By Mavis Fodness
May 18, 2015
Friday’s announcement of no local bird exhibits in Minnesota for the rest of 2015 has left local county fair organizers and poultry project participants disappointed but understanding.
Minnesota Board of Animal Health (BAH) joined decision-makers at the University of Minnesota Extension canceling all bird exhibitions at county fairs, the Minnesota State Fair, swap meets, exotic sales, petting…
May 18, 2015
Construction began May 11 on Highway 75 (Kniss Avenue) in Luverne and will continue through September, starting with a short in-town detour currently in place at Warren Street. The project consists of a variety of work, including resurfacing (mill and overlay) from I-90 to Main Street, seal coating from Main Street to north city limits, replacing a box culvert between Harrison Street and Edgehill…
By Lori Sorenson
May 18, 2015
Felony charges were filed last week in connection with a crash last summer that took the life of a young woman.
Mark Richard Zebe, 43, Adrian, was charged in Rock County District Court Friday with negligent fire.
The charges stem from a waterway fire Zebe started south of Kenneth on Aug. 4, 2014. Court documents state that Zebe’s fire got out of control, causing the crash that killed 26-year-old…
By Lori Sorenson
May 18, 2015
Geff Fitzer, who farms west of Luverne, has been strip-tilling his fields for 13 years with notable success.
That can be no better proven than in the June 2014 and recent May 10 rain events, both of which gouged deep gullies through fields and washed fertile topsoil into ditches and downstream.
“I have to admit, my fields came through in great shape,” he said about the storms.
“I’ve had virtually…
By Lori Sorenson
May 18, 2015
The rich black soil of southwestern Rock County is among the most fertile in the nation.
That’s why it’s so disappointing to see the damage from last week’s storm that washed topsoil — along with recently planted seed — into ditches and nearby streams.
“We have got to do something about this,” said Doug Bos of the Rock County Land Management Office.
He shared photographs of deep washouts and…
By Mavis Fodness
May 17, 2015
Despite the interruption from a fire alarm, Sunday’s commencement exercises for Luverne’s Class of 2015 flowed smoothly and focused on the class motto, “We have come a long way, but not half as far as we will go.”
Nine of the Class of 2015 high school graduates spoke to the crowd of fellow students, friends and family members seated in the Luverne Elementary School gymnasium.
Spencer Schacht and…
By Lori Sorenson
May 12, 2015
Local fans of the popular television series “House Hunters,” will recognize the featured Realtor in a segment recently filmed in Sioux Falls.
Ashley (Gacke) Bartholomaus is a realtor with the Tony Ratchford Group of Keller Williams Realty in Sioux Falls.
She sent House Hunters producers an audition tape of herself describing her experience working with a young couple, Damon Thielen and Jessica…
By Mavis Fodness
May 12, 2015
Last week Minnesota farmers tied a 30-year record for the most soybean acres planted in a single week.
That follows the pace set by corn planting the previous week when corn producers had the second-highest acres planted in 30 years, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.
For Kenneth farmer Danny Roskamp (picture above) last week meant a personal milestone in the 21…
By Lori Sorenson
May 11, 2015
The May display at the Carnegie Cultural Center rivals that of professional art exhibits, yet many of the artists don’t yet know how to tie their own shoes.
The Day Care Art Show, featuring the work of Rock County’s youngest artists, is on display through the month of May at the Carnegie at 205 North Freeman Avenue in Luverne.
Chamber Director Jane Wildung Lanphere said many local day care…
By Lori Sorenson
May 11, 2015
Betty Mann turned 85 on May 1, and she said birthday cards are still trickling in. “I just got three more today,” she said Monday.
Mann, president of the Rock County Historical Society, is among a group of volunteers raising money for a new History Center to start construction this summer in downtown Luverne.
It will occupy the Herman Motors building once that business relocates to its new…
By Lori Sorenson
May 11, 2015
Luverne Middle School and High School choir students performed their spring pops concert Friday night, May 8, in the Cardinal Gym.
Under the direction of Seana Graber, the groups sang and danced to familiar tunes that have become popular as Disney theme songs.
Each of the groups performed their own numbers, and the evening wrapped up with a combined choral performance of “Seize the Day,” which…
By Mavis Fodness
May 11, 2015
More panic buttons will be installed in the Rock County Courthouse due to action taken by the Rock County Commissioners at their May 5 meeting.
An additional 22 of the small devices will be installed under desks and service counters, all within easy reach by county employees if emergency assistance is needed.
Commissioners approved $4,616.10 for the equipment and installation.
Sheriff Evan…
By Mavis Fodness
May 11, 2015
Last week Minnesota farmers tied a 30-year record for the most soybean acres planted in a single week.
That follows the pace set by corn planting the previous week when corn producers had the second-highest acres planted in 30 years, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.
For Kenneth farmer Danny Roskamp (picture above) last week meant a personal milestone in the 21…
By Mavis Fodness
May 11, 2015
For two area graduates, their recent graduation from community college is one they won’t soon forget.
When Tyler Jacobs (Ellsworth Class of 2013) learned President Barack Obama would be the May 8 speaker at Lakes Area Technical Institute in Watertown, South Dakota, the 20-year-old didn’t believe the news at first.
“I thought it was a joke,” he said. “It’s (Watertown, South Dakota) such a small…
By Mavis Fodness
May 10, 2015
Two people died Monday morning, May 11, in a hog barn fire four miles east of Jasper in Rock County.
According to Rock County Sheriff Evan Verbrugge, Sharla Drew, 50, and Kristy (VanSurksum) Giesler, 32, both of Jasper, died in the blaze.
Drew, an employee of New Horizon Farms, and Giesler, a presser-washing contract were working inside the nursery barn.
At least two other employees where at the…
By glenda mcgaffee
May 05, 2015
The following information was gleaned from the Hills Centennial Book published in 1990 for the Hills 100th anniversary:
The location of the present day Hills City Offices was once the site of a lumberyard.
It started as the A.T. Sexe yard, which was bought out by the Tuthill Lumber Co.
P.H. Bly, who had managed the yard for Sexe, continued as manager for the Tuthill Company.
Ray Garner took…