The Luverne Area Chamber’s annual meeting is Monday night, and it will be a time for board members, businesses and individuals to reflect on the organization’s mission and accomplishments.
Looking at the agenda, it appears the past year has seen a dizzying level of community events to promote the town.
For example, in 2022 the Chamber and its partners:
·Welcomed approximately 6,000 visitors to the Rock County Veterans Memorial Building.
·Assisted in coordinating three charter bus tours and seven family reunions.
·Answered approximately 50 calls per week from people asking for information about individuals, businesses, organizations, institutions and events.
·Celebrated community growth by hosting 12 ribbon-cuttings.
·Worked on member information and support through 11 “Love the Business Coffees.”
·Worked with the Cardinal Pride Committee, Luverne Baseball Association, Rock County Fair Board and community businesses on hosting special events in the community.
·Distributed over 75 hometown greeter bags to new residents.
·Assisted in coordinating the nutcracker fine art project of placing and dedicating three 7-foot nutcrackers along the Main Street corridor.
·Conducted a successful charitable raffle of two E-bikes, with proceeds supporting new projects, events and initiatives approved by the Chamber Board.
·Hosted community events that drew an estimated 37,000 people to town throughout the year.
·Distributed the Star Herald’s Luverne Visitors Guides (filling over 1,500 individual requests plus shipping of 25 cases of 90 guides to Travel Information Centers and Chambers).
·Continued promoting the community through partnerships with Explore Minnesota.
In the December Chamber newsletter, director Jane Lanphere thanked businesses, organizations and individuals for their help in making the holidays special and making the community vibrant all year long.
“On behalf of the adults and children of this community –our most sincere thank you for weeks of wonderful special events and happenings,” she wrote.
“There are countless institutions, organizations, businesses and individuals who have worked diligently to provide so many great experiences for those of us living here and away. There is hardly a day of the week that something unique isn’t going on that we can do and enjoy ... and that’s because of all of you.”
Thank you, Chamber, for the events promoting our little city.
Star Herald Editorial