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Be involved, help with ideas, stop with the negativity

Voice of our Readers

To the Editor:
I’ve been hearing a lot of extremely negative things lately. Shouts really. About decisions being made in Luverne.
Here is my answer. Be involved, run for boards that make those decisions, volunteer, help with ideas and help make them work.
Be informed. Too busy? SO IS EVERYONE! We all have families, work tons of hours, and every other excuse.
Threats of not shopping in Luverne — how many of you try to do your main shopping in Luverne?
Calling people old (hopefully we all get that chance), calling names, shouting down opposition, showing disrespect — that helps??
People that are involved in Luverne are just trying to get people to stop in our town, go to our state park, use the restaurants, shop in our stores, visit our museums.
Educate yourself by visiting ALL of these things, volunteer, go to meetings and listen instead of crabbing without research. SUPPORT LUVERNE!
Becky Walgrave,
A small business owner

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