Dispatch report
July 29
•Complainant reported some people loitering and they are requesting extra patrol.
•Complainant requested a deputy come speak to the pastor about giving a man some financial assistance to get to Worthington in August to get his unemployment figured out or a possible ride.
•Complainant requested a welfare check on subject.
•Complainant requested some individuals be removed from fairgrounds for being disorderly and swearing at a carnie running the big dog ride. Subjects removed and barred from returning for duration of fair.
July 30
•Complainant requested assistance with a young person making threats.
•Complainant reported that her neighbor told her that subject broke into her apartment. Deputies checked apartment and found no signs of forced entry.
•Complainant requested a welfare check on subject and would like a call back. Deputy located subject, and he was fine. Tried to call complainant, but no one answered and there was no voicemail set up.
•Complainant requested a deputy go with her to check and see if anything has been disturbed.
•Complainant reported someone broke in. His door was kicked in, and there is stuff all over.
•Complainant reported he locked his keys in his vehicle.
•State Patrol reported some type of metal debris on I-90 eastbound at mile marker 5. Trooper out of position, so deputy took care of it.
•Complainant reported he just passed a tractor with a clam bucket a ways back. There was some trash on the road that could have been a storm door. Door was removed. Deputy gave male a half hour to get the road cleaned off.
•Fire department reported they would be out at the races at the fairgrounds.
•Deputy stopped a vehicle and cited driver for underage drinking and driving. The passenger was cited for no seatbelt.
•Deputy reported a vehicle abandoned at County Road 4 and 90th Avenue. It is off the road and seems to be OK.
July 31
•Complainant reported his daughter missing in the area. Driving a gold/champagne-colored 1999 Concorde LI with Missouri or Virginia plates and a dent on the left rear door. Deputy located vehicle at GrandStay. Spoke to her, and she doesn’t have cell service here. Left a message for her mother and father of where she is.
•Complainant requested a deputy to assist her with parenting issues. Her 12-year-old daughter is throwing a tantrum because her dad won’t give her the phone back.
•Deputy reported a van has been parked at Rauk’s for about a week. They are OK with it being there, but just don’t know why it is. Left message for director of the church and Rauk’s want to know when they call back.
•Complainant reported vandalism to a vehicle.
•Complainant reported he has to be out of the residence at location by 5 p.m. tomorrow, but when his son went back to the house this evening, the landlord was in the house with the lights off and a flashlight.
Aug. 1
•Complainant reported that he bought a pickup that was no longer drivable from a subject. Complainant now has received a Facebook message from someone telling him the vehicle is stolen.
•Complainant requested a deputy at location for Jehovah’s Witnesses on property.
•Complainant reported issuance of a nonsufficient funds check to Rock-Nobles Corrections.
•Complainant reported a violation of restraining order in Hills.
•Complainant reported her vehicle is broken down at location. She will be getting it moved sometime today or this evening. Deputy reported that the vehicle is well off the roadway and is not a hazard. Dispatch notified State Patrol.
•Complainant reported an abandoned vehicle at location. Vehicle is on a jack and has tire missing. It is off the roadway.
•Complainant reported that he is still owed money for a vehicle he has the title for. Complainant was advised that this is a civil matter and needs to be taken care of in Pipestone County.
•Complainant reported that he is having issues with his landlord and requested a deputy because his patience with his landlord is wearing thin.
•Complainant stopped in and said there would be seven people in seven different vehicles going around the county selling Platinum Insurance. They will be here for 2 to 4 weeks.
•Complainant reported that he had lost a golf cart from a trailer at location and has found it in a ditch near a field fence completely destroyed. Complainant said he will be coming back through the area in two weeks and will pick it up then. Dispatch notified Patrol, as they were already aware of the situation. Dispatch also passed on all complainant information. Patrol said that they will notify Minnesota Department of Transportation.
•Complainant reported a vehicle drove into location which is an abandoned farm place. When the driver saw the complainant, he turned around and left in a hurry. Complainant thought it was suspicious and wanted to report it to a deputy. This vehicle is entered into a group of solicitors in the area from a previous call.
•Dispatcher received a call from an individual who insisted on speaking with the sheriff, who was out on a call. He was offered a voicemail but declined. He said it was very important but didn’t want to speak with anyone else.
•Complainant requested to speak to a deputy about custody arrangements for his daughter between himself and his ex.
•Complainant reported that she cannot find her children. They were last seen a half hour ago in the backyard playing. She has checked with the neighbors, and the children are not there. At approximately 6:07 p.m. complainant reported that the kids were home safe.
•Complainant reported a vehicle parked along the shoulder two miles west of Luverne at location. Two males were seen outside the vehicle. Vehicle description is gray or silver 2010 or 2011 Blazer. Complainant did not feel comfortable stopping to assist.
•Complainant reported a vehicle with no plates at location on shoulder. No hazard. Car was marked with date and time. If it is there tomorrow, deputy will request a tow.
•Complainant requested a welfare check for some children that may be unattended.
•Complainant reported that his friend was going to commit suicide. The friend lives in Sioux Falls. Dispatch transferred call to Sioux Falls dispatch.
•Deputy arrested man for DWI after a call about him driving down the middle of the road on Kniss Avenue in Luverne and swerving all over. He was taken to jail and G&S was called to tow.
•Complainant reported vandalism to a vehicle. He was in Valley Springs, so call was forwarded to Minnehaha County.
Aug. 2
•Deputy reported there was an open door on a business. Keyholder was contacted.
•Deputy reported there was an open door on a business. Keyholder was contacted and asked that deputy secure it.
•Complainant reported a vehicle parked in a driveway for one of the wind towers near location. Vehicle has been there several hours with the driver in it. Deputy reported that the driver is having mechanical problems with his vehicle. He is waiting for some assistance.
•Complainant reported that a shed has an open door at a property that should be vacant. Complainant is concerned because of all the recent break-ins. Deputy reported that the shed was open with some miscellaneous items inside. Deputy shut and latched the door.
•Complainant dropped off a phone found on the ground on the 200 block of East Lincoln Street. Owner was contacted and picked up the phone at the Rock County Sheriffs Office.
•Complainant reported debris in westbound driving lane on I-90 at mile marker 1. Information was given to State Patrol.
•Complainant requested a deputy come and speak with her about a possible problem.
•Complainant reported a stalled vehicle in the road on I-90 at mile marker 22. Transferred to State Patrol, and they found the vehicle and arrested subject in Nobles County.
•Complainant reported three dirt bikes on the roadway that are not street legal. Complainant wants deputies to watch for them. Complainant thinks subjects may live nearby.
•Deputy requested G&S for vehicle abandoned on Highway 75 by the Bluestem. It is somewhat off the road but still 3 feet into the lane.
Aug. 3
•Complainant reported a fire alarm at 216 East Luverne Street. Paged Luverne Fire Department.
•Complainant reported possible child neglect. Unfounded.
•Complainant reported possible abuse.
•Complainant reported subject exposed his naked body to him. There have been ongoing issues with subject.
•Complainant reported Galaxy Note Pro tablet was stolen from location. Taken between July 28 and Aug. 1.
•Complainant requested to speak to deputy regarding being threatened.
•Complainant reported someone dropped a big load of gravel at location. Deputy reports there is gravel and rocks on the shoulder, but they do not appear to be a driving hazard. They appear to be doing some landscaping.
•Sheriff received a report about kids jumping off bridge at 134th Avenue and 71st Street. He requested it be checked out.
•Deputies arrested two subjects, one for possession of stolen property. A vehicle was taken from Rock Rapids, Iowa. The other was arrested on drug charges. They were taken to jail.
Aug. 4
•Complainant reported a woman activated her Lifeline button. Called back to cancel. She does not need help.
•Deputy reported that a vehicle was behind him on I-90 and it has problems. Looks like it is smoking. After speaking with the driver, he said that the vehicle was disabled, but he had help coming.
•Deputy spotted a subject driving and he knows the driver is revoked. Trooper stopped subject and took care of the call.
•Complainant reported people vandalizing the park in Kanaranzi and breaking rackets, etc. They are driving a white older Chevy pickup with smoke stacks. Complainant sees the vehicle in the area about once a week.
•Complainant requested to speak to deputy regarding custody issue.
•Deputy arrested subject for third degree DWI and took him to jail.
•Complainant reported trench collapse at location. Paged Luverne Fire, ambulance and requested helicopter.
•Complainant reported his son lost his iPhone in the city park. Called back and said it was located.
•Complainant reported a friend told him there was a bunch of kids at his house. He is gone, and there is not supposed to be anybody there. Deputy advised back door is open and received permission from complainant to enter and check residence. Neighbor reported there were two pickups there approximately 20 minutes prior to complainant calling.
In addition, officers responded to 4 motor vehicle accidents, 2 transports, 3 funeral escorts, 4 traffic stops, 2 parking violations, 19 ambulance runs, 4 paper services, 1 gas drive-off, 2 fingerprint requests, 10 animal complaints, 1 false alarm, 6 false 911 calls, 7 log/alarm sheets, 9 drug court tests, 4 money escorts, and issued 10 purchase/carry permits and 5 burn permits.
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