June 2022
- By George Bonnema, Luverne HorticulturalistJune 28, 2022The battle with the bugs continues. … I am seeing damage on the lower leaves of purple dome asters. The leaves are getting a speckled yellow color, and if you look on the underside of the leaf, you will notice very small gray-colored spots that look like little bits of ash dust. Those are the critters causing the damage. The bug is called a psyllid, and they suck the sap out of the leaf, causing…
- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistJune 28, 2022How much are Minnesota’s natural resources worth to you? To me they are priceless, but when it comes to those who steal or abuse those resources, the laws in Minnesota must not think so. I have followed many different prosecutions regarding gross violations of Minnesota’s game and fish laws, and in every case I’ve researched, the penalties for violators are not even high enough to be a measurable…
- By George Bonnema, Luverne HorticulturalistJune 21, 2022I need to remind you that now is the time to prune lilacs, weigela, mock orange, and snowball viburnums. These are all spring-blooming plants, and cutting them back now gives the new growth time to mature and develop buds for next year’s flowers. I recommend pruning to eliminate the old stems to encourage new growth from the base of the shrub. When I looked at my potato crop last week, I noticed…
- May 31, 2022Mayors: 'Residents of southwest Minnesota are waiting for help...' To the Editor: The recently concluded legislative session left a number of important issues unresolved, many of which are important to cities and our residents here in southwestern Minnesota. Specifically, the agreed-upon final versions of the tax bill and the jobs and energy bill are much-needed items that will offer…
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