- October 16, 2024We observed National Newspaper Week last week, and it’s the time of year we consider why the Star Herald is worth the price of a subscription. •We are the only news outlet that covers your school boards, city councils and Rock County Board of Commissioners. These elected officials, dear readers, are the ones who spend your tax dollars and take action on building projects, commercial…
- June 05, 2024Gov. Tim Walz is proclaiming June 2024 as Great Outdoors Month to encourage Minnesotans to get out in nature and enjoy the state’s outstanding outdoor opportunities. The proclamation points to investments in the state’s outdoor recreation system through the Get Out MORE (Modernize Outdoor Recreation Experiences) initiative as an example of the critical importance of outdoor recreation to…
- February 21, 2024Is it possible you overlooked a rebate check that didn’t get cashed? If so, you may soon get a reissued check, so watch your mail and know what you’re looking for. Officials with the Minnesota Department of Revenue announced last week that they will begin reissuing over 128,000 one-time tax rebate checks that have gone uncashed and subsequently expired after their November and December issuance…
- February 28, 2023Minnesota’s 1,777 townships will hold their annual meeting on Tuesday, March 14. Known as Township Day, these annual meetings take place every year on the second Tuesday in March and set townships apart from other forms of local government. At these meetings, residents of the townships will voice their opinions about local issues with other township residents, and they’ll vote directly on their…
- By Bill Weber, Luverne, District 22 SenatorFebruary 22, 2022This year’s legislative session will be about getting Minnesota back on the right track. My priorities will be to tackle the tax infrastructure, the state's education system, and public safety. Surplus With a $7.7 billion surplus in the Minnesota state budget, there are a lot of opinions about what to do with all this extra money. Before I discuss what we should and should not do with the…
- December 21, 2020The Star Herald this week is dated Dec. 24, Christmas Eve, so our editorial staff thought it fitting to use this space to remember the reason for the season: On Dec. 25 we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. For Christians, that little miracle baby was God’s son, born to save us from our sin. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not…
- October 13, 2020Well, I took the bait. It happens about once every two weeks or so. I replied to a semi-political comment on Facebook. I should know better. In my defense, the original post was about the no-barrier COVID testing available this week in Luverne. It wasn’t technically political. I would have passed it by, but the author of the post mentioned online learning. As a teacher experiencing hybrid…
- By Craig Oftedahl, Luverne Public Schools SuperintendentMay 05, 2020Thank you, Luverne teachers! During the past six weeks, I have been reminded many times why I became an educator. It has been and always will be about the students for me. As a teacher, coach, principal, athletic director, and now as a superintendent, I always wanted students to have better opportunities than I had as a student and participant of extra-curricular activities. …
- March 24, 2020Luverne and Rock County have always been leaders in our little corner of the state on policies ranging from schools, the environment, agriculture and most recently the census (we’re leading the state right now in data response). Now, dear readers, we must again step up and be leaders. Our governor has issued mandates and our local businesses and governments are following through. But just 30…
- January 14, 2020On Monday, Minnesota Senate Republicans announced their agenda for the upcoming legislative session. Known as “Vision 2020,” it will guide public policy work during the 2020 legislative session, which is expected to include capital investment bill, a supplemental budget, tax relief, health care, public safety, roads and bridges, public infrastructure and more. Sen. Bill Weber, Luverne, shares his…
- By Esther FrakesJanuary 01, 2020So what’s in a name? Obviously a very specific spelling, for one thing. One of the challenges for the Star Herald staff is to spell names correctly — not an easy task. As early as possible at the beginning of each school year, we ask the area schools to email student class lists to us for reference when needing to verify spellings of names of students in our stories. The variety of spellings…
- November 12, 2019We’re closing in the end of another decade, and the Star Herald is looking back on the highlights of the years between 2010 and 2020. The first 10 years of the new millennium in Rock County were marked by the Ken Burns world premiere of his documentary series, “The War,” at the Palace Theatre. The decade also saw a regeneration of what we now know as the Courthouse Square with the stately…
- November 05, 2019Every two years state legislators submit requests for the capital budget bill. The requests include improvements to state facilities, public lands and grants to local government entities. The city of Ellsworth is requesting a $1.3 million grant for a new city hall, multi-purpose center and maintenance shop. It’s the only request from a community in our own backyard, and Governor Walz would like…
- By Tom GetmanOctober 22, 2019As I suggested last week, there is a bright side dawning in this dehumanizing time. There is increasing sense in our land, spurred by the political crisis, about what defines and characterizes honorable public service, a free compassionate society and faithful witness to the Good Shepherd. Shepherds, in the spirit of Jesus, take risks for the lost, lonely, endangered lambs … even those who may…
- By Tom GetmanOctober 15, 2019You in Luverne likely feel like I do here in Washington. In the midst of the hostile even bigoted political debates and civil disequilibrium, I confess the need for instruction to maintain my faith and peace. The Parable of the Good Shepherd (in Luke 15) reminds us what the sacrificing-servant-church, service clubs, NGOs and families can be in this period of resurgent racism, the ravages of rapid…
- By Michael Walgrave, Rock County Land Management technicianJuly 23, 2019“If civilization is to avoid a long decline, like the one that has blighted North Africa or the Near East for 13 centuries, society must be born again out of an economy of exploitation into an economy of conservation.” — W.C. Lowdermilk, former Assistant Chief of Soil Conservation Service and author of “Conquest of the Land Through 7,000 Years.” Armor the Land Attend Aug. 1 Cover Crop ‘How To…
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