- August 14, 2024Minnesota students who use e-cigarettes, also called vaping, are finding them-selves increasingly trapped in nicotine dependence, according to new data from the Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey. About 7 in 10 students who vape want to quit, and nearly two-thirds have tried to quit, with some trying to quit 10 or more times. Nicotine dependence has implications for youth mental health. Youth and…
- February 14, 2023Parents need to understand the prevalence of e-cigarette use, also known as vaping, and the serious health risks they pose to young people. Vaping comes in many forms: e-cigarettes, pen mods, box mod kits, pod mods (JUUL), which may sound foreign to some, but are everyday terms among youth. They look like pens or flash drives or are disguised as watches or tucked into the sleeve of a hoodie,…
- By Julia Silvrants, respiratory therapist, Sanford LuverneJuly 16, 2019We are seeing a new national epidemic in our teenagers regarding E-cigarettes and vaping, and they are starting at earlier ages than even with cigarettes. Statistics show that many start at 13 or even younger and that since 2014 the number of teenagers using e-cigarettes has increased over 50 percent, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. Even though the legal age to buy them is 18 (…
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