By Lori Sorenson
September 11, 2024
The fourth annual “Out of the Darkness” suicide awareness and prevention walk will be from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, in the Luverne City Park.
The event raises money for research to end and prevent suicide and shows community support for those who have lost loved ones to suicide or have struggled personally with suicide.
It coincides with similar walks nationwide during September, which…
By Mavis Fodness
September 11, 2024
Hardwick City Council members amended the city’s liquor licensing ordinance to allow businesses licensed to sell alcohol to also offer intoxicating hemp products.
In 2023 Hardwick originally signed the county ordinance that barred businesses with liquor licenses from selling beverages containing CBD or cannabidiol.
Hardwick now joins Luverne which allows businesses with liquor licenses to offer…
By Lori Sorenson
September 11, 2024
Construction progress continues on Luverne’s child care center, and the Luverne Economic Development Authority heard an update at their Monday morning meeting.
“Things are on schedule and moving along nicely,” said LEDA director Holly Sammons.
Steel framing and drywall will likely be in place this week and painting should be done by the end of the month when work will start on tiling and…
September 11, 2024
September is National Fall Prevention Awareness Month, a time to focus on ways to stay healthy, strong and balanced.
Here are some tips to reduce your chances of falling:
•Exercise: Do exercises that make your legs stronger and improve your balance, like SAIL.
•Have your eyes checked: Have a doctor check your vision annually, and keep any glasses or contact prescriptions up to date.
September 11, 2024
With upcoming November elections, the Minnesota Department of Transportation reminds campaigners that state law
prohibits placement of political or advertising signs on highway right of way.
These areas include driving lanes, inside and outside shoulders, ditches, sight corners at intersections, and boulevards in urban
areas. It also includes displaying flags or other signs on bridges over…
By Mavis Fodness
September 11, 2024
Six Rock County 4-H’ers earned purple ribbons at the recent 2024 Minnesota State Fair, with two 4-H’ers receiving additional recognition.
While champion and reserve ribbons are distributed in the livestock projects, purple ribbons are the highest placing for static projects.
Ashlyn Johnson of the County K9s 4-H Club earned a purple ribbon during the conference judging of general projects.
By Mavis Fodness
September 04, 2024
A restored World War II military jeep will be celebrated Saturday during “Operation Homecoming.”
The fully restored 1942 Ford GPW will lead a parade beginning at 11:30 a.m. down Luverne’s Main Street along with other military vehicles.
A Command Readiness Inspection (or a military vehicle park and shine) will be open to the public from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the courthouse square.
Free root…
September 04, 2024
Nearly 80 tractors of all makes, models and ages made their way across Rock County Friday morning for the eighth annual Rock County Tractor Ride. The group, which includes tractor enthusiasts from across the tri-state region, assembled at the Luverne City Park at 8 a.m. and traveled westward to Nordstrom's Automotive near Garretson where they took a lunch break before winding their way back to…
By Lori Sorenson
September 04, 2024
The Walgrave family announced last week that there were “boots on the ground” when a flatbed trailer delivered the first pieces of “the world’s tallest nutcracker” in Luverne.
Each boot is 14 feet tall and weighs more than 1,300 pounds — the first installment of the 65-foot-tall sculpture anchored on an 8-foot-tall concrete pedestal to tower 73 feet in the air.
It will be supported by an…
By Mavis Fodness
September 04, 2024
Two regional cooperatives could merge, depending on a membership vote scheduled to end at 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30.
If members approve, the cooperatives of New Vision and Crystal Valley could become Prairie Valley Ag Cooperative by March 15, 2025.
Members can attend six informational sessions scheduled for Sept. 10-12. This includes a meeting in Rock County at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10, at Big…
By Mavis Fodness
September 04, 2024
Rock County Rural Water (RCRW) received a $3 million grant from the USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) to replace the existing water tower damaged by a derecho in 2022.
The new 500,000-gallon water tower will more than quadruple the existing storage capacity of the 125,000-gallon tower in Beaver Creek. The old tower will be dismantled once the new tower, to be located in Clinton Township, is…
By Lori Sorenson
September 04, 2024
Brynn Peterson, a student at Minnesota West Community and Technical College and a resident of Blue Mound Tower, was awarded a $1,000 scholarship through the local housing authority.
Tammy Johnson, director of the Luverne HRA and Blue Mound Tower, nominated Peterson for the scholarship.
“Brynn is so deserving of this award,” Johnson said in her recommendation to the Minnesota National…
By Mavis Fodness
September 04, 2024
The Hills-Beaver Creek School Board approved a two-year contract with secondary principal Andrew Kellenberger Aug. 26.
Kellenberger will receive a 4-percent increase for each of the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years.
Previously Kellenberger’s salary was $108,000.
For 2024-25 he will receive $112,320, and for 2025-26 his salary will be $116,813.
September 04, 2024
Minnesotans who applied for federal assistance may need to follow up with FEMA and provide more inform-ation or documents to move their application forward. Those who still need help recovering after the June 16 – July 4 storms and flooding and haven’t yet applied still have time to do so too.
Applicants with insurance
If you applied with FEMA and reported having insurance for the damage to…
September 04, 2024
DSP Week is Sept. 8-14 when those who work as direct support personnel are honored for their contributions to caring for disabled and vulnerable children and adults. At Rock County Opportunities in Luverne, the organization this week honors its team of DSP workers.
“The DSPs at RCO are awesome,” said RCO administrative director Adria Benson. “They work hard to provide a safe and welcoming…
September 04, 2024
Tradition continued Tuesday morning when the Luverne High School Class of 2025 gathered on the football field together to celebrate the first day of their last school year together. Senior Sunrise was a success as the students were treated to clear skies for the event organized by the student council that culminated in a 6:51 a.m. appearance of the sun.
Pictured are (front from left,…