Letters to the Editor
- November 02, 2015To the editor: Read the article about condemning the house north of the Culligan offices, and I know there is more property on the city’s list. My question is, “Where is all this money that the city is spending coming from?” At the Aug. 18 council meeting they let us know that Luverne has the lowest tax rate in the southwest Minnesota region, and the city still has the nicest and newest top of…
- October 12, 2015To the Editor: As a member of the Rock County V.F.W., I would like to give all the people involved with putting the Flag Park together a great “Thank You.” It gives me a great feeling of pride every time I go by it, and it makes the city that much more appealing. Thank you much! Buck Underwood Quartermaster #2757
- September 28, 2015To the Editor The Tri-State Band Festival Committee would like to salute the Luverne community for its overwhelming support and participation in the 65th Annual Tri-State Band Festival. This event would not happen without the involvement, commitment and energy of so many businesses, organizations and individuals in the Tri-State Region. We have specifically acknowledged individual…
- September 28, 2015To the Editor: Having been a teacher at Southwestern Youth Services for many years, one of the things I have learned is how important it is to seize on those “teachable moments.” You know the ones: they come unexpectedly, at odd times and often don’t have any relevance to the classroom lesson you are teaching at the moment. Because of the challenging nature of our school, teaching adjudicated…
- September 21, 2015To the Editor: Pope Francis will address the U.S. Congress, bringing a special message. No one knows what he will say, but a sign I noticed outside Luverne's St. Catherine Catholic Church perhaps touches the heart of his message: “Bless God's Creation.” This has been the message of the Pope's recent “Encyclical on Climate Change and Inequality — On Care for our Common Home.” I…
- September 14, 2015To the Editor: Assisted living is a critical component of long-term care. At Poplar Creek Assisted Living and Oaks Independent Living facilities, we pride ourselves on caring for all aspects of each unique resident. That’s why we are excited to see the theme for this year’s National Assisted Living Week, Sept. 13-19, is “Nourishing Life: Mind, Body and Spirit.” Whether through our social…
- August 10, 2015To the Editor: How do you thank a town? How does a family express gratitude to a community? In 1999 our parents retired from their beloved farm life near Adrian and moved to town. They moved to Luverne. On July 31, after several weeks of failing health, our mother died in the loving embrace of this remarkably giving community. During their 16 years in Luverne, Lucille and Jerry Taylor…
- July 27, 2015To the Editor: I agree with David Kolsrud’s letter to the editor (July 16, 2015,) but we should remember that when on TV (“Meet the Press”) in the ’80s, our president said, “The sooner we get more cooperative farms, we will be able to feed the whole world.” He also said, “High interest is part of my Reagan recovery.” High interest put thousands of farmers out of business. I think this would add…
- July 27, 2015Increased penalties for reckless driving effective Aug. 1 To the Editor: There is a new law on the books that will give prosecutors the ability to charge reckless drivers who cause great bodily harm or death with a gross misdemeanor. This new law is effective Aug. 1. American Bikers for Awareness, Training, and, Education of Minnesota (ABATE of MN) would like to take this opportunity to…
- July 13, 2015To the Editor: It was 20 years ago this August, on a hot summer day, that a handful of farmers ventured to city hall to discuss the idea of forming a cooperative to “add value” to crops grown in the Luverne area. I remember it being a very eerie day due to birds dying from insecticide put on top of many downtown buildings coupled with many residents sick which turned out to be an epidemic of…
- June 01, 2015To the Editor: We in Rock County are very fortunate to have the dedication of the men and women of our American Legion and VFW. Each year they organize and perform a beautiful program for Memorial Day. This year’s program was exceptional. I was one of the many who left the cemetery with a thankful heart, remembering the brave men and women who served and sacrificed for our country. Our current…
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