In 1922 the Minneapolis Tribune speculated, “… The day will come soon when farms are run by electricity, just as the other great industries are."
The newspaper marveled that the relatively new technology was creating new economic opportunities in rural Minnesota and was making work more efficient and life a little easier.
Eventually Minnesota farms were electrified, but it didn't happen for everyone for nearly 15 years. In 1936 President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Rural Electrification Act to assist rural communities in finally replacing kerosene and wood stoves with alternating currents and wires.
Access to electricity revolutionized farming and dramatically improved the quality of life.
Today, nearly 80 years later, we are at a similar juncture for broadband Internet access. Increasingly, farmers are recognizing the importance of high-quality, affordable Internet.
Right now, only three of Minnesota's top 10 agricultural counties have broadband availability that meets the state's standards for accessibility. In fact, five of these counties are below 60 percent availability for broadband.
Broadband in Minnesota's rural communities is not just nice; it's necessary. As the world's population continues to grow, Minnesotans are producing more food, fuel and fiber to help meet the growing need. Precision agriculture and technology-based solutions are essential tools for farmers as they increase efficiency and maximize production. And these tools require high speed, affordable, reliable broadband Internet access.
Last year, the governor and I worked with the Legislature to invest $20 million in rural broadband access. Our plan was to create a partnership with local communities and local private providers to fill in the gaps in underserved or unserved rural communities.
This spring we announced 17 projects located across the state from Luverne and Roseau to Tower and Becker to expand access across Greater Minnesota.
By 2017 an additional 6,095 households, 83 community institutions and 150 businesses will have access to high-speed broadband Internet.
During the 2015 legislative session, the governor and I proposed an additional $30 million investment in rural broadband in 2016. This appropriation would have expanded access to 8,500 additional unserved households.
Unfortunately, House Republicans agreed to only $10 million in additional funds. At half of what we invested in 2014, I think this is a big missed opportunity.
If we expect Minnesota farmers and rural communities to successfully compete in the global market, we also must provide them the tools and infrastructure they need.
Just as the federal government helped make the rural economy work through electrification in the 1930s, we need to connect rural Minnesota to broadband access. Let's work together to get this done, and build an economy that works for everyone in Greater Minnesota.
Rural broadband necessary, not just nice
Star Herald guest editorial
Lt. Governor Tina Smith