The annual Friendship Days golf tournament welcomed 116 participants Friday night at the Larchwood Golf Course.
Morning competition included 12 teams of four, and in the afternoon 17 teams took to the links.
Taking home top honors were Jon Finke, Adam Finke, Scott Olson and Scott Remme with a team score of 61.
In second place were Tyler Bush, Chad Rauk, Kraig Scholten and Kale Wiertzema, who collectively scored 62.
Finishing in third place were Tyler Larson, Dustin Verhey, Halden Van Wyhe and Brian Tjepkes, also scoring 62.
Pin prizes were awarded to the following:
Hole 1 closest to 150-yard marker: Kale Wiertzema
Hole 2 longest drive – men: Scott Remme
Hole 2 longest drive –women: Laura Leenderts
Hole 3 closest to pin: Deb Olson
Hole 4 longest drive –men: Scott Remme
Hole 4 longest drive –women: Stacie Bundesen
Hole 5 longest putt: Dawn Leenderts
Hole 7 closest to pin: Tyler Bush
Hole 7 closest to pin in 2: Scott Olson
Hole 8 closest to pin in 2: Ben Van Keulen
Hole 9 longest putt: Kouri Wysong
Finishing in last place with a score of 88 were Nora Wysong, Kim Gehrke, Melissa Gehrke and Heather Erickson.
5K Fun Run and Walk
The 5K Fun Walk and Run, sponsored by Around the Clock Fitness, attracted runners to Hills Saturday.
Casey Swenson was the overall winner at the Annual Around the Clock Fitness and Tanning 5K Fun Walk/Run. He won with a time of 19:39.
Following are the rest of the result from Saturday’s event:
Ages 0 – 12: Taryn Rauk won the girls’ division and Aiden Sundem was first among boys. Chase Bosch came in second.
Teenagers: Luke LaRock was first and Hunter Bork was second among boys. Karmen Fuerstenburg was first for girls and Josie Bartels was second.
In the 20–29 division, Tyler Bush was first.
In the 30–39 category, Casey Swenson was first among men, and Chris Harnack was second. First place woman was Laura Leenderts and second was Vickie Busswitz.
In the 40–49 division, Scott Vander Brink was first and Kelly Vis second among men. Dawn VandeVoort was first and Amy Sundem second among women.
Marlon Top was first in the 50 and older category.