Sanford Luverne
- December 04, 2024As part of National Rural Health Day, Sanford Luverne Medical Center has been recognized with a 2024 Performance Leadership Award for excellence in quality. Compiled by the Chartis Center for Rural Health, the Performance Leadership Awards honor top quartile performance (i.e., 75th percentile or above) among rural hospitals in quality, outcomes and/or patient perspective. “Providing quality…
- April 03, 2024Sanford Luverne Medical Center has been designated a Level 4 Trauma Hospital by the Minnesota Department of Health. Employees voluntarily participated in the intense designation process to become part of Minnesota’s statewide trauma system. “When patients need trauma care, they need it quickly,” said Tammy Loosbrock, senior director for Sanford Health in Luverne. “Being located along…
- By Lori SorensonJanuary 31, 2024Cervical cancer is the fourth most common form cause of death for women. Breast cancer, lung cancer and uterine cancer are the deadliest, followed by cervical cancer. However, uterine and cervical cancer comprise 50 percent of cancers in women in the United States, and they are the deadliest in third-world countries due to lack of screening. There are 11,000 new cervical cancer diagnoses…
- By Lori SorensonDecember 20, 2023Sanford Luverne hosted a party Thursday afternoon for Carol Wieneke, who retired from a 60-year career as a nurse. As Sanford’s longest-running employee on record, Wieneke has been celebrated at milestone parties marking 40 years, 50 years and even 55. Dr. Diane Kennedy, has worked alongside Wieneke during her own tenure in Luverne. “She is respected by everyone here and is extremely…
- By Julia Silvrants, respiratory therapist, Sanford LuverneJuly 16, 2019We are seeing a new national epidemic in our teenagers regarding E-cigarettes and vaping, and they are starting at earlier ages than even with cigarettes. Statistics show that many start at 13 or even younger and that since 2014 the number of teenagers using e-cigarettes has increased over 50 percent, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. Even though the legal age to buy them is 18 (…
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