ask a trooper
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolOctober 25, 2022Question: This summer I sent you an email asking about the legality of individuals discharging grass clippings from lawn mowers onto public roads. They can be very slippery when wet and otherwise are a mess. I never heard back from you, nor did I see a response in my local paper. Please advise concerning the grass clippings on public roads. Answer: Discharging grass clippings onto a highway is…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolSeptember 27, 2022Question: Is it legal for farmers to load hay on a state highway? Our neighbor bales several miles of state highway ditches. To load the round bales, he drives down the highway with a pickup and bale wagon. His son is in the ditch with a tractor and loader. The son gets a bale on the loader and driving perpendicular to the road drives up the ditch and puts the bale on the bale wagon. The son with…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolSeptember 13, 2022Question: I have recently noticed several semi-trucks with lug nuts on their front tires that are pointed and stick out beyond the edge of the cab. I’m concerned that they could cause damage to other vehicles. Is there a law about this? Answer: I believe you are referring to the lug nut covers. They are only a decoration and have no function of holding the rim onto the front assembly of the…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolAugust 16, 2022Question: I see vehicles go by with extended carriers attached to their hitch with several full gas cans. We discuss what could happen if a driver was not paying attention and ran into one such vehicle. How safe can this be? Is there any law in place that makes this unlawful? Answer: There is no law against transporting fuel containers on an extended carrier for non-commercial vehicles, although…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolJuly 19, 2022Question: If involved in a minor auto accident with another driver, what steps should be taken at the scene by both parties? Answer: Crashes happen every day in Minnesota. Crashes are one of the State Patrol’s primary duties. It’s important to know what to do immediately after a crash happens. The first and most important thing to do after you’ve been involved in a crash is to get to a safe place…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolMay 10, 2022Question: I recently heard something about the new phone number “988” for people dealing with a mental health crisis. With all these three digit numbers, 911, 411, 511, can you talk about that? Answer: 988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolApril 26, 2022Question: I spend a fair amount of time on the road and I see a lot of drivers on their cell phones. What are you guys doing about it? Answer: Right now, to help change dangerous driving behaviors, law enforcement agencies statewide are participating in a distracted driving enforcement campaign April 1-30. We’ve been doing this for several years now as April is “national distracted driving…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolApril 12, 2022Question: I saw your recent article about flooded roads. Do you have any advice on what a person should do if their vehicle plunges into the water? Answer: The dynamics of such an incident are ever-changing, so there is no one answer that will cover it all. Having witnessed and responded to these types of situations, here is what I would recommend. Most vehicles will float on the water’s surface…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolMarch 29, 2022Question: With spring being here and the melting snow, can you talk about what a person should do when coming across water on roads? Answer: Flooding can occur when streams and rivers flow over their banks, when dams or levees break, when there is run-off from deep snow, or any time there is heavy rainfall. Floodwaters can be found on roads, bridges and low areas. Flash floods can come rapidly…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolMarch 15, 2022Question: I am a new parent and I am not sure if I am doing this child car seat thing properly. Is there somewhere I can go to find out if I am doing it right? Thank you. Answer: Congratulations on parenthood! I know the feeling and there will only be more questions as time goes on. For child passenger safety, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety has a map that you…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolFebruary 15, 2022Question: It’s so cold in the winter, I am thinking about getting one of those fuzzy steering wheel covers. I think they will help keep my hands warm while driving. But my question is, are they legal? Answer: Steering wheel covers are legal. A quick reminder though – it’s always the driver’s responsibility to keep control of the vehicle at all times, even if the steering wheel cover becomes loose…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolFebruary 01, 2022We all know the dangers of driving with snow and ice on the roads, but driving with snow and ice on your vehicle is also a hazard. Always take time to remove all snow and ice from your vehicle before traveling. This is for your safety and the safety of other drivers. Snow and ice left on your hood, roof and trunk can shift and blow off – blinding you or the driver behind you. Limited visibility…
- By Troy Christianson, Minnesota State PatrolDecember 21, 2021Question: I purchased an old trailer to haul my Ranger around. Are brakes required on it? Answer: Brakes are required on all trailers with a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or more. Trailers manufactured after June 30, 1988, with a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or more require brakes installed on all wheels. Every trailer with a gross weight of more than 3,000 pounds shall also be equipped with a…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolDecember 07, 2021Question: I have a question about headlights. It seems that drivers are using their hi-beams to compensate for their cloudy headlights. Is this an equipment problem? Answer: Using high beams to compensate for cloudy headlights is a hazard to oncoming traffic. If your headlights are cloudy, it is recommended that you clean them. If they are still cloudy after cleaning them, you may have to replace…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolNovember 23, 2021Question: How do you determine if your tires are unsafe for winter driving? Answer: Over the years, I have investigated numerous crashes where worn tires were a contributing factor. Tires with inadequate tread depth may cause your vehicle to skid or slide out of control on a slippery or wet road surface. It is important to remember that unsafe tires can hydroplane on both wet and snow-covered…
- By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway PatrolNovember 09, 2021Question: I've often wondered why Troopers wear their badges on their pocket flaps and not their chests like other law enforcement officers. Can you tell me the story behind that? Answer: Each individual agency and department will have different rules and regulations as to how the badge is to be worn, although badge placement isn’t random and has some historical significance. Law enforcement…
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