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On the Record Sept. 9-16, 2022

Dispatch report
Sept. 9
•An outage was reported.
•Complainant on E. Warren Street reported a vulnerable adult.
•Assistance from another department was received on W. Main Street, Hardwick.
Sept. 10
•Complainant on 115th Street, Luverne, reported a medical issue.
•Complainant on N. Blue Mound Avenue reported property was found.
•Complainant on S. Kniss Avenue reported counterfeit bills were received at location.
•Complainant north of Hardwick on Highway 75 filed a driving complaint.
•Complainant on N. Estey Street reported suspicious activity.
•A civil issue was reported.
Sept. 11
•Complainant southbound on Highway 75 near airport reported a driving complaint.
•Complainant on S. Kniss Avenue reported an assault.
•Complainant on E. Dodge Street reported suspicious activity.
•Assistance from another department was received on Interstate 90.
•Complainant eastbound on Interstate 90, mile marker 10, Luverne, reported a driving complaint.
Sept. 12
•Suspicious activity was reported.
•Complainant on Spring Street reported a civil issue.
•Complainant on N. Freeman Avenue reported a civil issue.
Sept. 13
•Complainant on E. Veterans Drive reported harassing communications.
•Complainant on N. Davidson Street reported motor vehicle theft.
•Complainant on State Highway 23, Garretson, South Dakota, reported a sudden death at location.
•Complainant eastbound on Interstate 90, mile marker 12, Luverne, reported a driving complaint.
•Assistance from another department was received on S. Kniss Avenue.
•Complainant on S. Street East, Magnolia, reported suspicious activity.
Sept. 14
•Assistance from another department was received in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
•Complainant in Luverne filed a driving complaint.
•Complainant on W. Mead Court reported a noise complaint.
Sept. 15
•Assistance from another department was received.
•Complainant reported a scam.
•Complainant on N. Kniss Avenue reported a driving complaint.
•Complainant on County Road 4, Luverne, reported debris on roadway.
•Complainant on W. Fletcher Street reported property damage at location.
•Complainant eastbound on Interstate 90, mile marker 5, Beaver Creek, reported a driving complaint.
•Complainant on N. Kniss Avenue reported a civil issue.
•Complainant on W. Warren Street reported a residence check.
Sept. 16
•A miscellaneous public assist was filed in Adrian.
•Complainant on W. Edgehill Street reported suspicious activity.
•Complainant on N. Cedar Street reported suspicious activity.
•Complainant at the state park reported suspicious activity.
•Complainant on 101st Street, Beaver Creek, reported suspicious activity.
•Complainant on E. Warren Street reported a noise complaint.
In addition, officers responded to 10 motor vehicle accidents, 1 deer accident, 1 transport, 1 funeral escort, 10 ambulance runs, 1 paper service, 8 animal complaints, 2 fingerprint requests, 7 burn permits, 1 driver’s license check, 2 gas drive-offs, 5 drug court tests, 2 purchase and carry permits, 2 stalled vehicles, 4 traffic stops, 10 abandoned 911 calls, 1 test, 1 report of cattle out, and 1 follow-up.

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