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Rock County Sports

  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    September 06, 2023
    The Luverne Redbirds lost to the Bluffton Braves 1-0 Saturday, Sept. 2, in Dassel, ending an extended playoff season that boasted a 26-2 record. The Braves were able to score one run in the first inning, and that is where the score stood for the entire game. Late in the seventh inning the Cardinals looked as if they might tie the game up. Nick Smith got walked with two outs. Smith then…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    September 06, 2023
    The Hills-Beaver Creek volleyball team went on the road to take on Viborg, South Dakota, Tuesday, Aug. 29. The Patriots gave up the first two games 25-21 and 26-24 to the Cougars. “At first we definitely had some first game jitters and made quite a few unforced errors in the first two games,” head coach Meghan Zylstra said. In Game 3, the H-BC athletes collected themselves and won the game 30-…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    September 06, 2023
    The Cardinals volleyball team is 3-1 for the season after a series of games over the past week. Luverne lost to Southwest Christian 3-0 Tuesday, Aug. 29, on the road. The Cardinals beat Murray County Central and West Lyon 2-0 in both games Thursday, Aug. 31, at a Luverne Triangular. Luverne was scheduled to take on Marshall on the road Tuesday, Sept. 5, and will travel to Westbrook Walnut…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    September 06, 2023
    Following are racing results for local drivers competing in Luverne, Rock Rapids, Hartford, Slayton, Worthington and Brandon for the week of Aug. 29 – Sept. 4.   Murray County Speedway Slayton, MN Last race of the season, Hub City Rumble, is scheduled for Sept. 30.   I-90 Speedway Sept. 2 - Hartford, SD Blake Schneekloth, #10 from Brandon DNF the A Feature Hobby Stock race. He placed…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    August 31, 2023
    (above) Ben Serie celebrates winning the game against Plato 4-3, in the bottom of the ninth inning Aug. 26 in Delano. Serie beat the throw to home plate after teammate Derek Lundgren hit a line drive toward third base for the walk-off win.   The Luverne Redbirds are headed to the Sweet 16 of the 2023 Class C Baseball State Tournament. The Redbirds knocked off the Plato Blue Jays in a walk-off 4…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    August 31, 2023
    (above) Senior Sarah Stegenga vollies against her River Valley Coop opponent Monday, Aug. 28, at the Luverne tennis courts. The Luverne girls’ tennis team beat Lac Qui Parle 5-2 and Montevideo 5-2 on the road Aug. 24, won the Worthington Tournament Aug. 26, and fell to River Valley Coop 4-3 at home Aug. 28. The Luverne tennis team is scheduled to host Fairmont Tuesday, Aug. 29 and travel to Blue…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    August 31, 2023
    (above) Patriots’ sophomore Abbie Harris (from left), senior Silvia Fick, freshman Brynn Bakken and senior Grace Anderson celebrate their comeback against Central Minnesota Christian Aug. 26.   The Hills-Beaver Creek volleyball team traveled to Adrian for a quad tournament Saturday, Aug. 26. The Patriots played without two of their main players, senior Lanae Elbers and sophomore Claire Knobloch…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    August 31, 2023
    (above) Men’s Club Tournament winners are (from left) First Flight winner Nathan Nekali, President’s Flight winner Gaige Nath, Club Champion Ben Nath and Second Flight winner Mike Wenninger. Not pictured: Third Flight winner Dave Gangestad and Fourth Flight winner Brady Dinger.   Ben Nath won the Men’s Club Championship Aug. 19-20 and Melissa Sandbulte won the Women’s Club Championship on Aug.…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    August 31, 2023
    The Luverne cross country team started the 2023 season participating in the Beresford, South Dakota, XC Invite Friday, Aug. 25. Luverne was among 30 teams invited to the event at the Bridges Golf Course. “I was super proud of each and every runner today that had the courage to stand on the starting line and test their limits,” said Luverne head coach Peter Janiszeski. The Cardinals had six Top 20…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    August 31, 2023
    The Luverne volleyball team traveled to Fairmont for the Cardinals’ first game of the season Saturday, Aug. 26, taking three games 25-15, 25-19 and 29-19. Junior Amira Cowell led Luverne with 15 set assists, and junior Hannah Sneller had 10 set assists. Junior Ella Reisdorfer had nine kills for the Cardinals, senior Morgan Ahrendt had eight kills, senior Kira John had seven kills and senior Tori…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    August 31, 2023
    Following are racing results for local drivers for the week of Aug. 22-28.  Murray County SpeedwayAug. 25 Slayton, MNElectric Bombers DNF #24H Brock Harnack, HillsStock Car Third #69 Cadyn Wessels, Luverne  I-90 SpeedwayAug. 26 Hartford, SD No local drivers  Worthington SpeedwayAug. 26 Worthington, MNBombers 10th-#5N Silas Top, Hardwick 12th-#51X James Hoffenkamp, Luverne  Huset’s SpeedwayAug. 27…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    August 23, 2023
    Did you know there are 108 double-sided stitches on an official major league baseball? The first and last stitch are hidden. My daughter, Tayler, and I were recently going over ideas for my next column when she asked if I knew any weird facts about sports that may interest my readers. I wasn’t sure what to say but quickly started rummaging through the web for content.  Here are 10 facts I…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    August 23, 2023
    Rapid Speedway Aug. 18 Rock Rapids, IASportsmen 6th-#24H Brock Harnack, Hills DNF-#13 Brandon BoeveHobbystock 6th-#210 Blake Schneekloth, Brandon DNF-#22E Eric Gaul, Luverne DNF-#14K Bryant Klaassen, AdrianB-Modifieds 5th-#52 Trevor Kracht, LuverneStock Car 1st-#46 Colton Arends, Luverne 5th-#15 Thomas Kracht, Luverne 7th-#40 Scott Overgaard, Luverne DQ-#4D Cory Kelderman, Hills DQ-#69 Cadyn…
  • By Scott Rall
    August 22, 2023
    As I was walking through some native prairie with my gal the other day, she commented on how cool it was that all of the different plants all seemed to get along so well together. She wondered why they all seemed to share the same space without trying to out-compete each other. It got me thinking just how rich a native prairie can be. Almost all the native prairie that once existed across the…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    August 15, 2023
    Finally, some rain showed up across much of southwest Minnesota and everyone was more than happy to see it. I certainly didn’t need it to make a living like many others, but it was still a welcome sight to me for a different reason. The first two weeks of August is the timeframe when the Minnesota DNR conducts their annual roadside counts for a variety of species, but the king in all this is the…
  • By Greg Hoogeveen
    August 09, 2023
    Following are racing results for local drivers competing in Luverne, Rock Rapids, Hartford, Slayton, Worthington and Brandon for the week of August 1-7.   Rapid Speedway  Aug. 4 Rock Rapids, IA Sportsmen 5th-#17 Brandon Boeve, Beaver Creek 7th-#24H Brock Harnack, Hills Hobby Stock 1st-#22E Eric Gaul, Luverne 7th-#10 Blake Schneekloth, Brandon DNF-#15X Kaden Kracht, Steen DNF-#14K…
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