church column
- By Pastor Sarah Zender, Grace Lutheran Church, LuverneMarch 27, 2024My name is Pastor Sarah Zender and I’m the new pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in Luverne. It is an honor to have space in a local newspaper to share thoughts about life and faith. I would like to share a little about myself first. I’m a big believer that knowing a little something about the person who is writing can help create greater understanding amidst the words which I’ll share. I was…
- By Pastor Michael GeigerMarch 20, 2024“He is to lay both hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all the wickedness and rebellion of the Israelites — all their sins — and put them on the goat’s head.” Leviticus 16:21 A scapegoat by definition is one who is made to bear the blame of others. Whenever someone is blamed for something they didn’t do and treated as the guilty one even though they are not, they are a…
- By Pastor Bob Junak, Rock River Community Church, LuverneJanuary 24, 2024Have you ever wondered what would happen if everyone read the Bible every day? Probably not. Just imagine how much the community of Luverne could be changed simply by reading the Bible. However, there is a common trait so many people share. The trait is, most of us live the way we’ve always lived. See, we’ve created habits, we’ve created patterns, and we’ve created structure in our lives that…
- By Pastor Phil Booe, St. John Lutheran Church, LuverneJanuary 10, 2024Moses reveals in Genesis 4 that the fall of mankind into sin begins with Satan — the accuser — masked as a crafty serpent sowing seeds of doubt into Eve’s mind. “Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?” he asks. This clever question plants the idea that God’s word is unreasonable, even unjust. The serpent tempts Eve to doubt God’s word and elevate her own moral…
- By Pastor Joe Steenholdt, Christian Reformed Church, LuverneSeptember 06, 2023‘Tis the season for back-to-school shopping, checking off supply lists, implementing lesson plans, and adjusting to new classes and schedules. Yet there is one thing you won’t find on the back-to-school checklist, but it is one of the most profound things you can do no matter what your connection to the school is this year – pray. Here are some suggestions with the help of Scripture to pray for…
- December 03, 2019Ron Mehl tells the following story in his book, “The Ten(der) Commandments.” I love the story I heard about an eight-year-old boy who sat in class, taking a test. He became so nervous and distraught about completing the test on time that he suddenly wet his pants. Horrors! He looked down and saw a little puddle there beneath him. Sick with worry and embarrassment, he looked up just in time to…
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