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  • By U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Minnesota
    June 27, 2023
    The U.S. Surgeon General recently released a warning about the negative impacts of social media on children’s mental health, saying that it presents a profound risk of harm. The advisory also urged social media companies to help parents with the burden of managing the effects of social media on kids.   Big tech companies have shown time and time again that they cannot be trusted to protect kids’…
  • January 05, 2021
    According to data from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, 2020 has proven to be a challenging year on state roadways. Preliminary reports show there were 394 traffic deaths on Minnesota roads in 2020, compared with 364 in 2019. Of the 2020 fatalities: •64 were motorcyclists, compared with 44 in 2019. •10 were bicyclists, compared with 10 in 2019. •45 were pedestrians, compared with 50 in…
  • By Safe Minnesota, editorial, virus,
    June 02, 2020
    It’s been a long three months of social distancing and cautious avoiding of public spaces for fear of transmitting or contracting the highly contagious and sometimes deadly coronavirus. Hyper focus on disinfecting and disconnecting has been effective in our little part of the world, and for that we can be proud. Our community has been spared a widespread and sudden outbreak of the disease. Is it…
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