Death seems to be the loudest frequency these days,
Something that you can’t turn off or change.
With the passing of two beloved people, only a couple days apart,
It’s a frequency that seems to produce so much pain in my heart.
The feeling of joy for them is overwhelming in our souls
To know they are free, healed and forever whole.
They suffered longer than we knew or could imagine,
But they brought a question to my mind that I can’t seem to fathom.
What does it mean to grieve with hope?
Does it mean to have eyes full of tears, yet peace in your soul?
It’s a scripture that we may have heard and know,
But what does it actually mean, and is it possible?
This seems like a dichotomy that will never be resolved.
Almost like an equation that cannot be solved.
To grieve with hope feels like a melody that’s in a minor key,
But the message of the song is somehow uplifting.
Maybe because death was never supposed to be
That it causes more questions to our finality.
But hope can be given to those who fell asleep
Because we know they will awake to a new beginning.
Darkness is overwhelming in the grave that I stare at for my friends,
But to know they are not there makes all the difference;
It’s what creates hope to bloom in our struggles,
It’s like a poem or a song in the midst of a world full of numbers and articles.
Hope does not ever take away the grief
Because grief reminds us that things are not as they should be,
But the hope pulls us forward to remember a new song is starting
Because death has been defeated by a King that is coming.
If grief feels like the loudest song in your ears,
Don’t be afraid of the pain or the tears.
Every tear is sown into a garden of hope,
Where flowers will bloom and restore your soul.
This King that is coming has already come before;
He defeated the thing that causes us to mourn.
And while we don’t see His victory in full,
His return can help you to grieve and still have hope.