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Voice of Our Readers June 10, 2021

Meinerts: 'I advocate for all freedom for every race and religion ...'
To the Editor:
I had a phone call from a gentleman about my letters to the editor. He was concerned about when I was going to stop with my “freedom” letters, asking how far am I going to take it? He told me I better think before I write another one, so I’ve been thinking.
How much freedom is too much? Do you want to live out the American Dream in full pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, or do you want to be stifled by the government? Who gets to decide what your freedoms are? When did we become a society where we can’t be friends with someone who has a different opinion? 
I advocate for all freedom for every race and religion, everybody deserves to have a voice. Doesn’t the First Amendment afford us all that right? As far as the laws that are passed, taking some of our freedoms, they seem like more of a moral issue. Because of those who choose to do wrong, we all suffer from another loss of freedom. Isn’t giving up your freedoms a mockery to the brave individuals who laid down their lives to establish this great country? The wise men who wrote the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence saw what could happen if they didn’t ensure our right to free speech. 
What about your religious freedoms? They have already been diminished by political correctness. Pastors can no longer call sin sin without the fear of being accused of hate speech. What about the greatest freedom of all, one that can’t be taken away by any man? I fear the people who share this message are in danger of being suppressed. The freedom to choose where you spend eternity.
Don’t take your freedom for granted.
Todd Meinerts,

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