The Star Herald recently stepped back for a look around our communities and found a lot to be proud, but other areas were more worthy of “thumbs down” notations.
Thumbs up — to the smooth ride on North Highway 75 through Luverne with the mill-off and overlay completed last week. After so many of years of bone-rattling bumps, the fresh asphalt is truly a luxury.
Thumbs down — however, to the decades of delay on the Highway 75 resurfacing project. Consequently taxpayers had to pay for this summer’s “band-aid” to preserve the road’s crumbling base until the 2025 scheduled rebuild.
Thumbs up — to the brighter Palace Theater marquee and its replaced bulbs. Also thumbs up to the public-private effort of the city and Blue Mound Area Theater Board in restoring and maintaining this cultural gem in our community. In case you’re wondering, there are 291 bulbs circling the marquee.
Thumbs up — to the Beaver Creek City Council’s proposed tax abatement for new housing construction in the city. Two thumbs up to the Rock County commissioners for dusting off their proposed housing tax abatement for implementation this fall.
Thumbs up — to the Farmers Market and vegetable stands along Highway 75 offering fresh produce. It’s like having your own garden without all the work.
Thumbs down — to all those who park cars, campers and trailers across sidewalks.
Thumbs up — to all those involved that keep the ball rolling for campgrounds in Luverne and in the county.
Thumbs up — for those of us who have put down the cell phone while driving. A different finger for those who haven’t.
Thumbs up — to supporters of literacy and Little Free Libraries in Rock County, like the one recently approved by Mounds View Estates housing association on Cashin Drive. Thumbs up especially to Jack Cragoe for building the structure and Gregg Gropel for helping to put it up (see page 2).
Thumbs up — to the flashing pedestrian crossing lights upgrades, but …
Thumbs down — for the weeks when the lights were not working to provide safe crossing across a very busy roadway.
Thumbs up — to the recent “recharge” retreat offered through the Leaders Partnering to End Poverty or #Luv1LuvAll group as it celebrates successes focuses on further removing poverty barriers in our community.
Thumbs down — for the lack of male leadership with the #Luv1LuvAll initiative. Come on, guys.
Thumbs up — to the Magnolia City Council who adopted a new nuisance policy and began steps to rid bright in this small community.
'Thumbs' returns for a look around our communities
Star Herald Editorial