By Mavis Fodness
August 08, 2016
Urban and rural residents of Kenneth will gather this weekend for some summer fun in preparation for the winter months.
Kenneth Family Fun Days takes place Friday night and Saturday in Kenneth.
“We do it to pay for snow removal,” said organizer and businessman Dave Groen.
A free movie kicks off Fun Days at dusk Friday. The outdoor event will take place on the back side of the former Lutheran…
By Mavis Fodness
August 08, 2016
In an effort to lower banking fees, Rock County Commissioners moved five checking accounts and two savings accounts to a single bank in action taken at their Aug. 4 meeting.
Last month the county sent out a proposal for professional services to local banks.
Proposals were received from Minnwest, Farmers & Merchants, and Exchange State banks, all in Luverne.
The board unanimously awarded the…
By Jason Berghorst
August 08, 2016
The Adrian Branch Library will soon begin a major renovation, and fundraising is underway to help finance the project.
The library, located on Maine Avenue in Adrian, is a branch of the Nobles County Library in Worthington.
The Adrian Branch Library serves residents from Adrian and western Nobles County, as well as some patrons from eastern Rock County.
The library has 1,600 cardholders and had…
August 08, 2016
Minnesota’s regular waterfowl season will open on Saturday, Sept. 24, with similar bag limits and season dates that were in place last year, according to Steve Cordts, DNR waterfowl specialist.
“All signs point to this being a great year for duck and goose hunting,” he said.
“Many hunters look forward to the duck hunting opener all year. It’s a time to get into the marsh and spend time with…
August 08, 2016
The Rock County Community Library will host a murder mystery event Friday, Aug. 26, at the library.
Opening announcements begin at 5:15 p.m. with the mystery event from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Members of the teen reading club will perform as guests sleuth and interact to solve a theft inside an ordinary library.
“Mystery in the Library” takes place inside an ordinary library. When an ancient manuscript…
August 08, 2016
The AgStar Fund for Rural America has awarded a $3,000 grant to the Rock County Fair in Luverne for upgrades to its livestock wash rack. Pictured July 28 near the grandstands are Pat Barnette of AgStar (left) and Rock County Fair Board Secretary Lee Sells. The upgrades to the livestock wash rack include new cement, drainage and water supply in addition to more tie-up spaces. AgStar’s corporate…
By Lori Sorenson i
August 08, 2016
First Farmers and Merchants Bank President and CEO Mike Engesser has announced he will retire Dec. 31 after 35 years at the bank.
Engesser, who also serves as Senior Vice President of 215 Holding Co., started in 1981 for First Bank Luverne, which became First Farmers and Merchants Bank in 1987 after the Short Family bought it.
Brian P. Short, President and CEO of 215 Holding Co., announced last…
August 08, 2016
10 years ago (2006)
•Construction of Rock County’s new Law Enforcement Center is so far on schedule and within budget, according to an update at Tuesday’s County Board meeting. …
Project superintendent Dave Molberg said he’d rather not talk about early timelines, because snags can occur later in the process to set back the schedule. …
He said that of all the work he’s done on major commercial…
August 08, 2016
The Rock County Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announces that producers interested in increasing monarch butterfly habitat on private lands need to apply for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) – Monarch Butterfly Habitat Development Project by Aug. 19. This deadline coordinates with all other EQIP deadlines.
Through EQIP, Rock County NRCS will work to provide…
August 08, 2016
For information or to register for these activities call Community Ed at 283-4724. Office is closed until Aug. 1.
Soccer Morning Fun for ages 5 through grade 4 (as attended during 15-16) will be held four days the week of August 15. Fee is $16. Register by Aug. 9. Class size limited to 20.
Discovery Time Preschool has openings in the Tuesday/Thursday afternoon class. Register now. Early Learning…
By Mavis Fodness
August 08, 2016
It’s been almost a year since Dianne Karlstad of Luverne was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
She said she visited three doctors because she couldn’t accept the explanation of why her right hand shook as she wrote and why she couldn’t walk distances without losing her balance.
“I needed to talk about it,” Karlstad said. “My life has changed.”
Those talks with others about Parkinson’s Disease…
By Lori Sorenson i
August 01, 2016
In Tuesday’s primary election, local voters will narrow the fields in three local races that have three or more candidates.
Four candidates are seeking election to the open county commissioner seat in District 1 currently held by Ken Hoime, who opted not to seek re-election.
Candidates are Don Bryan, Hardwick; Mike Davis, rural Luverne; Kyle Hemme, rural Hardwick; and Gary Overgaard, rural…
By Mavis Fodness
August 01, 2016
Chickens, ducks and turkeys made their return to last week’s Rock County Fair.
After a year hiatus to halt the statewide spread of a deadly avian influenza virus, the local poultry show went forward as if the May 15, 2015, ban didn’t happen.
“I think we had a good show,” said poultry superintendent Beth Kalass.
In her 21 years working with the poultry project, she said the program’s numbers have…
August 01, 2016
The 2016 version of the Rock County Free Fair will go down in history as enjoying the best weather ever. Cool dry temperatures prevailed during all four days of th fair, and events and activities enjoyed record attendance.
By Jason Berghorst
August 01, 2016
The Craig and Twyla Schilling family of Ellsworth was recognized as a Century Farm Family at the Rock County Fair on July 28.
In 1916 John and Grace Bergman, Twyla Schilling’s great-grandparents, purchased 160 acres in the northeast quarter of Section 23 in Kanaranzi Township of Rock County.
For 100 years the farm has been owned and operated by the Bergman-Wessels-Schilling family.
The Bergmans…
By Lori Sorenson i
August 01, 2016
For 40 years Nancy Lange has been involved with decisions affecting families, sometimes resulting in children being removed from their homes.
Friday was her last day as a social worker in Luverne, and she said she looks forward to more tranquil days ahead.
“Now maybe I’ll have more energy to do some volunteer work,” Lange said.
“I would come home at the end of the day mentally and emotionally…