Scott Rall
- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistFebruary 05, 2025Can you remember the very first game animal you ever harvested? I certainly can remember the first goose I ever shot, and I can tell you exactly where I was when I harvested my first duck. But for the life of me, I cannot remember my first rooster. I can remember my first rooster shot over a trained hunting dog. I have been blessed to have been part of many firsts for other new hunters. Most…
- By Scott Rall, Outdoor ColumnistJanuary 29, 2025So, what does a lawsuit in Utah have to do with the citizens of Minnesota? The answer is “plenty.” The state of Utah recently took their case to the United States Supreme Court to force the 18.5 million acres of Federal Land in Utah to be turned over to the state. The lands in question are managed by the Federal Bureau of Land management for grazing, mining and public recreation — including…
- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistJanuary 22, 2025The winter we never had last year has appeared this year, at least in the form of decent ice as a result of day after day of below zero temperatures during the overnights. Most of the local lakes in my area are at 14-15 inches of solid clear ice in most locations. I was up in northeast South Dakota a few weeks back, and the ice conditions there were very good. You will still see a few someones…
- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistJanuary 08, 2025I started out the new year with a spearing trip to northeast South Dakota. I was looking to do a little pike spearing, and southern Minnesota is not the greatest place to do that. For one, we only have a few lakes that have a decent pike population and even fewer lakes that have water clear enough to make spearing enjoyable. Some of only decent pike lakes had frozen out two years ago, and even…
- By Scot Rall, Outdoor ColumnistDecember 31, 2024So, how many of you reading this column today know what the North American model of conservation is? If you don’t know, don’t feel bad. I would guess that 80 percent of the general public has never heard of this term before. After a little explanation most of you will say that you have heard bits and pieces of it and generally understand its principles after all. The way that game fish and…
- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistDecember 18, 2024With about 10 days before the big Christmas holiday, I suppose I should start to think about those on my Christmas list. I never fail in this department, but I won’t fight the crowds on Black Friday or any weekend day, for the most part. I really try hard not to buy gift cards. Sure, they work and get the job done, but they do show limited effort to match a gift to the recipient. So, I made up…
- By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnistNovember 26, 2024I saw a dead deer on this spot and then I saw another deer dead in another spot, and overall, this pheasant hunting/deer hunting season I have seen at least a dozen dead deer that were not as a result of a deer hunter’s bullet. The reports of dead deer in large numbers are circulating in my hunting circles, but I cannot confirm with any of my sources more than just a sporadic deer here or there…
- By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnistNovember 20, 2024So how is your pheasant hunting season going? Mine has been pretty bleak, but this is not the result for all hunters who chase ringnecks on the pheasant range of Minnesota. The weather has been so nice I can find no way to complain. The higher-than-normal temperatures in November certainly make the winter shorter, and I am all for that. What it also does is make getting a rooster into gun range…
- By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnistNovember 06, 2024With the pheasant season underway, it is pretty easy to get so concentrated as to forget that the firearms deer season opens on Nov. 9 and runs thru Sunday, Nov. 17. I was reading some research results of a whitetail deer fawn study that was released recently, and the numbers are pretty eye-opening. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources collared 103 deer fawns in the spring of 2023. By…
- By Scot Rall, Outdoor ColumnistOctober 16, 2024What is the fastest-growing segment of new hunters being added to the ranks of outdoors people? If you guessed women, you would be right. They still make up a small percentage of the total, but that number is increasing every year. I have developed a close bond with a group of lady hunters who range in experience level from novice to polished. They come from the metro area every year to hunt in…
- By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnistSeptember 25, 2024Every morning I get up about 5:30-6 a.m., open my garage door, and share my morning coffee with three Labradors that keep watch for anything and everything that might walk by. Seems like only in the last week or so when I open the door, it is no longer light outside. This is a sure sign that the pheasant hunting season will soon be upon us. The opening day of the pheasant season this year will…
- By Scott Rall, The OutdoorsSeptember 18, 2024I am one of those dyed-in-the-wool property rights kind of guys. I would never – and I mean never – set foot on anyone else’s property without permission. I think that any person who trespasses on another person’s property without permission should be held to the highest extent of the law. I hear of many landowners who might go out and shoo a trespasser away and never take any real action with…
- By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnistSeptember 11, 2024How many times do you hear folks say that the summer just got away from them and they cannot believe it’s almost fall already? I am getting to be a pretty old man, and I realize I am most likely living in the last quarter of my life. I spend considerable effort doing my very best not to be one of those other folks. I spend every waking moment I can outside. I hustle to finish at least part of…
- By Scott Rall, Outdoors columnistAugust 21, 2024Gals love to shop and guys go the store to buy stuff. There is no memory I have of going to a hunting/ fishing store and just looking around for a few hours and then going home with nothing. That whole idea is foreign to me. Another pretty foreign idea to me is to spend about three weeks looking in every store that has the item I want in order to save $3.95 on that item. What I am a little…
- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistJuly 17, 2024With a break from the rains, I was willing to venture outside a bunch this past week. My rain gauge in Nobles County had 15.2 inches of rain over the past few weeks. The grass is tall, the mosquitoes are as big as fighter jets, and there are certainly a lot of them. With all of my food plots tended to and much of the “to do” list completed, I opted for an afternoon of clay bird shooting. A…
- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistJuly 10, 2024There is nothing else to talk about in southwest Minnesota except flooding. I have lived in this part of the state for 50 years and have only seen it this bad a few other times. Lives are changed and fortunes ruined. The only light at the end of this tunnel is that the waters are receding and most of the roads that were once closed are now open again. I was blown away about how fast the gravel…
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