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  • By RIck Peterson, general manager
    June 19, 2024
    This past Sunday was Father’s Day, and I think most dads would say every day is Father’s Day. Sure, some of those days being a dad can be a bit troublesome, but for the most part every day being a dad is a good day. Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Sept. 11 (not because of 9-11) and Father’s Day are the days I think about and remember my dad the most. Memorial Day and Veterans Day were the two days…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    June 12, 2024
    While most mothers of the bride spend months planning a daughter’s wedding, I’ve spent months wondering if there is something I’m supposed to be doing.  Our youngest, Kate, who is getting married Aug. 31, will never be called a Bridezilla.  “She said yes to the dress” on Facebook Marketplace. She asked her (one) bridesmaid to wear “whatever.”  I’m not even sure if I’m supposed to wear a dress…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    June 12, 2024
    I recently spent the day in the boat with a professional fishing guide by the name of Travis Frank. You might recognize this name as he is also the host of the Pheasants Forever television show called “The Flush.” Travis is a fully jammed up guy with a schedule this 63-year-old could never manage. He works for Ron Shara Productions and hosts several shows and is involved with the production of…
  • June 05, 2024
    Gov. Tim Walz is proclaiming June 2024 as Great Outdoors Month to encourage Minnesotans to get out in nature and enjoy the state’s outstanding outdoor opportunities. The proclamation points to investments in the state’s outdoor recreation system through the Get Out MORE (Modernize Outdoor Recreation Experiences) initiative as an example of the critical importance of outdoor recreation to…
  • By Jason Berghorst, reporter
    June 05, 2024
    It’s graduation season.  For me that means the end of the school year, returning to part-time summer work at the Star Herald, and graduation parties.  In my role as a high school teacher, I’m usually invited to 25 to 35 graduation open houses each year.  While it’s not possible to get to all of the events over the five consecutive weekends, I get to as many as I can.  In my 22 years of…
  • June 05, 2024
    Bremer: Artificial Intelligence is real Letter to the Editor: I am known by many to be a technology geek of the highest order. Artificial Intelligence is forging its way into our existence in so many ways. I, for one, detest that fact that AI takes over the jobs of real people (like our local DJs at the once local radio stations). In order to get any type of real assistance on the Internet,…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    June 05, 2024
    When you have two people in the same household who could use a little aid in the hearing department, it can make for some trying times. If one of those two people needs a little more aid than the other, they should be the one to get the hearing aid first. So now you have a household of two people, one hearing much better, and the other one not so much. When the hearing deficiencies were on a…
  • May 29, 2024
    May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in Minnesota, and safety messaging can seem repetitive: Wear a helmet. Ride sober. Don’t speed. Some riders listen, some unfortunately don’t. Three motorcyclists have already been killed on Minnesota roads this year, and fatalities have increased in recent years. Helmet use, speed and impairment are often contributors, but ultimately the skill of the…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    May 29, 2024
    The Rock County Star Herald last week published its Class of 2024 graduation special edition. It features photographs of graduating seniors with information about their high school involvement and future plans. We enjoy putting together the annual edition because it’s a chance to be part of such an exciting and hopeful time in the lives of these students and their families. We wish them well…
  • By Caroline Marion, Luverne
    May 22, 2024
    May is Lyme Awareness Month, and with a wet spring we can expect a big crop of ticks. Many people say, “I’ve never been bitten by a tick.” Well, one may not even be aware of a tick bite. When deer ticks are in the nymph state, they are the size of a pinhead. Sometimes they feed and fall off before you notice them. Twenty years ago I was bitten by a deer tick infected with the bacteria that…
  • By Tikki Brown, assistant commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services
    May 15, 2024
    Have you ever wanted to make a difference in someone’s life while filling a critical need in your community? If you have the capacity to open your heart to help, combined with a desire to create a safe and stable environment for children in crisis, foster care is a choice that can change their lives – and yours. The goal is always for children to remain safely with their own families, but when…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    May 15, 2024
    Dear George, We did it! We had the annual Marlene and Darlene comedy sketch spring fundraiser for Generations last Thursday – without  you. There was no carrot cake. There were no bouquets of flowers. We didn’t set up tables and chairs. There were no centerpieces. We actually had the fundraiser at the Palace Theatre because we knew we didn’t have the “man power” for a full-blown event at…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    May 15, 2024
    When it comes to luck, mine is normally pretty sour. Even my closest friends call me the character on the “Snoopy” cartoon who has the rain cloud following him around. When my friends have bad luck, they refer to it as “the luck of the Scoot” (Scoot is my nickname). I needed to get my boat ready for the fishing opener and had about a dozen things to check on before heading out on the road. One…
  • May 08, 2024
    In farm country, an old-fashioned notion persists about the disposability of pets — that they are only animals, and we are to treat them as such. It stems partly from the Biblical instruction in Genesis that “man has dominion over” animals and creatures. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem recently amplified this notion when she “disposed of” a hunting dog that wasn’t working for her. In Luverne we…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    May 08, 2024
    I recently found myself behind the wheel of Carson’s pickup. It’s been almost 32 months since he died, and it’s been about that long since he’s driven it, but if I close my eyes, I can still see him behind the wheel. … Tinted window rolled down, long hair flowing in the breeze, stereo blasting and engine rumbling as he idled slowly down the gravel driveway to avoid dust. It’s a maroon 1997…
  • By RIck Peterson, general manager
    May 08, 2024
    You may have noticed me walking around town recently with the aid of a cane. The need for the assistance from a cane is because of a recent hip procedure. Truth be told, my wife Mary wasn’t real keen on the idea of me going out in public with the cane. I will admit the tennis ball I added to the bottom of the cane may have taken away a little bit of the aesthetic appeal of my cane. Back in the…
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