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This is more like it

Luverne's Kay Franklin chips away at layers of ice that finally began to melt on her driveway Friday. It was a common sight all over the county during the past week as temperatures inched their way above the freezing point. Much to everyone's delight, spring appears to be on its way.

Photo by Lori Ehde

Brrhh! It's cold outside

As I sit at my desk looking out the office window at the end of my day, the first thought that occurs to me is that all the snow gently falling looks so beautiful.

My second thought, closely following the first, is that I will not find it nearly as beautiful after I finish driving through it and scooping it.

After my daughter calls to report thatwe are now in a blizzard warning, I know my second thought is the most accurate.

She dramatically states, "Mom we are going to have a blizzard in 25 minutes!" At 10 years old, she has not learned that weather prediction is more of an art than a science. Our blizzard could begin anywhere from 25 minutes, two days, to never.

After two mild winters in a row, this winter has been a rude awakening. The fact that I now have to drive the 15 miles from Adrian to work has added to my perception of this winter as long. Although I am fortunate enough to drive a sports utility vehicle, four wheel drive is no help on ice.

There are those who would argue that my own driving should scare everyone the most, but it is the driving of others that strikes fear in my heart.

When vehicles pass you driving 105 mph and you are driving 10 mph and have been fishtailing all over the slick road you tend to tense up. "Over driving road conditions" is the term that comes to mind.

I have found I feel safer off the interstate. There is just enough traffic on Old Highway 16 that someone would offer help if you happened to slide into the ditch but few enough cars that you do not have to worry about meeting Mario Andretti on the road.

Thinking "safety first," this winter I invested in a sleeping bag to keep in my vehicle permanently.

I briefly thought about throwing together a winter driving emergency kit. It is December, but I have not purchased any food or any of the other items needed to polish off my kit. So if I do happen to go in the ditch on my drive home today, I will be warm but hungry.

I would like to just forget about my emergency kit and go south! I feel the urge to book a trip somewhere - anywhere warm.

The Beach Boys song, "Kokomo," from the Tom Cruise movie, "Cocktail," rings in my head.

Avoiding my drive home, I do a search on the Internet trying to locate one of the destinations mentioned in the song. Typing in "warm places" doesn't produce any hits (no pun intended).

Not knowing the correct spelling, I type in Coco Mo. All that comes up is something about a German shepherd and information on a house painting company. I found no information about a wonderful vacation destination.

Not to be discouraged, I type in Arouba (which should have been spelled Aruba). All that search produces is something about the Austrian president and his wife.

A co-worker announcing that the "blizzard" is due to hit us at 5 p.m. quickly snaps me back to reality. It is time to quit searching for my fabulously warm vacation destination and brave the cold Minnesota winter once again.

Oh, well. I probably would not have traveled anywhere anyway. I just keep telling myself a winter emergency driving kit is much cheaper than a vacation. For now, I'll just have to work on learning to love these wonderful Minnesota winters!

P.S. My new travel policy is if I cannot spell the name of my vacation destination I don't need to go there anyway.

H-BC boys pound boards in road victory

By John Rittenhouse
The Hills-Beaver Creek boys will enter post-season play on a winning note as the Patriots defeated Lake Benton 69-46 in the regular season finale in Hills Monday.

H-BC, which had a conference game against Edgerton cancelled due to Friday's snowstorm, rode a 35-21 rebounding advantage against the Bobcats to a 23-point victory.

"We played pretty decent," said Patriot coach Steve Wiertzema. "We probably won the game on the boards again. We outrebounded them by 14, so we did a good job in that area."

H-BC will open the South Section 3A Tournament tonight in Fulda with the momentum of winning two of its last three games. The eighth-seeded Patriots, 7-14 overall, play No. 9 Ellsworth in a preliminary-round game at 6 p.m.

The Patriots opened a six-point cushion (15-9) over LB in the first quarter before using an 18-14 scoring edge in the second quarter to make it a 33-23 game at the intermission.

With Chris Fransman netting five of his 11 points to lead the way, H-BC went on a 20-9 scoring run in the third quarter to open a 21-point (53-32) lead. The Patriots used a 16-14 scoring edge in the final eight minutes of play to increase the final margin of victory to 23 points.

Matt Buck had 14 points, six rebounds and four assists for the winners, while Lyle DeBoer added 12 points to the cause.

Lance Crawford and Brad Haak snared five rebounds each for H-BC. Darin DeBoer had five assists and David Top three steals.

Box score
Jess 0 1 0-0 3, D.DeBoer 1 0 0-0 2, Van Batavia 0 0 0-0 0, Van Maanen 0 0 0-0 0, Fransman 2 3 1-3 11, Haak 2 0 1-2 5, L.DeBoer 3 1 3-4 12, Van Wyhe 3 0 2-2 8, Top 3 0 2-6 8, Crawford 3 0 0-0 6, Krull 0 0 0-0 0, Buck 6 0 2-2 14.

Team statistics
H-BC: 27 of 56 field goals (48 percent), 11 of 19 free throws (58 percent), 35 rebounds, 14 turnovers.
LB: 16 of 47 field goals (34 percent), 11 of 20 free throws (55 percent), 21 rebounds, 23 turnovers.

SWC ousts girls in final seconds

By John Rittenhouse
The basketball season came to a stunning conclusion for the Hills-Beaver Creek girls with a last-second shot in Edgerton Tuesday.

Playing No. 2 Southwest Christian in a quarterfinal round clash, the seventh-seeded Patriots erased a 28-24 deficit entering the fourth quarter to knot the score at 38 with 15 seconds left to play.

When Cassi Tilstra, who tied the game at 38 with a free throw, missed her second attempt, SWC collected the rebound and pushed the ball past midcourt before calling time-out with eight seconds remaining.

SWCÕs Lisa Holleman received the ball when play resumed and delivered a leaping, cross-court pass to Renita Buys as time was winding down. Buys, who had not made a field goal all night, drained a four-foot shot with two seconds remaining to deliver a 40-38 victory to the E-Gals.

After losing two decisive games to SWC during the regular season, H-BC coach Tom Goehle was happy his team took the E-Gals to the limit Tuesday. On the other hand, coming so close to advancing was equally disappointing to the Patriot mentor.

"It's kind of a bitter-sweet thing. The girls played so well in this game, and now they have to live with the fact that it was their last game," he said.

The Patriots did turn in a strong performance against SWC.

The E-Gals led 10-8 after eight minutes of play before H-BC gained a 20-18 edge by halftime.

SWC extended its lead to four points during the third quarter, but H-BC drained 12 of 14 free throws during the fourth while outscoring SWC 14-10 to knot the score at 38.

"It probably was one of the best high school basketball games you'll ever see," Goehle said. "I was really pleased and proud of our girls. I don't think they could have played any better than they did."

Erin Boeve led H-BC with 13 points and seven rebounds. Becky Broesder, Shanna Tilstra passed for three assists each. Cassi Tilstra produced three steals.

H-BC ends the season with an 11-13 mark.

Box score
C.Tilstra 1 0 1-2 3, Olson 0 0 0-0 0, Sandstede 0 0 0-0 0, Rentschler 1 0 2-2 4, S.Tilstra 1 0 6-6 8, Broesder 3 0 0-0 6, DeNoble 1 0 0-0 2, Boeve 5 0 3-6 13, Arp 1 0 0-0 2.

Team statistics
H-BC: 13 of 40 field goals (33 percent), 12 of 16 free throws (75 percent), 21 rebounds, 10 turnovers.
SWC: 16 of 35 field goals (46 percent), seven of 15 free throws (47 percent), 20 rebounds, 12 turnovers.

Hills-Beaver Creek students collect pennies for patients

By Jolene Farley
Hills-Beaver Creek Elementary students participated in Pennies for Patients, a program that benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

The program raises money for leukemia research and patient aid in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. Students were encouraged to bring their pennies Feb. 6 through Feb. 23 to their classrooms at H-BC.

Student Council members presented information at Lift Off, the weekly school meeting, to help students understand the diseases the program helps combat.

H-BC students collected $321 in pennies. Sixth-graders qualified for a pizza party by collecting the most donations, more than $100.

In 2000, Minnesota schools collected more than $240,000 - all in pennies - for Pennies for Patients. These dollars helped several patients in Minnesota.

Sponsors of the statewide program are WCCO Radio and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

On March 9, WCCO will announce on the air the 10 schools in the state that collected the most money.

Each school that collects more than $400 in pennies will celebrate with a pizza party for the room that contributed the most.

Each H-BC class set a goal, and those who reached their goals received rewards.

Council members pictured above are: (back, left) Brandon Boeve, Amanda Tilstra, Ashley Hoyme, Adam Finke, Thomas Scholten, Aleesa Arends, (front, left) Meagan Stueven, Rosie Aristeo, Leah Hup, Joel Van Batavia, Grant Hoogendorn.

Board of education interviews architects

By Jolene Farley
The architectural firms Group II Architects, Spitznagel Inc., and Hartman Architecture Inc., all from Sioux Falls, made presentations to the Hills-Beaver Creek Board of Education concerning the proposed locker room and fitness center addition Monday evening.

The board has been considering construction of a new locker room facility and community fitness center at Hills-Beaver Creek High School.

Current locker rooms in the basement of H-BC are not handicap accessible, have space limitations and present air quality issues.

Cost estimates for renovation of the current locker rooms ranged from $80,000 to $100,000, so the board decided to pursue new construction.

Superintendent Tom Knoll invited the firms to attend the meeting and sent them a list of pertinent questions the board would like answered during the interview.

Mayor George Langford and Councilman Jim Jellema, representing the city of Hills, also asked a few questions during the interviews.

The firms were asked to explain their business histories, to estimate their fees, provide insurance information, demonstrate their experience with similar projects, say what type of engineers they used in similar projects, explain what type of contracts they generally use and provide lists of references.

Group II Architects sent three representatives to Monday's meeting. They proposed a $3,500 fee for schematic services to establish the project scope and budget. Reimbursable expenses, estimated in the range of $1,000 to $1,500, including printing of bidding documents, mileage and long distance phone calls, would also be billed out.

In projects with construction costs in the range of $200,000 to $300,000 total fees are estimated at 12 percent of total construction cost, not including reimbursable expenses.

The Spitznagel Inc. representative proposed fees of $1,090 for pre-design and programming and a fee of $3,280 for the schematic design. He proposed total project fees of $21,850 for a $200,000 to $250,000 project. The firm would also bill for reimbursable expenses.

Specialty consultants such as surveyors, geo-technical and civil engineers would be billed directly to the school or separately through the firm.

Hartman Architecture proposed they handle not only the design of the addition but that they contract for construction management. They stressed they could save some general contractor markups on materials by providing construction management services themselves.

"We watch construction dollars closely; we make sure what you get is what you are paying for," said firm owner Roger Hartman. Hartman Architecture designed the last addition at Tuff Memorial Home and listed Administrator Dana Dahlquist as a reference.

They stressed their "hands-on approach to projects." Their fees for a $200,000 project would be in the 8-percent range for architecture alone, and in the 15-percent range including general contractor services. Reimbursable expenses would be $50 per set of plans with an estimated 35 sets needed, according to Hartman.

The board asked each candidate the minimum square footage needed for a locker room. Answers varied depending on if the district built individual showers or group showers and the materials used for construction.

"We need to find out what is totally necessary and what we can cut back on," said School Board member Ann Boeve. "We don’t need gold pipes in the walls."

Board members Boeve, Lloyd DeBoer and Dave Roozenboom had traveled to two area schools and toured their locker rooms. They had "no frills," according to Roozenboom.

"Budget will drive what you can do," said the Spitznagel representative.

"I don't see any way we can get away from construction costs of $100 per square foot," Knoll said after the firms left.

Since the board plans to pay for this project out of the general fund balance, Knoll advised the board not to go over the $200,000 mark for the project.

Using the $100-per-square-foot construction estimate, $200,000 will build a 2,000-square-foot locker room addition.

After much discussion, board member Gary Esselink made the motion that $200,000 is the maximum amount the district can spend on the locker room facilities. Lloyd DeBoer seconded and the motion carried.

No decision was made concerning which architecture firm to hire. The board plans to make a decision on this issue at their next meeting.

The board previously tied up about $200,000 of the $590,000 fund balance when it passed a motion requiring a fund balance of $500 per pupil at all times during its Feb. 12 meeting.

The board added that private donations could increase the amount allotted for the project.

The city of Hills had verbally agreed to help with the fitness center project, according to Boeve, but needed concrete information about the project to proceed.

Area digs out after yet another storm system

By Lori Ehde
The past few mild winters are mere memories by now as area residents dig out from yet another storm system that moved through region over the weekend.

The storm, which meteorologists had predicted a week in advance, made its first appearance in Rock County Friday late afternoon.

By nightfall, snow accumulations totaled only an inch, and Saturday dawned quiet but gray.

With sure predictions of more to come, area residents planned evening events "weather permitting."

By about 4 p.m. Saturday, those predictions started coming true in the form of pouring rain, which eventually turned to snow.

When the winds came up around 7 p.m., flakes fell horizontally, causing near-zero visibility for motorists.

Saturday’s accumulations came to about 3 inches.

Interstate 90 was closed that evening first from Mitchell to Chamberlain, S.D., and as the storm system moved eastward, all lanes were closed all the way to Blue Earth. In addition, all state and county highways in southwest Minnesota were also declared closed.

Sunday church services were cancelled, and area residents and highway workers spent most of the day digging out.

The sun shone brightly most of the day on Sunday, and when the winds died down, the Interstate opened after stranded vehicles were removed from ditches and shoulders.

Many area residents went to bed Sunday night thinking their hard shoveling efforts would allow them clear passage to work the next day, but, as if to add icing on the cake, Mother Nature delivered another healthy inch of fresh snow during the night.

For rural ditches that are already piled high with snow, it doesn't take much for remote township roads to plug, and area schools were forced to start two hours late Monday morning.

The weekend's storm brings the total snowfall this year in Rock County to more than 50 inches - about three times what the area receives in a normal winter.

Forecasters topped off their weekend reports with the happy news that spring is only a few weeks away.... But they also warned that March is typically the snowiest month of the season.

Reading Works

Photo by Jolene Farley

Tyler Crawford (front to back), Katrina Gillaspie, Kyle Rozeboom, Karic Wiertzema, Andrew Scholten, Brittany Buss and Brooke Tilstra listen attentively as their teacher, Diane Vanden Hoek, explains what the class will do for Reading Works Tuesday. Hills-Beaver Creek Community Education offers Reading Works to help students in Grades 2-5 review basic skills in reading.

Dr. Siebert turns page on new chapter in life

By Lori Ehde
On a recent stormy morning, Dr. Darrel Siebert looked out his bedroom window, saw a blizzard howling outside and decided to go back to bed for awhile.

He's still getting used to the idea that retirement has afforded him that luxury. "Right now I still feel like I'm on vacation," Siebert said from his home Tuesday.

Lounging in his sweat pants with the TV remote control nearby, he's the picture of retirement.

So far he doesn't miss work. He doesn't miss 12-hour work days, Sunday morning hospital rotations and taking his turn on call.

"The fact that you know you don't have to be available is such a relief," he said. "It weighs on you without you even realizing it. Our home life has changed drastically."

His wife, Eleanor, who retired from nursing three years ago, has been looking forward to this day. "It's great to have him home," she said.

The couple started easing into his retirement three years ago when he dropped out of the on-call schedule. "I can't believe how much more he was home when he stopped taking call," Eleanor said.

His last day seeing patients was Friday, Dec. 8, and the clinic and hospital hosted an open house retirement party for him Dec. 10. About 250 people stopped that day to wish him well, and Siebert said he will miss the daily contact with patients.

"It's a real reward to make a diagnosis," he said. "I'm not going to say I always did the right thing, but you do the best that you can at the time.... Trying to help people - that's what medicine is all about. Every day is a challenge."

Many of his patients won't forget the role he played in their lives. Since announcing his retirement, Siebert has accumulated a sizeable pile of cards and letters wishing him well.

One 10-year-old girl wrote, "Dear Dr. Siebert, thank you for making me well when I'm sick. I would always be sick if it wasn't for you. Thank you."

In 35 years, Siebert said patient care has improved with advances in modern medicine. "We have a lot more resources today," he said.

For example, when he started there were no heart monitors, and doctors had to only guess how serious a heart condition was.

Tools like ultrasound machines weren't used until about 15 years ago, and many of the medicines he prescribed in 1965 have been replaced with more effective solutions.

His job has gotten easier, too, considering he used to make house calls as far away as Kenneth and Ellsworth. "Those were the days..." Siebert said, rolling his eyes.

He stopped delivering babies several years ago, and toward last, his practice focused more on elderly patients.

"That tends to happen," Siebert said. "You start out with young families and your families grow up with you, and you end up with geriatrics."

As much as he's enjoying his new-found freedom, Siebert said he will miss his coworkers, who have become his close friends through the years.

"It's been 35 years. It's done. It's time to go on to something else," he said.

Now, he and Eleanor are just looking forward to Christmas with their family - their three children and four grandchildren.

Their son, Alan, lives in Fairmont and has two teen-age children. Ann lives in Seattle, Wash., and has two preschool children, and Amy lives in Lincoln, Neb.

In addition to spending more time with children and grandchildren, the Sieberts are planning frequent golf and fishing trips and a trip to Alaska next year.

"I've been telling people I'm going to turn a page and it's a new chapter. The sad thing is it's the last chapter, but I'm going to make the chapter as long and interesting as I can," he said.

Easter Monday now a school day, thanks to snow

By Lori Ehde
Luverne School Board members made the unpopular decision of scheduling class on Easter Monday, a day previously scheduled as a vacation day.

The move during the Thursday, Feb. 22, meeting was prompted by six snow days so far this winter, not counting late starts and early dismissals.

"If we knew Mother Nature wasn't going to cancel anymore school days, we wouldn’t have to discuss this," said Superintendent Vince Schaefer, "but we all know there are still six weeks of prime snow time left this winter."

Since the school calendar called for snow days to be made up at the end of the year, the last day of school is now Thursday, June 7.

With any more snow days, that last day could be Friday, June 8, or into the second week of June.

When Schaefer recommended the board approve Easter Monday as a school day, he did so with quality of learning in mind.

"We're so programmed to end school early in June that productivity falls greatly the longer you go," Schaefer said.

He said he'd go so far as to recommend school on Good Friday, but he said he knew there was little support among staff for that option.

"There are people who have plans in place that allowed for a four-day weekend on Easter break, which is typically a strong family time," Schaefer said.

"As superintendent, I work anyway on June 11, but this is a decision that needs to be discussed tonight."

Before deciding on the matter, board members asked for input from staff members at the meeting.

High School Counselor Craig Nelson didn't hesitate to share how he felt about making up a snow day on Easter Monday.

"You wrote a calendar that said they'd be made up at the end of the year. I don't think it's fair practice to go back on that now," Nelson said, pointing out that some staff have purchased airline tickets for the long weekend.

"I feel pretty strongly about this. I haven't made plans myself, but a lot of people have."

He told board members he believed the majority of staff members opposed scheduling class during Easter break.

"It’s not a perfect world," board member Steve Tofteland said. "Even if we had snow days built in, someone was going to have plans disrupted."

Board Chair Don Bryan agreed. "People make plans for June 6 and 7, too," he said. "There are likely some staff who would just as soon have school on Easter Monday than go longer in the summer."

Board member Cary Radisewitz sympathized with staff members but hoped they'd understand the board's predicament.

"This is an uncommon situation," he said, referring to the harsh winter.

Knowing the decision would be unpopular with staff, Schaefer still recommended the board make up a snow day on Easter Monday, April 16.

"I don't want to take on 102 staff members who have made plans," Schaefer said, "but educationally, I think it's better to go to school on Easter Monday than to extend the school year into June."

Radisewitz made the motion, Tofteland seconded it, and it passed unanimously.

Trees on campus
In other snow-related business, board members decided to extend tree-planting plans to include a row of more mature trees along the base of the hill just west of the elementary school.

"We have one heck of a drift to the north of the school. It took two days just to dig through to get the door open," Schaefer said, pointing out that the buried playground equipment is suffering under the weight of the snow.

"We need to find some way to impede the progress there."

The district has long been considering a plan to plant seedlings around the periphery of property west of school, but at their Thursday meeting they also agreed to plant trees on school property to act as a snow break.

Initial tree plans last year called for a single row of seedlings around the ball diamonds and agriculture/prairie land to the west.

Now, in addition to the snow break trees on school property, plans call for a double row of seedlings with biodegradable matting, plus trees along the ball fields driveway for shade.

The decision to expand the project was driven by state and federal funds to help cover expenses. Plus, Tofteland said, "Funds in the farm fund are more than sufficient to cover it."

Expenditures for the project are estimated at $12,000. Board members approved the first half of that expense Thursday night.

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