Dispatch report
May 28
•Complainant reported an open door at her neighbor’s and they aren’t home.
•Hills Fire Department reported they were having a drill in Hills.
•Complainant requested extra patrol through Hills. Trucks and trailer full of hay bales are speeding going both east and west.
•Complainant reported that the guy he has a restraining order against was riding around in a van that went by multiple times. He believes the guy was hiding in it because he got out of the back when it stopped.
May 29
•Deputy arrested female for assault of a family member and took her to jail.
•Complainant requested extra patrol because of threats made to his property.
•Complainant reported three young males doing burnouts in the road on W. Dodge Street by the baseball diamonds. Subjects were escorted off the property.
•Complainant requested help with something in Nobles County. Investigator assisted.
•Complainant reported she thinks her ex, that she as an order on, is breaking into her house when she’s not there.
May 30
•Complainant called 911 and said that he didn’t mean to. He was working on his roof and had hit the phone on him. Received two pocket dials from him.
•Complainant reported garbage, lawn chairs, and a license plate in the ditch just south of the railroad tracks at County Rd. 4 and 11.
•Complainant requested a deputy be present while subject moves out.
•Complainant called 911 and when dispatch answered she said she did not have an emergency and hung up. When dispatch called back, subject said she was trying to call 611.
•Deputy arrested subject for criminal sex conduct and took him to jail.
May 31
•Deputy arrested subject for DWI and took him to jail.
•Deputy reported he was out on an assist. He took driver to Casey’s to get gas.
•Complainant reported people yelling at each other in Magnolia. Sent deputy to check it out.
•Complainant reported subject beat her up. Subject was arrested and taken to jail.
•Complainant reported she heard a bang and looked out the window to see a couple of people in Magnolia that shot something. Complainant would like a deputy to come and see what they shot.
•Complainant reported getting harassing messages via text messages.
•Complainant reported finding a vehicle parked between the hog barns on his property. Driver claimed he was lost and was told to get off the property.
•Complainant reported he was staying at the Super 8 and was advised to go to Pizza Ranch to eat. When he arrived, a white van with a star on the door and three well dressed men stopped in the middle of the street and were talking to him. Complainant could not understand what they were saying and left and the men yelled at him while he was going in to eat.
•Complainant reported an underage party where people are leaving soon and complainant is concerned about them driving after drinking.
June 1
•Complainant reported someone left a note at his mother’s residence indicating he had an NSF check from a female and he wanted payment. Female is a friend of complainant’s brother.
•Complainant reported money was taken from their safe deposit box.
•Complainant reported someone moved her moped out into the street and removed a downspout from her house. Also believes someone broke into her son’s car.
•Complainant reported an open door on a house.
•Complainant reported her daughter is missing. She went out to play on the porch and now she’s gone. Daughter is wearing a pink shirt and teal blue pants. Blonde hair and blue eyes; weighs approximately 30 lbs. She was found by mother.
June 2
•Deputy cited driver for no Minnesota driver’s license and speed on I-90 mm 12 westbound. Vehicle was released to passenger.
•Complainant reported their tool trailer was broken into on County Rd. 1.
•Complainant reported someone tore up some crops that he is the land manager for. A license plate was found on the land and he wants to talk to the person before he presses charges.
•Reserved for narcotics laws.
•Complainant reported a possible underage party will be happening tonight in Steen.
•Complainant reported she found a bike at 121st Street and 140th Avenue.
•Complainant reported that on May 22 at 5:35 p.m. subject left the gas station without paying for gas in the amount of $36.70. Complainant gave subject time to pay but they will not pay.
•Complainant reported that someone was in his house. Complainant caught subject and let him go but would like to speak with a deputy. Subject was driving a mid 1990s Ford pickup, maroon with brown on the bottom with Iowa plates. Complainant positively ID’s subject.
June 3
•Complainant reported she was at the stop sign on Freeman Ave. and came to a complete stop, looked both ways and didn’t see anyone. As she started forward, there was a jogger that ran right in front of her and kind of tripped and kept running. Complainant just wanted to be sure this was reported, in case the jogger called in about it.
•Complainant reported 4-wheelers tearing up the new shoulder on County Rd. 5. They requested some extra patrol in the area.
•Complainant reported someone dumped a bunch of fancy rocks in her driveway and she thinks it may have been a mistake.
•Complainant reported a man attempted to commit suicide by driving off the road. Paged ambulance, sent deputy and notified state patrol.
•Complainant requested we make contact with subjects because they haven’t had contact since she moved out of state. Spoke with subject who made contact.
•Deputy arrested subject for 5th degree possession of drugs. He was taken to jail.
•Complainant reported kids driving go-karts recklessly through Kanaranzi.
•Complainant reported she turned in front of a semi while pulling out of Shopko and the semi honked at her and she felt this was inappropriate. Occurred approximately 10-15 minutes ago.
•Complainant reported her father put in new appliances and that if she dents them, he is going to dent her head. Complainant is leaving the house for the night.
June 4
•Complainant in Magnolia reported a silver Jeep with a Hispanic male wearing a hat and mustache pulled into her driveway. When she yelled at him, he drove away on 200th Avenue.
•Complainant reported they will be doing catering outside for Buffalo days.
•Complainant reported a stalled vehicle with a flat tire on County Rd. 7, 1 mile east of Hardwick. It’s just off the white line and needs to be moved by nightfall.
•Complainant reported possible criminal sexual conduct.
•Complainant reported batteries smoldering on 3rd Street in Hills. Sent Hills Fire Department.
•Complainant reported they have a transcient that they are bringing to Rock County who wants to go to South Dakota.
•Complainant reported that she saw a man on W. Barck Avenue put his 18-month-old child in the front seat and then drive off like a maniac.
In addition, officers responded to 6 motor vehicle accidents, 2 deer accidents, 1 funeral escort, 17 ambulance runs, 1 parking violation, 2 paper services, 4 animal complaints, 1 fingerprint request, 1 driver’s license check, 7 log/alarm sheets, 1 drug court test, and issued 5 purchase/carry permits and 18 burn permits.
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