To the Editor:
Packing and moving out can be a monumental task, especially after 23 years of being in one building. This is what the Council for Arts and Humanities in Rock County (CAHRC) faced in February and accomplished when it moved out of the Carnegie Cultural Center. It would not have happened without a lot of help in both areas.
Members of the Rock County Fine Arts Association (RCFAA) and the Blue Mound Woodcarvers were particularly helpful, along with family and friends who assisted in closing out the Gift Gallery and packing up in preparation for the move.
We also appreciated help from city employees, county employees, Schomacker Cleaning, Peer Helpers, Independent Studies Students, along with members of CAHRC, RCFAA, The Blue Mound Woodcarvers and Green Earth Players.
There were many people involved with this transition and we’re so grateful to anyone and everyone who helped us.
CAHRC Board of Directors
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