By Lori Ehde
A few tears have been shed in First Baptist Church following the news that Pastor Tom Mabe is leaving Luverne.
"It's best to leave while they still love you," said Mabe, who has led the congregation for more than 10 years. "I'm hoping most of them still love me, because I sure love them."
Mabe has accepted a call to minister in Colony Park Church, Edina, where the congregation has dwindled from 225 members to 85.
"We're looking to help turn it around," he said. "There's lots of potential in the Cities, but it'll be an adventure for us … It's the kind of challenge I like."
He said the Edina church seats 450, so he pointed out that Luverne visitors are assured a good seat if they stop in on a Sunday morning.
Considering Luverne's average attendence swelled from 150 to 260 under his leadership, Mabe said he's forward to the challenge of working with the Colony Park.
"It was a really difficult decision to make for us. The people and the whole town have been wonderful. … It's not just a church we're leaving; it's the town as well. We’ve had good support."
First Baptist Church completed a massive expansion and remodeling project in August.
Mabe has been able to enjoy the new building for a few months, but he said the timing is right for his departure from Luverne.
"With the building project complete, they're really ready for someone new," he said. "I'm hoping the next man that comes in can continue the spiritual growth."
Mabe hasn't always been on track for the ministry; in fact his earlier life was destined for quite a different track.
"When I was 22, I really was at the end of my rope spiritually," he said. "All I knew was I needed to be saved. I walked into a church one day in Des Moines and asked for a pastor... and he led me to the Lord."
After four years of marriage, he said he and Stephenie both changed their lives at the same time.
"I realized there's got be more to life than 60, 70 or 80 years that we live," Mabe said. "Now I see life in terms of our eternal purpose. We're created to know God for eternal life."
He said he's seen God work through him in ways he didn't think were possible. For example, he used to be shy speaking to a small handful of people. Now he preaches to hundreds.
He said working with people has been the most rewarding aspect of his job.
"I really enjoy getting to know people and loving people," he said.
The Mabes came to Luverne in July 1990 after ministering in Colfax, Iowa, for six years.
"We put our resume out and we got the call to come here. We really felt this was the place to be," Mabe said. "Luverne was a great place to raise our children."
Their three children are now grown. Sharif, 30, and her husband, Vince Welch, live in Blair, Neb. They have a 2 1/2-year-old son, Gavin, and are expecting another in January.
Shanna, 26, and her husband, Michael Golden, live in Sioux Falls.
Joshua, 23, is a fifth-grade teacher in Helendale, Calif.
Mabe said of all the places he's lived, he most considers Luverne his home, and it will be hard to leave.
"Your hearts just get knitted together strongly after 10 years. It’s like family. There's been a lot of tears already. It’' been difficult," he said.
"The good thing is we know we’ll spend eternity with the Lord, and those friends are forever, so that helps."
The community is invited to First Baptist Church at 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10, following the praise and worship service for a pie fellowship in Tom and Stephenie's honor.