rich and Greta

Van Der Brink


Ellsworth Public School listing

Ellsworth Public School is accepting applications for the following positions - Para-professional and Head Cook.

Applications can be picked up at the school office or found on the school website at        (10.10-10.26)

Garage/Apartment Sale

Garage/Apartment Sale-

Figurines - one Royal Daulton, one small Mother of Mary - $150 on Amazon, children’s books, 40” wall smart tv, 2 suitcases, leaf blower, cigarette machine, seasonal decorations, beautiful 15” wooden Independence Day eagle, tea set, 2 boomboxes - Sony and Philips, 3 dvd players, IMP3, 1 blu-ray, 1 multi-regional, walker with seat, 100’ orange cord, stationary punching bag, 14 rechargeable batteries, 2 chargers - all new, 17” nutcracker - lights up, and much, much, much and lots more! Sale runs until items are sold.

109 E. Luverne Street, Apt. #333. Secured building (old school), ring #331, not 333. For more information call 507-935-2064, ask for James.        (10.10-10.26)

Van Surksum thank you

The family of Harold Van Surksum would like to thank the entire Luverne community for the outpouring of love and support following Harold’s passing. The condolences shared were a source of great comfort to us, with many sharing times when Harold had brightened their day. We knew our father, grandfather, and great-grandfather was a special gift, and it was a great encouragement to hear that others had also been blessed by his joyful spirit and ready smile. Special thanks to Sunshine Foods for their generosity to our family, and to the many Sunshine customers who donated toward a memorial bench to be placed along Ashby Trail.  We also thank Pastor Mike and Vicki and the members of American Reformed Church for being the hands and feet of Jesus to us as we mourned.

Family of

Harold Van Surksum


Nobles County Community Services is accepting applications for two openings for a Social Worker

Nobles County Community Services is accepting applications for two openings for a Social Worker. Apply now for these two exciting career opportunities! Social Workers improve the quality of life and safety for individuals and families receiving services.

Elderly Waiver/Care Coordinator: provides case management and care coordination services to senior citizens, arranging and coordinating services as needed to facilitate independent living.

QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, Psychology, Sociology, or closely related field, with one year experience in social work preferred. Must possess a valid driver’s license.

Excellent Benefit Package.  Proficiency in a second language may be eligible for an extra $1.00/hour.

APPLY TO: Nobles County Administration Office. Visit our website at for application and to view full job description and benefit sheet. Deadline:  Open until filled, first review date 10/07/2024. EEO/AA Employer           (9.21-10.10)

Fick thank you

Thank you to everyone who remembered us on our 60th wedding anniversary with many cards, visits, gifts and calls. We appreciate all your kind acts. Also, thank you to all who remembered us with thoughts and prayers while Bob was hospitalized with a heart issue.

God bless all of you!

Robert “Bob” & Avis Fick

Woodley garage sale

Garage sale at old Woodley Auto Service - 503 E. Main St., Luverne, Saturday 9/21, 1-5 p.m. Auto parts, motorcycles, leather jackets, collector items. Sealed offers for the building sale to Eisma and Eisma, 103 E. Main St., Luverne, MN by 10/31/24.

Nibbelink family thank you

The family of Vonda Nibbelink would like to thank everyone for expressions of sympathy, cards, memorials, all the hugs and comforting words at the time of Vonda’s passing. Thank you also to the doctors and nurses at Sanford Luverne and Sanford Sioux Falls. A special thanks to Pastor Joe for the beautiful memorial service. We also wish to thank Jeff Hartquist and his staff for taking care of all the arrangements and for all their kind words. Thank you to our friends and neighbors. All is greatly appreciated.

The Nibbelink Family

Niessink thank you

Thank you to all who remembered us with cards and well wishes for our 60th anniversary. It was very much appreciated.

Harold and Corinne Niessink

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