Rock County Historical Society
- By Lori SorensonNovember 20, 2024The Luverne Automobile Company history was spotlighted during the Rock County Historical Society’s annual meeting Monday night in the History Center in Luverne. History Center director Wendel Buys led the meeting, which attracted more than 60 people, in the new storage room that was recently constructed on the west end of the existing building. He reminded the group that the project was…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 22, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on July 4, 1902. Condition of the Crops. The Reports are Generally Encouraging Recent Rain and Warm Weather Have Given Vigorous Impetus to the Growing Grain and Wrought Marked Improvement in the General Crop Conditions—Interviews with Well-Informed Farmers and Land Owners. Another heavy rain Tuesday night, followed Wednesday by sunshine and higher…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 15, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Jan. 17, 1902. Rural Route Established Will Begin Operations First of March Hon. Gilbert Gutterson, Special Agent of the Department, Goes Over the Route and Makes Appointment of Carrier and Substitute—Route Will be Twenty-Five Miles Long and Will Serve More Than One Hundred Families. The first rural free delivery route to be established in this…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 08, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Jan. 10, 1902. After Twenty-Seven Years William F. Brown, the First Settler to Prove Up on a Rock County Claim, Visits the Scene of His Early Residence Residents of Rock county, enjoying as they do more of the advantages and benefits of a well settled, cultured and prosperous community than many older communities, are apt to forget how short a…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyNovember 16, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Feb. 3, 1905. Day for Farmers Important Meeting at Luverne Feb. 11 Three Sessions to be Held Four Speakers from State Institutions Will Discuss Questions of Interest to Farmers and Stock Breeders—Interesting Program Prepared for the Occasion All arrangements for the “Farmers’ Day” which, as announced in these columns last week, is to be held in…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyNovember 02, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on January 6, 1905. Birds Score High Many Fine Specimens are Exhibited Event Was a Big Success Fourth Annual Show of Luverne Poultry Association Came to an End Saturday—Majority of Purses Won by Luverne Exhibitors—List of the Prize Winners The fourth annual show of the Luverne Poultry association passed into history Saturday evening. It will not…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyOctober 12, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Oct. 5, 1923. Luverne Firemen are Hosts to 300 Visitors Semi-Annual Convention of Southwestern Minnesota Association Held Here Wednesday State Fire Marshall Gives Main Address Business of Convention Occupies the Day—Banquet and Entertaining in the Evening Luverne entertained approximately three hundred visiting firemen Wednesday at the…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyAugust 17, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on March 8, 1935. Taking of Muskrats Unlawful this Year State Game and Fish Division Issues Prohibitory Order After Dangers of Undue Depletion are Shown Trapping of muskrats or taking of them in any other manner will be unlawful throughout this year, according to an official statement received by County Auditor Ray Koehn from Erling Swenson,…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyJune 22, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Aug. 17, 1877. At a meeting of the St. Paul board of education held recently, a contract was entered into with Wilson, Hinkle, & Co., of Cincinnati, by which text books are to be furnished the city schools at one-half the rates formerly paid for the same books. The Superintendent was duly authorized, and directed to furnish an estimate to…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMay 18, 2021The following articles appeared in The Rock County Herald during 1895. Jan. 11, 1895 The HERALD takes great pleasure in announcing to its readers that it has again made arrangements by which it is enabled to furnish the Weekly New York Tribune to its patrons for 25 cents per year, or both for 58 cents, per year. This price is probably less than the cost of the white paper, and the offer is a…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyApril 06, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on June 24, 1892. Grand Balloon Ascension One of the Attractions for the 4th at this Place – Additional Committee It gives the Herald much pleasure to announce that the committee in charge of the Fourth of July celebration to be held at this place have been fortunate enough to secure for that occasion Prof. A. L. Ward, of Sioux City, Ia., one…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 16, 2021The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911. Rock County Village (continued from 02-11-20 edition of the Star Herald) At this early stage of Manley’s development an invitation was extended to both Beaver Creek and Valley Springs to join forces with the new town, before circumstances should force such a procedure.18 The boom that was expected to eventuate in 1890 did not…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 09, 2021The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911. Rock County Village (continued from 02-04-20 edition of the Star Herald) No sooner was the town-to-be laid out than activity in its promotion became evident. The first to build on the site was A. E. Patterson, who completed a grain warehouse about the first of September, 1885. Ezra Rice put up the second grain house later in the…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 02, 2021The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911. Rock County Village (continued from 01-28-20 edition of the Star Herald) But Bruce refused to entirely forfeit its lease of life. There were few signs of activity during 1890, but none of a nature that assured a regeneration. J. N. Jacobson, upon moving to Hills, resigned as postmaster of Bruce, and was succeeded in May by F. T.…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyJanuary 19, 2021The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911. Rock County Village ( from 01-14-20 edition of the Star Herald) In the fall of 1880 a side track was constructed, and a correspondent predicted that Ashcreek was about to shape itself into a metropolis. The extent of the subsequent building operations, however, was the erection of a second grain warehouse, 16x30 feet in size, put by…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyDecember 28, 2020The following appeared in The Rose History in 1911. Rock County Village (continued from 12-24-20 edition of the Star Herald) Steen In the list of Rock county’s unincorporated villages Steen ranks among the foremost, both in size and importance. It is located on the northwest quarter of section 32, Clinton township, near the southern boundary of the county, and is a station on the…
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