Mary Brown
- By Mary Brown, RN, LuverneSeptember 21, 2015With the recent observance of Sept. 11 we’re reminded of the threat to our freedom 14 years ago on that day. There were memorial services and Facebook posts asking us to remember this tragic day in U.S. history. For many of us, it is the only physical national security threat we have ever known. Some of us may not have been born or were too young to remember that day. Others are old enough to…
- By Mary Brown, RN, LuverneAugust 24, 2015One problem many families face in promoting a healthy diet is picky eaters. Sometimes these are kids, and sometimes they are adults! Not surprisingly, picky kids often grow up to be picky adults, and picky adults often raise picky kids. Being picky isn’t a terrible problem — some people do genuinely have a “more discerning” palate. Also, the taste buds of children are more sensitive than those…
- By Mary Brown, RN, LuverneAugust 17, 2015The phrase “pick your battles” is often used to justify our desire as parents not to fight with our children about that which means little to us, or that which we feel means little to them for their future. In some things this is a sanity-providing mantra that provides the necessary peace to move on to other things. For instance, if it is mentioned that your child perhaps should not wear jeans…
- By Mary Brown, LuverneJuly 27, 2015Summer is well under way, and the busyness is enough to make anyone’s head spin. Whether you have kids or grandkids to chase around, are busy with seasonal work responsibilities, or just trying to keep up with making the most of summer’s long, hot days while they are here, I bet that time is getting away from you as it is from me! I had big plans — I was going to run every morning, or at least…
- By Mary Brown, LuverneJune 29, 2015In my extensive research on the subject of species teenagerus (with subspecies teenagerus grumpitus, teenagerus independentus, and the more elusive teenagerus agreeablitus), I have yet to identify all the factors associated with healthy eating. Exercise habits are largely dependent upon the habits of their friends. It seems that eating habits follow this line. However, sometimes the members of…
- By Mary Brown, RN, LuverneJune 08, 2015It seems that summertime is (finally) upon us! The rhubarb is prolific, blueberries and strawberries are available and delicious, my kids are in shorts every day, and barefoot whenever possible. Who am I kidding, so am I! As the kids have been home for a few weeks already, and can expect to return to school in August, a little summer craziness has begun. The boys consulted their Book of…
- By Mary Brown, RN, LuverneMay 18, 2015I hope that Mother's Day brought you flowers that were bought, picked or colored; handcrafted cards with careful crayon coloring, or beautiful scribbles. I hope you were blessed, Moms, for the blessings you give daily to your blessings. That said, sometimes our blessings, well, sometimes they lack perspective. Yes, perspective is the word I want here. Just before Mother's Day I heard…
- By Mary Brown, RN, LuverneMay 11, 2015Do you ever fight with yourself? Who wins when you do? Do you ever fight with yourself out loud? If so, is anyone else ever in earshot? A silly question deserves a silly answer. Actually, I do fight with myself. This seems to be happening with increasing frequency lately. You see, as I pursue my education, I must read for long periods of time. Sometimes I get bored with reading. Sometimes I’d…
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