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  • By Mark Jacobson, Peer Support Specialist
    May 01, 2024
    May is Mental Health Month, and talking about mental health can go a long way in improving mental wellness for those around us. Here are five reasons to talk about mental health: To reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. One of the biggest obstacles to mental health treatment is the stigma that surrounds it. Stigma can lead to shame, fear and discrimination, which can prevent people from…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    May 01, 2024
    Mother’s Day is just over a week away, and my thoughts have turned to what to do to honor that female parent in my life. Along the way, I’ve thought about what the definition of Mom means to me, and I’ve realized I have more than one Mom. … Because Mom is more like a list of characteristics beginning with the letter “L.” To me Mom is someone who learns, listens, leads, laughs and lives in the…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    May 01, 2024
    So, I was reminded that it was time for the tick spot and heartworm treatment for my dogs the other day when my phone chimed in and told me so. The ticks are out in full force, and in the past two very short outings, I ended up removing five ticks. I was not in the grass for more than 10 minutes combined. Maybe the mild winter will make tick season all that much more entertaining this season. I…
  • By Sarah Stultz, Managing Editor, Albert Lea Tribune
    April 24, 2024
    A significant discussion is taking place at the state Legislature in reaction to the recent announcement that eight community newspapers will close at the end of the month. Under a proposal in the Senate Education Policy Omnibus bill (SF 3567), school districts would no longer be required to publish their proceedings in newspapers and could instead move them to their own websites. We believe…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    April 24, 2024
    Not Our Cat has lived in our backyard for eight years. She is calico, fat and grumpy. In the dark of winter she moves into the garage where she remains Not Our Cat until warm weather returns. Melvin, a young orange Tom, staggered onto our deck a few weeks ago seriously injured and unlikely to live. But with shelter, a soft blanket, and food and water placed near his mouth, he pulled through.…
  • By RIck Peterson, general manager
    April 24, 2024
    About 15 years ago I had both of my hips replaced, and as with most metal moving parts. a little maintenance is required from time to time. It seems the titanium ball and socket in my left hip was showing signs of wear and tear. After a battery of tests, it was decided to replace the titanium parts with ceramic parts. Having traveled down the hip replacement road before, I had some idea what to…
  • April 17, 2024
    Just in time for next week’s Earth Day celebration, the Minnesota DNR has opened registration for summer 2024 “I Can!” programs in state parks and recreation areas. Getting outdoors and enjoying nature is the perfect way to observe Earth Day, which is Monday, April 22, and residents are encouraged to make the most of DNR programs. “At the DNR, we are passionate about empowering people to…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    April 17, 2024
    My sisters and I traveled to Austin, Texas, last week to view the total eclipse of the sun. The trip was a culmination of nearly a year of planning and several weeks of nervous anticipation as departure day grew nearer. In April 2023, nearly a full year before the big event, Linda announced she was traveling for the 2024 eclipse and invited us to join her. “It would be fun,” we agreed during a…
  • April 17, 2024
    Smith: Thank you mail carrier Noel Benjamin To the Editor: We hear a lot about our mail delivery and some of the delays in service, but I would like to present a favorable instance that could have been very serious if not for the action of our mailman, Noel Benjamin. On Tuesday, April 9, I was taking the garbage to the container in the garage to be picked up the following day. I had to move…
  • By By Marcel Gemme, Substance Use Prevention Education
    April 10, 2024
    Cannabis is fully legal in the state for adults 21 and older and is taxed and regulated like alcohol. On April 20 cannabis suppliers and users will celebrate the legalization, culture, and its products, so now is a good time to educate young people about its use. Mostly, parents need to be aware of the positive impact they and educators can have on children and teens with drug education…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    April 10, 2024
    Steps through life are very straightforward. As children we’re told we’ll attend school when we’re old enough and we’re encouraged to achieve a high school diploma. Then we embark on a 50-year journey working at a job or advancing a career before retiring. Some of us get married, have children and become grandparents. And then we die. Instructions for the first three-fourths of my life have…
  • By RIck Peterson, general manager
    April 10, 2024
    My wife, daughter and granddaughters, not to mention a couple of Star Herald staff members, are sporting permanent bracelets these days. Personally, I had never heard of such a thing until just recently. Apparently, a permanent bracelet is just that – permanent. Go figure. If you’re in the dark on this like I was, let me clue you in on how this works. In my case, our daughter made an…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota State Patrol
    April 10, 2024
    Question: I am puzzled as to why seat belts are mandatory in vehicles along with a fine for not complying, but our precious cargo in school buses are not required to wear them? Answer: School buses are one of the safest modes of transportation even without seatbelts. School buses are safer because of their large size and design. School bus interiors are designed on “compartmentalization”, which…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    April 03, 2024
    By Scott Rall There is so much going on at the Capitol it’s hard for the average outdoor guy to follow it all. I have two issues I want to share. One will be this week and the second to follow in my next column. The first is of the native tribes and the land give-backs that have happened and several others that are proposed to happen if certain bills pass this session or any session for that…
  • April 03, 2024
    Law enforcement agencies and traffic safety partners are dedicating extra time in April to educate motorists and enforce the hands-free cell phone law while stopping other distracting behaviors. Distracted driving contributed to nearly 30,000 crashes in Minnesota from 2019-2023 (preliminary figures). The distracted driving extra enforcement and awareness campaign runs April 1-30 and focuses on…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    April 03, 2024
    One of the last pictures of my mom is of her in the garden picking zinnias. We actually used it for the cover of her funeral folder. She’s smiling at the camera, clippers in one hand and a bunch of fresh-cut zinnias in the other. We had no idea that 12 short weeks later, cancer would take her from the garden and from us. Her beautiful silver hair glistens in the sunshine. Her blue eyes twinkle…
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