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Perfect timing

Built on a Rock
Pastor Bob Junak, Rock River Community Church, Luverne

When our kids were in high school, we had a rule they had to participate in at least one organized sport a year. However, our son was more interested in snowboarding or skateboarding than organized school sports. Because of our house rule, last year he chose to participate in track and field.
So, we purchased him nice running shoes … very expensive, I might add.
The very first track meet was close to my office, so I went to watch him run his race. The issue with track is you never know exactly what time a specific heat will be. I didn’t even know what event the coach told him to run.
I arrived just as the meet started, looking for my son, not knowing when his debut as a track star was coming. I sat down just as the starting gun fired for the 100-meter dash. There he was, running his first race. As I watched, I noticed he wasn’t wearing the shoes we just bought. Instead, he was wearing his skateboarding shoes which have flat souls and weigh a lot. I’ll never forget as he ran with what looked like red bricks strapped to his feet. Clomping his way as he sprinted toward the finish line at alarming speeds, reaching the pace of a gramma driving a Prius. Unbelievable, yet hysterical!
My point of this story isn’t about the shoes or his abilities. The point is, I arrived at the exact moment that I needed to be there to watch this crazy kid run a sprint with bricks on his feet. Even one minute later would have been too late. My timing was perfect!
Guess what? God’s timing is perfect. This is what Paul wrote to the Galatians:
But when the right time came, God sent His Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that He could adopt us as his very own children. And because we are His children, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.”  Galatians 4:4-6
Jesus came at just the right time in God’s redemptive plan. But not until the world was prepared for him. When he was born, most people missed the miracle of the moment. They did not acknowledge the significance of Jesus’ birth. People were too busy to pay attention to the young girl giving birth to her first child out in a stable.
Christ coming into the world was not a coincidence. His coming was part of God's plan established long before he created the heavens and the earth.
The timing was perfect. The Roman world was in great expectation, waiting for a savior. The old religions were dying, the old philosophies were empty and powerless to change people’s lives, and strange religions were invading the empire. The world had sunk into this dark hole so deep that even the pagans were crying out against it. Spiritual hunger was evident everywhere, making it a perfect time for the coming of Christ.
If you are waiting for something in your life, be patient. Wait for God’s perfect timing.
Israel waited 483 years from the time the Angel Gabriel told Daniel about the Anointed One until Christ was born.
I think we can all manage to wait a little while longer!

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