We at the Star Herald have performed little impromptu tests the improvements on Highway 75 and the experiences have left many of us with smiles on our faces.
One said he drove from north to south unimpeded with the new two-lane configuration with a central turning lane.
Another said she likes the green grass on each side of the roadway. The grass is eye appealing and the color invites passersby to stop and visit the businesses along the strip.
Another indicated that passing the school campus the scene was one of control with pedestrians crossing at two locations and vehicles waiting for each other and not trying to slide into the former four-lane highway.
For these reasons, we are starting to like the new roadway.
It was a long and difficult summer of during to drive through the construction zone. Work began in May with sewer and water line improvements that forced the highway to close and traffic routed through residential streets. Then the road reopened and closed again once work began on milling and repaving the roadway.
When the detour was finally removed, there were weeks where the outside lanes were closed as workers poured new sidewalks, curbs and planted sod along the boulevards. It’s amazing how a little green classes up the looks of an old highway.
Previously, those of us who traveled Highway 75 did not notice the scenery as much. We were intent in getting elsewhere, often pushing the 30 mph speed limit and changing lanes as vehicles stopped to make left-hand turns.
Now we find ourselves slowing down just a bit. The new roadway on south Highway 75 is smooth and comforting. It’s nice to enjoy a nice car ride.
North Highway 75, however, is rough and we lament that its surface is not even on the 10-year list for replacement. It’s new striping makes it look refreshed, but we question why the new striping wasn’t continued passed the hospital where the current lines are faded and in some areas no longer can be easily seen.
But the continual green all along the entire two-mile roadway brings us back to being happy again.
The new flag park on the southeast side of the intersection of Main Street and Highway 75 is welcomed addition. While we are undecided if the price tag was too high (see related story), it is an improvement we can support as worthwhile.
Pedestrians can take a few minutes to walk or sit at the corner location and watch traffic or reflect on the flags flying above the green area. It’s nice to see our city is making an effort to beautify with natural elements instead of just pouring cement in an area or cover the ground in rocks in order to prevent future maintenance efforts.
The improvements on Highway 75 are such that pedestrians feel noticed as they cross the street. With only two lanes of traffic to pay attention to, drivers can see someone waiting to cross the roadway.
We like that.
We like that our city and business leaders are taking a look at our community and see ways to make where we live and work more inviting, more professional looking, more vibrant.
Lets hope that spirit carries to other projects because adding elements like a little mowed grass can bring smiles to ev
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