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Rock County Sports

  • By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnist
    March 20, 2024
    I recently did a podcast with Ron Shara Productions host Travis Frank about volunteering. If you would like to listen to it, search “The Flush Podcast.” We spoke for about an hour about what motivates a person to volunteer for 40 years to the same organization. This is the length of time I have been working on behalf of Pheasants Forever. I recently was named as the first-ever Pheasants Forever…
  • By MN DNR
    March 13, 2024
    Turkey hunters can now buy their licenses for the spring 2024 season. Licenses may be purchased online at, by telephone at 888-665-4236 or in person wherever hunting and fishing licenses are sold. Hunters can hunt statewide and buy licenses for any time period (A-F) over the counter. Hunters will be asked which permit area they plan to hunt, so hunters are advised to know…
  • By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnist
    March 13, 2024
    I spent part of the day today rounding up a few pheasants from some friends to add to mine. I am preparing my donation to the Mulligan Stew Feed hosted by the Round Lake Sportsman’s Club this weekend at Round Lake Vineyards. I just smile when I hear people tell me that they won’t eat any wild game. Each person has their own description of what “too gamey” tastes like. I eat all kinds of wild…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen, sports editor
    February 28, 2024
    The Luverne girls’ basketball team continues on in the section playoffs after taking down Redwood Valley 58-52 in Section 3AA action Saturday, Feb. 24, on the road. The Cardinals also beat Canby 69-30 in Luverne’s final game of the season Tuesday, Feb. 20, at home to finish the regular season 10-14. Luverne will meet Fairmont in Section 3AA quarterfinal play Thursday, Feb. 29, in Fairmont at 6…
  • By Scot Rall, Outdoor Columnist
    February 28, 2024
    Minnesota’s Legislature is now in session, and as always there are bound to be some issues that surface when it comes to natural resources funding. When it comes to funding sources, Minnesota has done a pretty good job of protecting many of these funds from diversion to other non-related spending. The Land and Legacy amendment that was passed in 2009 was passed by a constitutional amendment to…
  • By Scot Rall, Outdoor Columnist
    February 14, 2024
    Earlier this month I planned a few days off to go spear fishing for pike, but I got a call that ice conditions were not good enough to pursue my effort safely. So goes the winter with little to no safe travelable ice. On the other hand, it does make regular travel plans a lot easier, so I have a great alternative plan for those who can’t be on the ice. On March 1, 2 and 3, Pheasants Forever is…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen, sports editor
    January 25, 2024
    The Blue Mound Figure Skaters hosted their 2024 Ice Crystal Classic competition Jan. 19-21 at the Blue Mound Ice Arena in Luverne. “It was another successful competition,” competition director  Marian Schneekloth said. Nearly 100 skaters from five different rinks competed in the event. They included Hutchinson Figure Skaters, who took home first place, second-place Yankton Area Ice Association…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen, sports editor
    January 17, 2024
    Mother Nature took a turn for the worse this past week causing several local sporting events to be postponed or rescheduled. After a mild winter through the first of the year, this winter storm and freezing temperatures hit the area hard. Both Luverne and Hills-Beaver Creek schools called off activities, 14 in total, and were forced to reschedule some and postpone others. On Tuesday, Jan. 9,…
  • By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnist
    January 17, 2024
    We just had our first snow of the season, and it did not take very long to wish we had missed the snow for the entire winter. The cold temperatures expected later in the week would have gone a long way to creating safe ice for all of those ice anglers waiting on the shore. With eight inches of snow on what little ice was there, it will now delay the formation of safe ice, as the snow will act…
  • By Scot Rall, Outdoor Columnist
    January 10, 2024
    An interesting winter we’ve been having until this week. Don’t get me wrong, but I can say I totally loved it. There was no snow to shovel and holiday travel and other events had no road conditions to worry about. What this also means is that if you are a die-hard ice angler or pike spearer, there has been very little to no opportunity in the southern half of Minnesota. There is still some cool…
  • By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnist
    January 03, 2024
    By the time you read this, the 22-23 pheasant hunting season will have come to a close. My dad always used to tell me that if you want to see how fast time flies, take out a 90-day note at the bank. I will add to that with how time flies; just see how fast a 10-week pheasant season vanishes. I had a very good season, with more birds harvested this year over last. Like every year, the later into…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen, sports editor
    December 27, 2023
    The 2023 sports season saw eight teams make state appearances from both Luverne and Hills-Beaver Creek communities. The Cardinals and Patriots also had several individual athletes participate in state events which included gymnastics, wrestling, track and field, cross-country and golf. Here is a breakdown of the teams and individuals that made state appearances this past year.   LHS Girls’…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen, sports editor
    December 27, 2023
    As we usher out another year, we look ahead to a new year of possibilities and experiences. Looking back, I reflect on the sports I have covered, the people I have met, the places I have been able to go, and things I was able to do in my job as the sports editor: •all the miles I’ve driven for LHS and H-BC events, Redbird baseball playoffs, and state competitions in St. Paul. •the thousands of…
  • By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnist
    December 27, 2023
    So, when does an afternoon pheasant hunt turn into a nature walk? Every hunt is a nature walk, but normally at least a few of those nature walks will result in a pheasant or two in the game vest. Late season is far harder than hunting the young and dumb ones that had never been busted by a dog. There is a certain challenge in hunting last season roosters and it is a challenge I enjoy, but this…
  • By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnist
    December 20, 2023
    When is the last time someone did something really impressive and you had more fun watching than if you had done that impressive thing yourself?  It happens to me all the time in the outdoors. Watching someone harvest or catch their personal best in just about any category is pretty easy to get excited about. My son Brandon moved home from the Denver, Colorado, area about a year ago, and now I…
  • By MN DNR
    December 13, 2023
    Hunting pheasants, ruffed grouse, squirrels or rabbits offers opportunities to enjoy the Minnesota outdoors as temperatures fall and snow blankets the landscape. Pheasant hunting season is open through Jan. 1, 2024. On Dec. 1 the daily bag limit increases to three roosters, with a possession limit of nine roosters. The best places to find pheasants at this time of year are in tall grass or…
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